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Enrolment increases at Ottawa's three smaller school boards; no closures planned

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Catholic and French-language students and parents in Ottawa will be spared the agonizing school closure debates now playing out at the city's largest school board.

Enrolment is climbing at Ottawa's three smaller school boards, which serve English Catholic, French Catholic and French public school students. Those boards have no plans to conduct "accommodation reviews" to close schools.

That's a stark contrast to the turmoil hitting the English public board as trustees decide which schools to close across the city. The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board has 11,500 empty pupil spaces spread across a district that serves 70,000 children. Trustees have recommended that seven schools close, with more to come. They are trying to fix an imbalance between where buildings are located and where space is needed. Some schools are half-empty, while others in growing suburban areas are crowded.

Enrolment has steadily declined at the board over the past five years. Meanwhile, at the sister English Catholic board, enrolment has climbed over the same period. Overall, schools in that board are at a healthy 91-per-cent capacity.

Education officials can only speculate as to the reasons why, but no one suggests it's because of an increase in the number of Catholics.

Many parents choose Catholic schools for religious reasons, of course, but others make their choice for a variety of reasons, from programs to facilities and location.

Staff at the English Catholic board declined to be interviewed. They provided a written statement saying there is probably no one factor that accounts for the board's rise in enrolment, but "we believe we have some distinct offerings that make us an attractive choice: faith-based education, rich French and English language options and excellent facilities."

Location is also important.

Many parents want to send children to schools in their neighbourhood. "In a lot of these high-growth communities, other boards, particularly the English Catholic board, have been able to get into these communities first," says Mark Fisher, a trustee at the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board.

Fast-growing Riverside South in his district is a good example, says Fisher. The English Catholic board built St. Francis Xavier, the first secondary school in the area, which drew some public school students who lived nearby.

"In every situation, the first school board that is in a community, particularly if it's English Catholic or English public, you tend to see a large number of kids from that community going to that school, regardless of where they might be paying their taxes, either to the public system or to the Catholic system," Fisher says.

"That's just a function of people wanting to go to a local school in the community."

And it's easy for parents to switch between English-language boards.

Catholic secondary schools in Ontario are open to all. Elementary schools can restrict admission to Catholics, but the Ottawa English Catholic board welcomes all children as long as their parents accept the faith-based education. That's increasingly common at separate school boards across the province.

Public school trustee Chris Ellis speculates that labour disputes at the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board could also have caused some migration to separate schools. Enrolment at English Catholic schools jumped by seven per cent between 2013 and 2014, for example. In 2013, many elementary teachers in the public board were refusing to participate in extra-curricular activities like teams and clubs.

And there may be more migration as the public board closes schools. Some public board parents warn they will go Catholic if their neighbourhood school closes.

Christine Thomson is one of the parents weighing her options. Her son, Gavin, 8, loves Leslie Park Public School, one of the schools on the closure list at the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board.

The final decision won't be made until March 1, but Thomson assumes there is little hope that Leslie Park will be spared.

She is worried about plans to redirect Leslie Park children to Briargreen, an open-concept school she fears would not be a great environment for Gavin, who is on the autism spectrum.

The English Catholic school serving the area is closer to her house. She will be checking out its programs, Thomson says.

"We're not really religious at all, but I'm not opposed to it. I know a lot of people who are not Catholic whose children are going to Catholic schools if they meet their needs in other ways.

"I don't think the religious component is a huge part of the instruction, from what I understand," says Thomson. "I'm not anti-religion or anything. It might even be good for him. From what I understand, it's more about being a good person, being kind, and less of Bible doctrine."

Another parent who has two children at a public school in the west end under threat of closure has already made up her mind. Gemma Nicholson has been fighting to keep Century Public School open. But if it closes and students are redirected to Carleton Heights, as proposed, she'll switch her two boys to the separate school board, which has a school closer to her home.

Nicholson doesn't drive and says if she needed to pick up a sick child at Carleton Heights, she would have to bundle up her baby and take a 15-minute bus ride, then a 20-minute walk, to get there.

"What's my option?" she asked. "To be honest, I would encourage all our (Century) parents to do the same." She says she knows a dozen other Century parents who are considering switching to the separate board.

Century parent Don Doan predicts there will be "poaching" of Century students by the other boards. "The Ottawa board is a sinking ship right now."

The English Catholic school in the neighbourhood, St. Rita, is already at nearly 200-per-cent capacity, its yard stuffed with portables.

Ottawa's two French-language school boards are smaller, but are also an increasingly attractive option for students. Enrolment is on the upswing at both boards.

"We're not looking to cut schools. We want to add schools," says Rejean Sirois, director of the French Catholic School Board, the Conseil des Écoles Catholiques du Centre-Est.

Enrolment has risen from 18,570 students to 20,430 students at the board's Ottawa-Carleton schools over the past five years. That reflects a trend across the province as French-language schools increase in popularity, said Sirois.

Students at his board have high scores on province-wide standardized testing, especially in math, and a graduation rate of 96 per cent. Board surveys show 96 per cent of parents are satisfied with the education their children receive, he said. "And when a parent is satisfied, they share that information with all their friends."

At the smaller French public school board, enrolment at Ottawa-Carleton schools has jumped an average of 4.7 per cent a year over the past five years, according to statistics provided by the Conseil des écoles publiques de l'Est de l'Ontario.

Christian-Charle Bouchard, superintendent of education, says the board is popular because it offers high-quality programs, a focus on critical thinking and a welcoming atmosphere.

About 100 Syrian refugees have enrolled in the board's schools, including many who spoke neither English nor French, he said.

Students are also attracted by the prospect of being "truly and completely bilingual" when they graduate, which gives them an edge in the workplace, said Bouchard.

A snapshot of Ottawa's English-language boards

Ottawa Catholic School Board

Number of students: 41,222

Enrolment trends: Only six of the board's schools are at under 50-per-cent capacity. Two of them — St. Anthony on Booth Street and T.D. McGee in Beacon Hill — are in neighbourhoods where the population is expected to grow, says board staff.

Uplands Catholic, an elementary school that is just under half full, is on a military base, and DND is terminating the lease. The school will be consolidated at Holy Family elementary next year. The only secondary school with less than 50-per-cent enrolment,  St. Patrick intermediate, will be consolidated in 2018 with nearby St. Patrick's High School, and a new addition built.

Ottawa-Carleton District School Board

Number of students: 70,276

Enrolment trends: Enrolment has declined over the past five years, and the board also faces a mismatch between where buildings are located and where schools are needed. It plans a series of "accommodation reviews" over the next five years to close and consolidate schools, which will also include changes to programs offered at schools. The board will make a final decision in early March on the first two reviews. Trustees have recommended closing six schools in the west end of the city and Rideau High School in the east.


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