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Reevely: OMB is overworked and underqualified, ex-member says

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Killing the Ontario Municipal Board would be better than keeping it the way it is, says an eminent former member of the provincial land-use tribunal who’s published a book-length indictment of the board’s failings.

“(G)iven the deficiency in numbers, quality of service and of decisions, lack of deliberation and decision-writing time, and lack of skills diversity on the OMB, if the present conditions are to be the norm in the future, the government should terminate the tribunal now,” argues Peter Howden, a lawyer who spent 10 years on the board, then 20 more as a judge before semi-retiring to a Barrie law firm.

Among many other cases, Howden presided over the three months of hearings in 1991 that allowed the Canadian Tire Centre to be built where it is (the case focused on the farming value of that land, not really whether putting an arena on the edge of town was a good idea). He’s a mighty figure in this area of the law.

The provincial government is reviewing the OMB now. Howden’s book tells Attorney General Yasir Naqvi and Municipal Affairs Minister Bill Mauro what they should do instead of strangling it.

I won’t lie to you: “The Ontario Municipal Board: From Impact to Subsistence, 1971-2016” is self-published by a guy who wore a robe for a long time and it reads like a legal ruling snogging a PhD dissertation. It is not, however, wrong. Some of Howden’s ideas are already on the list of possible reforms. Others wouldn’t require changing any rules, just behaving differently.

To a lot of people unhappy about rezonings for massive subdivisions in the suburbs and massive condo towers in cities’ downtowns, the OMB is a gang of villains who favour developers over residents and never have to account for themselves or answer to anybody. They have the power to overturn city councils’ decisions and they use it at whim.

That’s not fair, Howden writes. The OMB isn’t inherently evil. It’s just understaffed by underqualified people, forced to adjudicate fights that would be better solved by talking them out, and used as a punching bag by politicians who should know better.

The OMB has only half the members it should and they’re underpaid, Howden writes. A full-time OMB member (many of them are part-timers) makes about $115,000 a year, which is a lot of money but only a little more than a junior lawyer at a blue-chip Toronto firm.

This is not how you attract the best in a specialized, often very profitable, field, and it shows in the work.

“They are unknown entities, people largely without any public profile who seem to do whatever they want without criteria, limiting elements, or ability to define why one group won and the others lost,” Howden writes.

Some OMB members dash off their rulings from the bench, issuing one-pagers after days of detailed testimony about the futures of whole neighbourhoods, affecting hundreds of lives for decades. Others ramble, burying their reasons in prose epics, and wonder why they get criticized.

“The price to be paid by not understanding these things is the continued progressively worsening public cynicism and the record over the past 10 years of insufficient deliberation and writing time, inconsistency in policy and outcomes, reliance on part-time members continuously to fill scheduling gaps and uneven quality of decisions,” Howden writes.

The basic adversarial setup of board hearings, which function like court fights, is often unfair to residents fighting well-funded developers.

“Most homeowners these days are simply trying to maintain their homes and families. They do not have the thousands of dollars it takes to round up a team of professionals,” Howden writes. “The inequality in most development scenarios at the OMB is obvious. This kind of inequality erodes any sense of justice.”

Maybe the province should have a fund to support OMB challenges, he suggests, or developers should even have to help cover the costs of challenges to their own projects.

Better than that would be avoiding many hearings entirely. If we had more OMB members with mediation training, we could settle a lot of cases, saving time and money, and producing happier outcomes, Howden writes.

He’d also pare back the number of things that would be appealable at all, to focus the board’s cases on individual properties rather than wholesale policies. Ottawa’s official land-use plan gets updated every five years and developers routinely appeal it in its entirety. Often the city’s starting on the next one before the last one is sorted out.

Maybe, just maybe, we should treat city governments like they have some idea what they’re doing and overturn their decisions only if they’re obviously unreasonable, not just because an OMB member thinks he or she knows better. Appeal if you’ve been wronged, Howden says, not just because you disagree.

We need a body that can enforce rules set by the province when mayors and councillors just ignore them, he argues, and it’s better to have experts doing it than generalist judges. But we also need that body to be worthy of respect, and we don’t have it in the OMB.

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