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The sweater, the switch and the wardrobe

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Ah, Canadian Fall — the ultimate transitional season. One minute it’s dry out, the next it’s raining cats and dogs with multiple daily temperature shifts.


As well as ruining the tanning agenda of a certain Scottish design duo, the changing season also screws up our ‘wardrobe planning’.

Aye, we end up changing our outfits with frequency akin to Cher during one of her glittering ‘farewell’ tours.  

For us, though, clothing selection is made easier by a well-organised closet, in which sartorial order reins supreme. Arranged by wearer, garment and colour, specific item location (as and when required) is a synch. 

But what if your wardrobe is more woeful than wonderful? Well worry not, your fairy Godfathers have assembled a ‘Wardrobe 101’.

Studied carefully, it will introduce order whilst improving your fashion sense into the bargain. Hold tight, we’ve got your back. 

First step to wardrobe perfection?  Facing facts — many of us use just 20 per cent of our clothes a whopping 80 per cent of the time.

Hmm, it doesn’t take a statistician to observe that the remaining four-fifths lie dormant, consuming much needed space. The remedy? Purge. Dispatch to charity all the clutter shoved so far back in the closet it might as well be in Narnia, all those impulse buys you’ve never even worn and everything that doesn’t fit. Be ruthless. You know it makes sense…

Sort clothes to make storage easier. Order everything into jackets, shirts, trousers, skirts and so on. Group small items and, conversely, bulky clothes into piles.

This will show, at a glance, your storage requirements. Grouping items according to category may seem like a hassle but take it from us, the sense of order is utterly liberating.   

With freed up space (post purge) you’ll be better able to see if existing storage actually fits your (and your partner’s) clothing.

Is there enough room? Do you need to install built-ins? Or should you go even further and transform a spare room, if you have one, into a full-scale dressing area?

Companies like California Closets or Space Solutions will adeptly manage the entire installation to ensure your requirements are perfectly addressed.

Check out the Toile De Jouy dressing room we created in the shell of a previous junk room. Sweet, huh?

If your needs are smaller, making better of existing space may be the way forward. Ikea ( are masters of wardrobe solutions that maximise storage — from open shoe racks to sliding closet doors that take up way less room, there’s almost certainly a solution at the big blue and yellow.

If square-footage is tight in your existing accommodation, max up with the NeatFreak! ClosetMAX 6 Shelf with Expandable Bar.

Priced at $59.99 from the simple addition suspends from your existing rail, adding a lower level hanging bar for shirts and trousers plus six fabric pockets, ideal for smaller items.

Adding drawer dividers tempts further order making storage and retrieval way simpler — ‘InterDesign Linus Adjustable Deep Drawer Dividers’ from Bed, Bath and Beyond fit existing drawers, and, in doing so, create three smaller compartments in one.

Easy to fit, they’re great value at $25 a pack from

Kit out an empty closet by shopping Rubbermaid at Home Depot

The storage gurus purvey easy-to-install shelf and rail kits that substantially amplify hanging and stash space. And the best news? They won’t break the bank.

To reduce wardrobe bulk, vacuum pack linens and off-season clothes and pop under the bed: this simple ‘seasonal adjustment’ tip frees up so much room. Try Ziploc vacuum-sealed bags, $15.99 at Canadian Tire

Stop your closet floor piling high with shoes and bags by adding stackable lower level shelving. The ClosetMaid 31 inch Horizontal Organizer, at $20 from Walmart ( is ideal.

Penultimately, don’t forget to include a mirror (and proper lighting) so you can dress, at all times confidant you look fabulous.

Finally, if space permits, add a comfy padded bench upon which you can sit (and arrange clothes) when trying on new outfits. Detail, right?

Auspicious storage addressed, you’ll soon have sweaters, tuques, winter boots and, erm, bikinis close at hand.

Which is all terribly convenient, given that, courtesy of Canada’s constant climatic yo-yo, you might just need the whole darned lot… in one day. Good luck!

— Watch for Colin and Justin on ‘Colin and Justin’s Cabin Pressure’ (Cottage Life TV), ‘Game of Homes’ (W Network) and ‘Cityline’ (Citytv). Find the ‘Colin and Justin Home Collection’ in stores across Canada.

For more information, visit


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