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 When the Stephen Harper government placed visitor visa requirements on Mexico and Hungary, it was to keep undesirables out and prevent tens of thousands of fraudulent refugee claims that were costing taxpayers hundreds of millions. Why Prime Minister Justin Trudeau removed the visa requirement was never explained, other than he wants open borders, as we saw with his invitation to anyone seeking asylum.

There are reports that Mexican drug cartels are eyeing moving operations into Canada once marijuana is legalized. From devaluing our citizenship to weakening our national security, Trudeau continues making bone-headed decisions.

Larry Comeau, Ottawa

(Most immigrants aren’t security threats, though.)


I have just finished reading, with great disbelief, of the $10.5-million gift being given to terrorist Omar Khadr. While they’re at it, why don’t Prime Minister Selfie and his bunch of buffoons give him a ticker-tape parade and make him the next Governor General of Canada?

Daniel Gauvreau, Ottawa

(The government argues it had little choice on the payout.)


Re: David Reevely’s column, even though a few trees did not make it on the Bank Street side of the new Lansdowne complex, this is a small annoyance in an otherwise spectacular facility.

If that is all there is to complain about, then we know this venture has been a complete success. The trees will grow eventually. Like everything else, it takes time.

Stephen Flanagan, Ottawa

(Eventually we’ll be complaining about all the leaves city staff have to rake.)


Re: Federal Court asked to strike down Safe Third Country deal with the U.S.

I have to say that there is finally something about federal Liberal policy that I agree with. The United States is as safe a third country as you will find on the planet right now. Nowhere in Europe is safe, so where else is there?

I think the thing that bothers me most about the anti-Trump crowd is that it tells lies about his immigration policy. The desire to deport 11 million Mexicans is nothing more than enforcing U.S. immigration law. Would Canada allow 11 million people to cross from the U.S. with no documentation? If we did, we would be fools.

The press should stop covering this story, as it is an insult to our American neighbours.

Doug McGoldrick, Ottawa

(Coverage will continue — but happily, so will commentary.)


Re: Black widow spider in Kanata family’s grapes.

Kanata’s Casey Canning found a black widow spider while washing grapes in a sieve. According to Christy Canning, black widows are shy and unlikely to bite without being provoked. Good to know.

This week, I poured water over grapes and cherries in a sieve, shook and swirled it all around, grabbed a paper towel and rubbed it over the fruit in the sieve. Now, I don’t know what it takes to provoke a black widow spider but, had one been in my sieve, it’s possible my actions might have qualified.

In future, everything’s just getting a light rinse with no swirling, shaking or upsetting something even more with a paper towel.

Jill Young, Nepean

(Good plan. ) 

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