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Sparks fly at planning committee over city's heritage register: This 'was just pro-forma bulls—'

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When Diane Cameron received a letter in the mail saying her Lowertown home was going to be added to the city’s heritage register, she highlighted the date when the matter would be before the planning committee and made plans in her busy schedule to attend Tuesday’s meeting.

The single mother of three children under five-years-old and an executive in the federal public service had to move meetings, take time off work and make alternate arrangements for child care just to get her five minutes as a public delegation.

But because the item was fourth on the committee’s agenda, immediately after a controversial application to demolish a home in Rockcliffe Park that drew 10 speakers, Cameron, the only person signed up to speak to her item, had to wait.

When her name was finally called more than two-and-a-half hours later, Cameron began to explain why her red-brick semi-detached home on York Street should be carved out of the proposal because, in her mind, it is neither unique nor reflects the character of her neighbourhood, which is home to a significant amount of public housing built within the last 50 years.

She stopped after about a minute when she noticed planning committee chairwoman Jan Harder was whispering to a staff member at her side.

“Excuse me, Madame chairperson, I think I’ve waited long enough for your attention,” Cameron said.

“Actually, I was asking a question in your favour,” Harder replied. “That is how things happen around here actually.”

“It may be what you’re used to, but where I come from and where the majority of Canadians come from, when you’re invited to speak to an audience, you expect that audience to listen,” Cameron said.

Harder, frowning, shot back: “Thank you for the kind observations and recommendations. Do continue, please.”

Cameron pressed her case, criticizing how the city consulted residents about the change. The single public information meeting held at city hall — not in Lowertown or Sandy Hill where the affected properties are located — drew fewer than 70 people, according to the official sign-in.

“I understand very well the challenges of public consultations, but if you don’t make it easy for people to be heard in a respectful and welcoming forum, then you must not assume that silence gives consent,” she said.

At issue is the planning department’s desire to add 237 properties to the heritage register, including 130 in Lowertown and 107 in Sandy Hill.

The heritage register includes properties designated under the Ontario Heritage Act, as well as others that don’t have that particular designation but have been added by city council because of their “cultural heritage value,” according to a report prepared by researchers Ashley Kotarba and David Maloney.

The register is not to be considered a “stepping stone” to heritage designation as buildings included on it may not meet the criteria for individual designation, the report says.

There are no limitations on homeowners if they want to renovate a home once it’s been added to the registry, Cameron was told. But if she wants to demolish the house, which she bought in 2011, she’d have to give the city 60-days notice.

Kanata South Coun. Allan Hubley tried to help by quickly devising a motion to remove Cameron’s property from heritage inventory list, but it failed on a 4-4 tie.

Harder then asked staff to explain to Cameron how she might go about writing the city to request removal from the registry and moved on to the next item.

Afterward, Cameron said the committee’s treatment of her was “shockingly disrespectful and disingenuous.”

Her effort to get her property removed from the register, she said, wasn’t given any serious consideration by committee members, two of whom had either left by then or stepped out when her matter came up.

“Clearly, the decision was (made) before I got here today. The letter telling me this was my opportunity to speak was just pro-forma bulls—,” Cameron said. “Had there been a general interest in consulting the community, I don’t imagine this letter would have been the first time I would have heard about this.”

A copy of the form letter Lowertown resident Diane Cameron received in early March advising that her York Street home would be added to the city’s heritage register.

Harder, the committee chairwoman, says she must make the rules “fair and balanced” — everyone has five minutes to speak and must wait for their agenda item to be called, even if it means sitting around for awhile.

Ottawa consults the public “more than most municipalities,” she said, and residents should be treated with respect when they appear before committee.

“I go out of my way and try very hard to do that, even when I’m treated with disrespect,” she said.



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