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The defiant quest of Sindy Hooper

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For worse and better, Ottawa’s Sindy Hooper has repeatedly defied the odds.

In early January 2013, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, even though she was then a top-flight triathlete with none of the common risk factors: diabetes, smoking, obesity. No one in her large family had ever been diagnosed with cancer, much less pancreatic cancer, which is among the deadliest forms of the disease.

The five-year survival rate remains the lowest of all the major cancers at about eight per cent.

Today, Hooper is on track to defy those odds in spectacular fashion.

She will leave later this month for France where she’ll compete in Ironman Vichy, an endurance race that features a 3.86-kilometre swim, a 180.25-kilometre bike ride and a 42.16-kilometre run.

But her goal is not to simply finish the race. Instead, at 54, she wants to complete the course in 12 hours and 20 minutes, to win her age category, and to qualify for the world championships.

Hooper’s defiant quest is to achieve the Ironman dream that she held before her diagnosis.

Sindy Hooper, seen here with her husband, John Hooper, will leave for France later this month to compete in an Ironman competition five years after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer - the most deadly form of the disease. Julie Oliver/Postmedia


“It’s important to me not to waste that gift — the gift of health,” she says. “I really like to challenge myself, to push myself, and with everything I’ve been through, I think it’s just a great miracle, first of all, that I’m still alive, and second of all, that I’m healthy enough to be able to do that.”

Her husband, critical care physician Jonathan Hooper, is more succinct: “Sindy is stubborn.”

Why would someone who lives in six-month intervals, from CT scan to CT scan, spend 20 hours a weeks swimming, biking and running? Why suffer the trials and pain of an Ironman?

To appreciate Hooper’s answers to those questions, you have to understand her story.

Hooper grew up in Blackburn Hamlet where she played basketball, volleyball and soccer at Gloucester High School before studying health administration at the University of Ottawa. She didn’t take up endurance sports until she was in her 40s when she was a mother of two and a human resources manager at The Ottawa Hospital.

She was introduced to running in 2008 when she agreed to help a girlfriend train for a half-marathon. She thought it would prepare her for the soccer season. Hooper ended up running the Ottawa Marathon and did so well that she qualified for the Boston Marathon — an elusive career goal for many runners. She was hooked.

The following year, another friend invited her to train for a sprint triathlon. At the time, she didn’t even own a bike. But Hooper quickly fell in love with the sport, and the pace of her training and ambition quickened. In June 2012, she competed in her first half Ironman (2 km swim, 90 km bike, 21.1 km run) and narrowly missed out on a place at the world championships. Two months later, she completed the full Ironman Mont Tremblant in a time of 11 hours, 38 minutes, and again just missed an invite to the worlds in Kona, Hawaii.

She resolved to cut her time to 11 hours flat at the Ironman Canada race scheduled for August 2013 in Whistler, B.C.

But in late 2012, as she approached her 50th birthday, Hooper began experiencing some stomach and lower back pain. Early in the New Year, she felt unusually tired and was bothered by diarrhea. Her husband worried about a touch of jaundice in her eyes and arranged an emergency ultrasound at The Ottawa Hospital.

Hooper stood beside the technician during the test. As soon as the probe touched his wife’s skin, he recognized the shape of a tumour on the computer screen. The radiologist later confirmed that she had pancreatic cancer.

“It was mind-boggling,” he remembers.

Sindy Hooper will leave for France later this month to compete in an Ironman competition five years after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer - the most deadly form of the disease. Julie Oliver/Postmedia.


Hooper knew that the odds were stacked against his wife: About three-quarters of those diagnosed with the disease die within the first year since it tends to develop with few symptoms. Only about 15 per cent of patients have the cancer discovered early enough to be eligible for surgery.

Hooper beat those odds when tests proved she was a candidate for a Whipple procedure, a complex and demanding surgery. Doctors took out half of her pancreas and stomach, one-third of her small intestine and all of her gallbladder. Already lean, Cooper lost 18 pounds after the surgery — and she still faced one month of radiation and six months of chemotherapy to eliminate some stray cancer cells.

Hooper decided to begin training for Ironman Canada simply to reclaim a sense of normalcy — and to squelch the fear that roiled her insides.

“In Ironman, it was overwhelming to think about trying to complete the whole race: I’d only ever think about the swim. When that was done, I’d think about the bike, then the run. I think it was the same with cancer. I never thought about the whole thing because it was just so terrifying and overwhelming. I just kind of blocked it out and looked at little pieces of it.”

In August 2013, while still undergoing chemotherapy, she flew to Whistler for Ironman Canada. She thought she might just take part in the swim, but a little more than 16 hours later, she crossed the finish line, surprising even herself.

In the process, Hooper raised almost $50,000 for pancreatic cancer research. (Her running group, Marathoners Gone Viral, has since raised more than $100,000 for cancer immunotherapy research.)

During the past four years, Hooper has continued to rebuild her endurance while living with the stress of a CT scan every six months. Each time the test confirms that her cancer has not returned, she plans another six months of training and travel.

Her last scan in March was clear; the next is scheduled for November.

So why take on an epic physical test like an Ironman with her latest six month reprieve?

“I’m a competitive person, and I absolutely love swimming, biking and running,” Hooper explains. “The more I can do it, the more it makes me happy. Training gives me a lot of joy and makes me feel healthy. And I really would love to see if I can achieve this after all I’ve been through.”

Hooper’s rewired digestive system has complicated training since it’s difficult for her to absorb the nutrients she needs to build muscle. In the spring, she considered abandoning her quest because her gastro-intestinal issues became so acute. They’ve since dissipated. “I’m feeling really strong right now,” she says.

Every week, for months, Hooper has done three swims, three bikes and three runs. She’s now training 20 hours a week.

Heading into the Ironman, her biggest concern is whether she’ll be able to maintain her body’s equilibrium on race day.

“It’s really great when my biggest worry is whether I’m going to qualify for Kona,” she says.



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