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Gibbons: Brown shouldn’t take conservatives’ support for granted

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Patrick Brown may be enjoying the view from his perch atop most opinion polls, but he’d do well to listen to those rumblings in the distance. They’re the sound of growing discontent over his leadership of the Ontario PCs, and they’re from deep within the party.

The Conservatives have enjoyed such a commanding lead in opinion polls of late that it was only natural that Brown’s office would dismiss a wheels-off-the-bus profile of the PC leader by the Toronto Star last week as just another predictable Liberal hit job.
Maybe so. The paper isn’t exactly turf-friendly for the PCs.

But the Liberals and one profile aren’t Brown’s biggest problems these days. The party is plagued by internal controversy in at least half a dozen ridings and a rising chorus of party malcontents is expressing alarm over his leadership and the dirty tricks they allege are being employed by his office during nomination battles, including right here in Ottawa.

The critics fall into two camps: Social conservatives who think Brown has surrendered principle in the pursuit of more moderate progressive voters, and party stalwarts who cry shenanigans over tactics being employed to get what they see as Brown-favoured candidates nominated for the next election.

An increasing number of social conservatives remain furious over his stance on issues like sex education in public schools. Until now, alienating this group was tactically a low-risk venture for Brown since these voters really had nowhere to go once the election writ was dropped.

That is less true today now that a fledgling Trillium Party, complete with discarded PC MPP Jack Maclaren as its first MPP, has sprung up to offer sanctuary to social conservatives who feel their party has lost its way.

“A Trillium Solution means it comes from the constituents not the leader of the political party,” Trillium boasts on its slim-on-policy website.

The Trillium Party is unlikely to muster anywhere near the support to get MPPs elected to the legislature, but it is certainly capable of skimming off enough to jeopardize PC fortunes in a number of ridings.

Who knows? We may be witnessing the beginning of a formal split in PC support into two right-of-centre parties, potentially with all the calamitous consequences for conservatives that we have seen play out in Alberta.

More worrisome for Brown should be the residual anger among other party members over the manner in which some PC candidates won their nomination fights amidst allegations of ballot stuffing, etc.

In Ottawa, a new group of PC malcontents has sprung up promising to work against the PCs in the next election in hopes of seeing a Liberal minority government. Yes, a Liberal minority.

The loopy logic motivating this group of malcontents is that a Liberal minority would create the opportunity for the PCs to quickly dump Brown as leader before triggering another early election under new leadership.

“Normally, you would not replace a leader in a minority government, but Brown is so disliked by his own members we feel this is an exception,” the group’s organizer, Carlo Naldino, told me last week.

Naldino’s disenchantment with the party he has supported for many years is the result of a nomination battle in Ottawa West-Nepean that resulted in wild allegations of ballot box stuffing with more votes cast than registered voters.
“This was full-on ballot stuffing … and this was organized by the party at Patrick Brown’s direction,” Naldino alleges. And It’s not the only Ottawa riding where party members are feeling bruised after nasty nomination fights.

“He’s basically just an opportunist who will do or any say anything.”

Naldino admits his group is small, but claims to be organized with a focus on helping independent candidates in selected ridings next election. They are not formally allied with other disenchanted groups, like social conservatives, but he says they communicate and will, to some degree, likely co-ordinate their efforts.

Sitting in the wings is a Liberal government overjoyed to exploit such turmoil on the right.

While Brown may still be eclipsing Wynne in most opinion polls, he’d do well to drop the Alfred E. Neuman act and start shoring up his base while there is still time.

Rick Gibbons is a former publisher of the Sun and broadcaster


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