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Ottawa filmmaker comes home with Second Life

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When Benjamin Reyes was a youngster growing up in Kanata, he occasionally attended the Ottawa International Animation Festival, and to this day still cherishes the autographed brochure he got one year from David Silverman, animator and director of numerous episodes of The Simpsons.

“That was really cool because The Simpsons was a big part of my childhood,” says Reyes, who at the time was only about 14 and attending Canterbury High School.

He was enrolled in the school’s literary arts program, but increasingly found himself drawn to filmmaking, a direction he followed when, after graduation, he signed up for Ryerson’s film studies program.

This week, Reyes, 23, returns to Ottawa from Toronto, to once again attend the festival, but this time as a filmmaker. His 10-minute animated short, Second Life, is among 17 films selected for the Canadian Student Competition, being shown Saturday and Sunday at Arts Court.

“This is a big deal for me,” he says. “Growing up in Ottawa, that was the festival that you’d want to get into if you were into animation. It brings so many people, and unique animations, from all over the world into the city.”

Indeed, the festival, which runs at eight venues over five days this week, bills itself as the oldest (41 years) and largest animation festival in the western hemisphere.

“For me, the biggest thing is to get to attend the festival as a filmmaker and be part of the seminars and workshops,” adds Reyes. “Just being part of the festival is the biggest thing.”

Reyes’s film, combining old-school 8-bit technology with live action and 3-D scanning, tells of David, who, after meeting a woman online through virtual reality, is faced with the decision of which reality he wants to live in, the “real” one or the online one. The film was Reyes’s undergrad thesis at Ryerson, giving him most of the last school year to complete.

“This was the first time I could really sit down and flesh out a whole story,” he says, “whereas in the past, making shorts was always a quick turnaround and there wasn’t all the time to invest in the story of it.”

And while Reyes says the specifics of Second Life — named for a virtual reality game where people create avatars and meet online — aren’t autobiographical, the cautionary tale is certainly one familiar to his cohort.

“I felt like this was my generation’s story to tell. We’re at a point now where technology is really intersecting with people’s relationships with each other. The way we communicate through technology has changed a lot and I felt this was an interesting time to address that.

“I’ve never encountered myself in that exact position that’s in the film, so a lot of that is an imagined scenario, but communicating through technology was definitely a huge part of growing up. In elementary school, I’m sure everybody can relate to how you go home, and the people you’ve been talking to all day at school, basically you’d get home and jump on to MSN and continue talking with these people. And maybe you would have conversations that you wouldn’t have with them in person.

“So I feel like there’s definitely that element of having relationships through technology, or even now keeping in touch with people from my hometown through technology. So you’re continuing these relationships without being there in person.”

And part of his inspiration, he says, came from a documentary he watched about a couple who initially met on the Second Life game, only to meet in person years later.

“I was interested in these stories you would hear of people meeting each other through the Internet, through things like Second Life. That idea was bizarre and interesting to me, that you could know somebody strictly through this avatar and not even see their face or know what they look like, and you don’t really know who’s controlling them.”

While Second Life marks Reyes’s premiere at the Ottawa festival, this is not his first festival appearance. In 2013, his two-minute short Fashions Fade took first place in the inaugural ELLE Canada fashion film competition at the Whistler Film Festival. Among his other projects, Reyes currently does videography for ELLE, so he recognizes the importance of the festival network.

“It’s a good opportunity to meet people doing similar things, and there are also a lot of animation companies that attend, and so it’s an opportunity for them to see your work.”

Ottawa International Animation Festival
When: Wed., Sept. 20 through Sun., Sept. 24
Where: Several venues in the downtown area
Tickets: Individual screening tickets and festival passes available
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