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Puddles and patriotism mark Canada 150 celebration

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Canadians poured out their love for Canada on Saturday — and Canada poured it right back, with twin deluges to start and end a day of remarkable festivities on Parliament Hill.

“We’re Canadian! We’re not going to let a little weather slow us down, are we?” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau exhorted from the stage during the noon-hour Canada Day show.

An overnight rain turned the parliamentary lawns to lakes, but that didn’t stop an estimated 30,000 people tramping through the mud for a show of patriotism for the country’s 150th birthday bash.

Or, in some cases, to claim their ancestral territory and remind the country that 150 years is just a blink of an eye for First Nations people.

“Let’s not kid ourselves. Today is not really our 150th birthday,” Trudeau said. “We’re much older than that. Canada and the idea of Canada goes much further back than 150 years. For thousands of years, in this place, people have met, traded, built, loved, lost, fought and grieved.”

The nod to indigenous people was echoed by Gov. Gen. David Johnston

“We’re gathering on Algonquin traditional territory, the site of our Parliament, and we can truly feel the spirit of this land today,” Johnston said. “That spirit of inclusiveness and the desire to do things better is the spirit behind Confederation achieved 150 years ago.”

On Saturday, at least, that territory was waterlogged. Rain fell throughout the morning, making the Hill a quagmire. At one point, Ottawa firefighters arrived with pumps to try to drain the water. But the weather didn’t seem to deter many from making the trek to the Hill.

Attendance varied through the day, apparently due to the weather. The Hill’s central lawn reached 75 per cent capacity by about 2 p.m. Capacity is rated at about 31,000 for the Parliamentary lawn, not including surrounding streets. By 5 p.m., attendance had dropped to about 60 per cent capacity, or about 16,000 people.

Many blamed the tight security for the lower than expected numbers. Security was the tightest it had ever been for Canada Day, coming so soon after deadly attacks in London and Manchester. Heavy-duty graders and dump trucks blocked roads leading to the Hill.

The thump of circling helicopters was a constant throughout the downtown. RCMP, OPP, Ottawa police officers — many carrying assault rifles — joined officers of the Parliamentary Protective Services throughout the crowd. Snipers with spotter scopes kept a watchful eye from adjacent rooftops.

The heavy-handed security left a bitter taste for some, many who waited for hours to pass through security at one of two entrances to the Hill.

“They were not prepared for this day at all,” said one Facebook commenter.

“There are no bathrooms for the thousands of people waiting in line for 3-4 hrs to get onto even Wellington Street so one can even see the Parliament.”

Mohammed and Amira Mizra and their children were among those who gave up making it through security.

 “The line was ridiculous,” said Amira. “The line went all the way to the end of the street. We waited three hours so Trudeau had come and gone by that time. We just gave up and went to get Beavertails.”

Those who did make were treated to a show fit for a king, or at least, a king-to-be.

The showers let up just in time for the arrival by horse-drawn landau of the guests of honour, Charles, Prince of Wales, and the Duchess of Cornwall. After being greeted by a traditional First Nations dance at the Centennial Flame, the royals made their way to their seats for the first of the day’s two gala stage shows.

Sandwiching the official speeches were performances by Buffy Sainte-Marie, Walk Off the Earth and, memorably, from U2’s Bono and The Edge.

“When others build walls, you open doors,” Bono told the crowd. “When others divide, you open arms wide. When you lead, others follow, and that’s the real reason The Edge and I are here today,” Bono said before the duo launched into a version of One.

The crummy weather did force the cancellation of one Canada Day staple: The Canadian Forces Snowbirds were grounded, though a maple leaf-adorned CF-18 fighter did make one roaring flypast of the cheering crowd.

“We should be clear and proud that we are celebrating a country that others look to for example. An example of fairness and inclusion, of always striving to be better,” Prince Charles said in his speech on the Hill. “Around the world, Canada is recognized as a champion of human rights,” he added as the crowd erupted in cheers.

The prince also referenced the Canadian victory at Vimy Ridge, 100 years ago in April, and the Canadian soldiers who lost their lives.

“Thousands of them gave of themselves on those fields, far from home. That was a gift to all our futures and one we must never forget.”

Police said they had few if any incidents through the morning and afternoon. When the sun came out later in the day, the temperature soared and the humidity was oppressive, but the Ottawa Paramedic Service said it had dealt with only a handful of medical cases, and only one requiring transport of a patient to hospital.

OC Transpo buses were jammed all day and riders were reporting hour-long waits at some spots as full buses roared past them.

The capital was under a severe thunderstorm watch for much of the afternoon and a late downpour drenched revellers on the Hill just after dinner.

As the night progressed, delays were being reported with thunder and lightning in the area and the crowd still anxiously awaiting fireworks scheduled for 11 p.m.

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