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Your letters to the editor

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What a Conservative leadership race! The candidates have a lot of drive! That’s why they keep shifting positions. The issues of the race are not so much what the candidate will stand for, but what the delegates will fall for.
 Many of the candidates are much like steers, a point here and a point there and a lot of bull in between. When giving their points of view, the meat of the matter is usually baloney.
 To keep in shape during the campaign, candidates exercise by straddling fences. Don’t you think that what the candidates say are much like polkas? They have different names, but, they all sound the same.
Pat McAlpine
(At some point, the wheat will be separated from the chaff, we hope. We’re suckers for puns … so keep them coming.)
The oldie song “another day over and deeper in debt” seems to be the mantra of our currant Liberal government.
 After all the green noise about the environment and the promotion of fewer cars on our roads, it seems rather hypocritical to cancel the tax credit for individuals using buses, trains, etc., on a daily basis.
 The forecasted spending demands the question as to what Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s words meant during the last election campaign when he so proudly announced that his government would only run small deficits of $10 billion annually.
 Would love to hear his interpretation of the word “small.”
 It appears that $20 billion in additional deficits does not mean anything to this government. It is very easy to spend future generations’ money and not worry about the negative effects to our economy.
 I’m still waiting to hear when the budget will balance itself and the economy would be strengthened by policies from the heart?
Lindsay Hepburn
(Guys like Bill Morneau and Trudeau know very little about what it’s like to be middle class, or working class. That’s clear from their budgets.)
Sun columnist Anthony Furey is spot on concerning his analysis of the just-passed Islamophobia motion, M-103.  Kudos  to Mr. Furey, Tarek Fatah and Farzana Hassan for exposing the downside of this ill thought out proposal.
 First of all it was a feel-good venture for many progressives who thought by jumping on this silly motion that all would be well in this country and not  a single terrorist would ever grace our shores.
 The upside is that through the efforts of concerned media types, in particular at the Sun, the public is on to any further expanding of this apparent harmless document.
 Believe me, any further efforts to strengthen it will meet with very strong opposition from the majority of Canadians and Justin Trudeau should pay very close attention.  
Stephen Flanagan
(The Sun will always hold politicians to account for their decisions.)

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