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Tensions rise within Ottawa police, community over 'United We Stand' bracelets

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Fissures between the public and its police force and the chief of police and his members were exposed Wednesday after some Ottawa officers donned thin blue wristbands to support Const. Daniel Montsion — who has been charged in the death of Abdirahman Abdi.

On Wednesday morning, Const. Daniel Montsion was scheduled to make his first court appearance on charges of manslaughter, aggravated assault and assault with a weapon laid by the Special Investigations Unit after the violent arrest of Abdi last July.

Montsion did not appear in court in person on Wednesday and instead was represented by his lawyer. But controversy still ensued amid news that officers were selling and distributing black-and-blue wristbands inscribed with Montsion’s badge number and the oft-used law enforcement phrase “United we stand.” The bracelets were being sold for $2, with all proceeds going to the police union’s benevolent fund.

The Ottawa Police Association — the union that represents rank-and-file officers — said the bracelets were ordered by individual officers and not the union. However, the union said it stands in support of its officers attempting, while off-duty, to stand by a colleague under intense scrutiny.

Community reaction to the wristbands was harsh and swift, prompting Chief Charles Bordeleau to send an email to all officers before mid-day banning their wear while on-duty.

William Felepchuk, a spokesman for the Justice for Abdirahman Coalition, said the bracelets are an “outrage” and that his organization is greatly “disappointed” in police officers who choose to wear them.

Coalition member Farhia Ahmed said the wristbands show “insult and total disregard to the suffering of the Abdi family who are still grieving the loss of their family member.”

“No one is contesting that policing is difficult. We honour and respect the hard work and sacrifice of those who serve and protect with dignity. The problem is with (officers) who choose to wear these bracelets that tarnish the integrity of the police service,” Ahmed said.

The coalition called on the police service to show “reason and discretion in this difficult time and to act with human dignity in mind.”

In an email first sent to officers then emailed to news outlets, Bordeleau encouraged the rank-and-file to think of the consequences wearing the wristbands might have.

“We must take into account the community perceptions of actions like these wristbands. There has already been a great deal of negative commentary and we should be concerned about the long-term impact on public trust this could create,” Bordeleau wrote.

“I am also concerned about how it may impact members during the course of their duties.

“I want to remind you that they are not part of the Ottawa Police Service uniform and should not be worn during working hours,” he said,

Felepchuk said the charges facing Montsion are severe and are being dealt with by the courts. Having police officers take the side of the accused sends the wrong message, he said.

“This kind of action by (Ottawa police officers) is a slap in the face to justice and accountability,” he said.

Several police officers told Postmedia that the bracelets and their own decisions to support Montsion have more to do with supporting a fellow officer who has been charged in the course of his policing duties than taking a position on the facts of the case currently before the courts.

Officers said they respected the court process and that the idea of the bracelets didn’t contradict a notion of a fair trial.

“We understand how serious this really is. But it’s not about interfering with the judicial process,” said Insp. Pat Flanagan.

“It’s about providing support to one of our members and not taking away from the fact that there should also be support mechanisms in place for the Abdi family.”

Flanagan said that, at a time when officer forces are mandated to prepare plans to prevent officer mental health issues, the act is intended as a show of support.

“Officers have taken their own lives for not having that shoulder to lean on. Nobody wants that to happen to anyone,” he said.

The charges against Montsion allege criminal intent for his actions in effecting Abdi’s arrest, but officers maintain that Montsion was doing his job.

“We go to work everyday with the mindset of helping people in need with positive outcomes. Anyone one of us could find ourselves in a similar situation.”

Felepchuk said if the tables were turned and there was an initiative to support a member of the public who was involved in the death of a police officer the general public would speak out against it and would be outraged.

“We would be outraged and we don’t understand why the reverse isn’t outrageous in their eyes,” he said. “It’s a double standard.”

Some officers, too, were quick to point out a double standard.

On Wednesday, they began internally circulating a photograph of Bordeleau wearing what appears to be a rainbow wristband while marching in the Ottawa Pride Parade while in police uniform. Officers said it suggests that some causes are worth supporting in the eyes of the organization and that their chief is choosing to employ a “do as I say but not as I do” style of leadership. Bordeleau did not answer Postmedia questions on whether his previous wearing of a wristband stood in contradiction of what he asked of officers on Wednesday.

In a force-wide email reply, obtained by Postmedia, patrol Sgt. Anthony Costantini wrote that “the members of the Ottawa police are buying and wearing the wristbands out of respect for (Montsion) and this show of solidarity is being done not to undermine the investigation or its eventual outcome.

“It is also not being done to snub our nose at the community, as we face it every day with professionalism and pride,” Costantini wrote.

“In the past and still to this day, members of our very own police service have worn bracelets, ribbons, buttons and even red high heels to support ‘a cause’ or ‘an individual’ and all were not part of our regular duty uniform,” Costantini wrote, making reference to a “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” campaign that Bordeleau also participated in.

“Dan Montsion is part of ‘our family’,” he wrote.

A handful of other officers also sent reply-all emails to the force’s master distribution list agreeing with Costantini.

Mayor Jim Watson said he also acted fast when he learned about the bracelets.

“When I first heard about this I contacted the (police services board) chair and the chief to make sure that the policy was very clear, that when police officers are on duty and being paid by taxpayers, they should not be wearing any bracelet or button on any issue,” Watson said.

“On their own time, we live in a free society and they’re entitled to wear whatever they want, as long as it’s not with their police uniform.”

Police board chair Coun. Eli El-Chantiry, for his part, told Postmedia he found the wristbands to be “distasteful” and a threat to the work being done by the police force to rebuild strong community connections in the wake of Abdi’s death.

“Since I’ve been on the board, it’s always been our goal to build a relationship with the community,” El-Chantiry said. “I don’t think this idea of a wristband would help anyone, whether you’re police, whether you’re a police union member or whether you’re the police board or whether you’re the community. This is a divisive issue. We don’t need to divide ourselves. We need to work together.

“If we believe in the justice system, let the justice system take its course. Let this officer go to court and face the court. You want to support him by talking to him on your own time? That’s fine, I understand this. I understand that people like to share their support to their colleague, but let’s keep in mind, we don’t want to divide our community. We have respect for the law. We uphold the law, and yet, we don’t want to give the court a chance to process this?”

In a statement issued by the board later Wednesday, El-Chantiry went on to say “as a community, we need to move away from an ‘us’ versus ‘them’ mentality and remind ourselves of one of Sir Robert Peel’s most important principles of law enforcement, ‘The police are the public and the public are the police.’”

El-Chantiry asked for a focus on “understanding and respecting each other.”

Montsion is next scheduled to appear in court on May 1. None of the allegations against him has been tested in court.

With files from Jon Willing


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