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Q&A: Humourist Drew Hayden Taylor on Sir John A, residential schools and teaching with humour

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Drew Hayden Taylor, the ‘blue-eyed Ojibway’ playwright and humourist from Curve Lake, near Peterborough, is the author of more than 70 works and has travelled the world “spreading the gospel of Native literature.” His latest play, Sir John: Acts of a Gentrified Ojibway Rebellion, debuts at the NAC English Theatre on Oct. 3 for a two-week run. The play was commissioned by the NAC a year ago as part of its Canada150 celebrations. The Citizen caught up with Taylor by phone in Toronto, where he was attending that city’s Word on the Street festival.

Q: Sir John A Macdonald has been in the news because of the calls to strip his names from Ontario public schools. Is it just coincidence that your play is opening now?

A: I planned all of this years in advance. In fact, I sent a thank you note to the NAC for doing such a good job marketing!

No, in fact, I was contacted by the NAC to see if I’d be interested in writing a play about Sir John A Macdonald. My immediate reaction was ‘Why me?’ I’m not known for writing plays about dead white politicians. But I thought about it and the idea intrigued me. I asked them why and they said I could provide an interesting perspective about Sir John A. The more I thought about it, the more I thought, ‘This might be cool. This might be interesting. It’s a little out of my comfort zone, but let’s see what I can do with the man, the myth, the reality.’ I said yes and here we are.

Q: As an Indigenous writer, how aware were you of Macdonald’s role in establishing residential schools?

A: I had a cursory knowledge of the man and his long-term generational effects on Canada’s First Nations people. You do your research and you find out more and more. I didn’t know, for example, that while he was prime minister he was also superintendent of Indian Affairs. He was at the top of the pyramid in terms of deciding how Native people should be treated and what would happen to them and where he thought — as a rich white person — Native people belong in the Canadian society.

Q: I recently spoke to an Indigenous man who felt so strongly about Macdonald that he would refuse to accept a $10 bill because it has Macdonald’s image on it. Do you feel that strongly about him?

A: Not that vehemently. I’ll take a $10 bill from anybody. (Taylor makes the sound of a snaredrum ‘rim shot’) I’m here all week people … try the Buffalo!

I’m very much aware, especially after working on this project, how much damage the man did to generations of Indigenous people in this country. I understand it, I accept it, and I support the various levels of vehemence against this man. And I love this quote: ‘You have to understand that Sir John A Macdonald was a man of his time. He was no better or no worse than anybody else. You have to understand it in context.’ I love that phrase. It means I can be the most horrible person I want to be now and hopefully in a 100 years someone will say, ‘You have to understand Drew in the context of his time’ and that will absolve me of everything.

Q: So I guess you don’t give Sir John A a pass …

A: He did many wonderful things for non-Native people and non-Native people should be fond and adoring of him. He did many horrible and atrocious things for Native people and that’s why they view him that way.

There’s a line in my play where he says ‘All Canadians look to England and see home. Except for the Indians. Except for the Irish. Except for the French …’

Q: So what can people expect from Sir John: Acts of a Gentrified Ojibway Rebellion?

A: It’s a road play about two Native guys going on a journey to John A’s birthplace and along the way pick up a marooned, non-Native who’s on her way to Kingston. Along the way they discuss John A, Canada, Confederation and Indigenous politics. I’m making it sound very dialogue heavy and didactic, but it’s actually a comedy with lots of music. It asks questions, it answers a few and it will make you laugh and sing. Hopefully, you’ll come out thinking, ‘What the heck was that?’

Q: There’s not many people making jokes about Sir John A and his role in residential schools these days …

A: I’m a firm believe that you can learn as much through comedy as you can through anger or through depression. If the message is coated in candy and sweetness, you will linger and listen. If someone is on the street corner angry and screaming, chances are you’ll just walk by.

My mandate as a writer is to educate, entertain and illuminate, in whatever order seems necessary.

Sir John A: Acts of a Gentrified Ojibway Rebellion 
Directed by Jim Millan
Starring: Herbie Barnes, Darrell Dennis, Martin Julien and Katie Ryerson.
When: Oct. 3-14, 8 p.m., with 2 p.m. matinees on Saturdays
Where: NAC Azrieli Studio
Tickets: Available online on the NAC’s website in person at the NAC Box Office, at all Ticketmaster outlets or by telephone at 1-888-991-2787

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