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Man pleads guilty to manslaughter in broad daylight ByWard Market stabbing death

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Kayla Sullivan, 30, the city’s 15th homicide victim of a violent 2016, was stabbed in the back in broad daylight in the ByWard Market over a gram of weed.

Her killer, Peter Herauf, broke down sobbing Monday as he pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter in her death, which started as a street corner dispute over a drug deal gone bad.

Both defence lawyer Sean May and Crown attorney John Ramsay agreed, in a joint sentencing submission, that the Oct. 14, 2016 stabbing was a tragic crime worthy of a stiff penalty, asking for a sentence of 14 years, plus credit for time served in pretrial custody.

Herauf was too distraught to read a letter of apology, and after a brief court recess, defence lawyer Kate Irwin was likewise too overcome with emotion to continue the apology, which spoke of the nightmares Herauf had suffered since the stabbing, and the difficult life that led him to that moment.

May stepped in to read the apology.

“I know how much hurt it is to everybody, because I have lost my mother, father, brother and my (aunt). I didn’t want you to lose anyone either,” Herauf’s apology read. “I never would believe I would be in this position or that I could do something like this. I am so sorry.”

May told court of Herauf’s childhood, and read aloud a letter of support from his client’s adoptive father Darrell Herauf, as several emotional family members sat in court Monday.

According to the letter, Peter Herauf suffered “significant brain damage” from smoke inhalation in a high-rise fire at age 3, shortly after moving to Canada as the son of a political refugee from South Africa. His biological father was later killed in a car accident when Herauf was 11, and he was taken in by his adoptive family, who May said will continue to support Herauf throughout his sentence.

“The events of Oct. 14 were a shock to me and my family. Our hearts are broken,” Darrell Herauf wrote, expressing his condolences to the family and friends of Kayla Sullivan, and encouraging people to “make a gesture of kindness… to someone who is suffering from mental health or mental capacity issues.”

Before the letter was read in court, Peter Herauf did not appear, at first, to fully grasp the gravity of the consequences he faced when asked by Justice Ann Alder if he understood the charges against him.

He spoke slowly, his head bowed and largely expressionless under dark-rimmed glasses as Ramsay read the facts presented in the case.

Court heard that Sullivan was standing with a group of friends outside the Salvation Army on George Street, when Herauf tried to sell her around $20 to $40 worth of marijuana. He had brought a sheathed six-inch hunting knife along with him.

When Sullivan took one gram without paying and crossed the street to rejoin her friends, telling him to leave, Herauf, “without speaking or making any prior acknowledgment… produced the hunting knife and stabbed her in the lower back.”

He ran, chased on foot by Sullivan’s friends, who caught up to him and began beating him in a parking lot before he escaped on foot. The beating was captured on video, and Herauf began to sob as the shaky cell phone footage played in court.

When asked if he agreed with the statement of facts, Herauf stood to ask the judge, “does it say anything about my wounds (from the beating)? The marijuana… basically I was trying to sell it, so I got ripped off.”

Herauf was stabbed repeatedly in the lower buttock during the beating, and also had injuries to his face. Herauf swung his knife at one of the assailants, puncturing the man’s lung. He then fled across York Street and was seen dropping the bloody hunting knife into a garbage can, where police later retrieved it.

He then took a taxi to the Hull Hospital, where he was treated, and quickly arrested by Gatineau police. He admitted to police he had stabbed Sullivan, but initially told police he had found the knife at the scene, which was later found to be untrue.

Sullivan, meanwhile, was rushed to the Civic Hospital and succumbed to her injuries.

May said Herauf’s “cognitive deficits” contributed to the crime, saying his client lacked the cognitive skills “to refrain from impulsive behaviour… (or) spontaneously override a desire.

“The marijuana dispute,” May said, “led to a rapid-fire series of decisions that led to this tragic outcome.”

Ramsay said while Sullivan’s actions were “provocative… (they) led to consequences that could not be foreseen.”

In reaching the joint submission, which he said involved nearly five months of negotiation, Ramsay noted the killing was not the first incident of violence in Herauf’s past, called the drug deal an “aggravating factor” and noted: “He brought a knife to the Market.”

Justice Alder is expected to consider a victim impact statement written, but not yet filed, by Sullivan’s father before court reconvenes Thursday.


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