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Krayden: Five battles that defined Canada

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It is both an honour and a great joy to select five battles that defined Canada. If you’ve ever spent time in the military or are an armchair general who enjoys musing with friends over the significance of this great martial contest or that massive military confrontation, then you’ll understand both the eagerness to make a selection and the frustration that there are so many choices to make.

In making my selections, I have considered not only the size and consequence of the battle, but the effects and implications it had on Canadian identity and the Canadian military. I have also endeavoured to include the entire scope of Canada’s military history: Our military contributions to both the Great War and the Second World War were so vast and so important to the outcome of both gargantuan conflicts that it would be a simple task to select five battles from either of these best-known wars.

We must start at the very beginning of the Canadian experience and that is the Battle of the Plains of Abraham on Sept. 13, 1759. As the battle that decided the Seven Years’ War, it was a great victory for the British Empire and a bitter defeat for the French. It remains controversial today, not because there was ever any debate over the results of the battle — but specifically because there wasn’t.

British North America subsumed New France, and the result was 200 years of first London, and then Ottawa, walking a tightrope with a French-Canadian population that never felt entirely at peace or at home with the rest of English Canada.

There were some attempts to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the battle in 2009 with a re-enactment. The Harper government was very enthusiastic about military heritage but the push-back from Quebec — even after all those years, a Quiet Revolution and several brushes with separation — was still enough to show the battle retained a cultural sting that continued to make it more a political testament than military history. Regardless, the Plains of Abraham in one literal day created the embryo that would become the self-governing dominion of Canada 108 years later.

Of course, military operations had a great deal to do with Confederation in 1867. Canada was often harassed by the Irish-nationalist Fenian raids in the 1860s and ‘70s. The U.S. Civil War of 1861-65 made the Union army one of the largest in the world.

That daunting martial force, combined with America’s aggressive western expansion, convinced the both the Canadian colony and the British mother country that Canada had to be more than just untethered pieces of the empire. The wars of the Victorian age were largely contained affairs and over quickly. Canada’s first great contribution to the maintenance of British hegemony around the world came with the Boer War, when English-Canadians enlisted to fight in South Africa from 1899-1902.

But we need to move the story ahead to the First World War for the second battle of great significance.

The Great War of 1914-18 was a dirty, febrile, fetid and exhausting conflict that was so devastating and so enormous in scope that few would have believed it could be possible a decade earlier. When Britain declared war on Germany, Canada was immediately at war too. Our participation was impressive, our valour unsurpassed and our losses as grievous and as tragic as those of any nation fighting in the trenches of Europe.

Canadians at Ypres in April 1915 would face the first lethal gas attack of the war and, without either warning or protection, Canadian know-how improvised make-shift gas masks in the field: men urinated into hankies and pressed them to their noses.

Yet as great and horrific as this day would be for the Canadians, the Battle of Vimy Ridge in April 1917 was the single greatest episode of the war for the Canadian Expeditionary Force and the nation itself. After several unsuccessful British attempts to take the heights where well-entrenched Germans waited with machine guns ready, Canada, whether through sheer bravado or military bravura; skillful execution or dogged determination. took its objective where others had failed. Perhaps a nation had not been born, but an independent nation had emerged from the hell of the Western Front. Canada would not, not during the war or after it, be treated as mere colonial appendage anymore.

Prime Minister Robert Borden was unable to declare war in 1914, but he watched with increasing pride and determination as our Canadian army proved itself again and again in a war described as – most famously and optimistically by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson – the one “to end all wars.”
But the Versailles Treaty of 1919 would ensure that the bucolic landscapes of Europe would again be transformed into battlefields.

The Second World War began on Sept. 1, 1939 when Germany invaded Poland and overran all resistance in weeks. Britain declared war on Sept. 3, but did virtually nothing to arrest the Nazi conquest of Europe until Hitler invaded France in May 1940.

Canada, quite significantly, declared war on Germany on Sept. 10 and Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King understood it was also a declaration of Canada’s foreign policy independence.

Where do you begin with Canada’s considerable contributions to the largest, most destructive and most lethal war in history? Canada played an enormous role in the air.

There was not even a United States Air Force in 1939; but the Royal Canadian Air Force had already been flying for 15 years. RCAF pilots not only served with great distinction in the Battle of Britain — not a turning point in the war as some believe, but a vitally important victory for the Commonwealth when she stood alone against Nazi aggression. The RCAF gave an even greater measure of devotion with Bomber Command in a nighttime bombing campaign that required the kind of bravery that most people can only hope to muster. Bomber crews had one of the highest fatality rates of any unit in the war.

But our third most significant battle might come as a surprise to some. It is impossible to ignore the cynosure role of the Battle of the Atlantic. Fought in the air as well as on the sea, this seesaw and extended military tug-of-war lasted about as long as the war itself and is really the defining episode in the annals of the Royal Canadian Navy.

Though long journeys across the cold North Atlantic waters, RCN crews fought German U-Boats in a determined effort to keep the all-important supply lifeline open between North America and Britain. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill rated these efforts very highly, and deemed victory as an absolute necessity. It was not only a war between destroyer convoys and often-doomed U-Boat crews, it was a technological race between increasingly sophisticated submarines and the new and varied measures to locate and sink them.

But for the most defining battle of the war, and our fourth greatest battle, it has to be D-Day, June 6, 1944, when Canada not only participated in the greatest amphibious invasion in history, we took our own beach at Juno.

Think about this for a minute.

Here is Canada, a nation with a population of about 12 million at the time and we’re planning and executing a battle alongside the British Empire and the United States.

That’s what’s called punching above your weight.

Of course, we took Juno and D-Day was a huge allied victory that eventually catapulted its supreme commander Dwight Eisenhower into the American presidency. But it was more than that for Canada: the legacy of D-Day was one of a nation that could do far more than was expected of it. By the end of the war Canada had the third largest navy and the fourth largest air force in the world and throughout the first decades of the Cold War we continued to punch above our weight and earned the respect and admiration not only of our American and British allies, but of the whole world.

Canada did not sit still for Soviet aggression during those early Cold War years, either. When communist forces violated South Korean sovereignty in 1950, Canada contributed troops from the Prince Patricia’s Canadian Light infantry (PPCLI) and seconded pilots to the U.S. Air Force.

But for much of the Cold War, Canada focused on United Nations peacekeeping operations. For successive governments, peacekeeping was a way to use the military without the danger of significant casualties. For those who chose to either ignore or erase Canada’s more-than-casual relationship with combat, peacekeeping was safe, humanitarian and non-combative.

Of course, many of those peacekeepers will tell you that they were often placed in combat zones where there was no peace to keep. And it wasn’t as if Canadian Armed Forces personnel didn’t die keeping or fighting for that peace all over the world.

But the peacekeeping era came to an end in September 1993 at our fifth significant battle: Medak Pocket. It was supposed to be just another UN peacekeeping mission, but it turned out to be the return of the Canadian warrior. The timing of the battle is significant, too.

The Cold War was over: the Berlin Wall had fallen in 1989. There had been the incredibly swift implosion of the Soviet empire, first the satellite countries of the Warsaw Pact and then the Soviet Union itself. It was a new age, a brave new world, which the military leaders of the time like to refer to as “interesting times.” They had known the assumptions and the strategy of the Cold War for so long it just didn’t seem real to have to cope with anything else.

By 1993, Canada was keeping the “peace” in what we used to call the former Yugoslavia, which had fallen apart into several warring nations, fuelled by ethnic and religious hatred. The PPCLI was deployed to Croatia, into what was not a peacekeeping mission but an area in the midst a civil war. It was the beginning of a new addition to the military vernacular: peacemaking.

As the Canadian soldiers watched the horrors of an ethnic cleansing by Croat forces against Serbs — replete with murder, rape and torture — they decided to take a stand. They fought the Croatian soldiers for several days and beat them back to the original demarcation line established by the UN.
It was another defining moment for the Canadian military and for Canada in a fractured, terrorist-obsessed world that we still occupy.

We have a proud and rich military heritage in Canada. We don’t need to appropriate the heroes or demonstrated courage of any other nation. The Canadian Armed Forces hasn’t had consistent funding since Prime Minister Louis St-Laurent was in power but despite enduring the sometimes interest and all too often neglect of successive federal governments, our men and women in uniform remain the best-trained, best-motivated and — despite the nonsense you read in the liberal media — the best people in the world.

David Krayden is an Ottawa-based former Air Force public affairs officer and Parliament Hill communications manager.

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