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If house prices start making sense again, it could torpedo Ontario's budget plans

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The Ontario government relies so heavily on Toronto’s roiling housing market for revenue that even a small decline in prices could blow a billion-dollar hole in the provincial budget, the legislature’s fiscal watchdog warned Wednesday.

It’s a hypothetical, a what-if scenario constructed by economists at the province’s independent Financial Accountability Office. But it’s not outlandish. Experts from private-sector banks to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. agree withthe anecdotes anyone who knows anyone in Toronto has heard: real estate there is crazy. The bidding wars and condo construction can’t last.

The mad rise in real-estate prices is terrible for young people who want to buy, compounds the burden of student debt with big mortgages, and locks up a lot of wealth in assets that are hard to move.

And it has created a huge windfall for Premier Kathleen Wynne and Finance Minister Charles Sousa as they’ve struggled to balance their budgets. Pursuing housing affordability is not in their, or any provincial politician’s, immediate political interests.

Home prices in Toronto rose almost 20 per cent in a year, CMHC reported earlier this year, which “outpaced economic and demographic fundamentals. The gap between actual home prices and prices supported by these fundamental drivers has now been above its problematic threshold for seven consecutive quarters.”

That’s the mild, understated sound of a federal agency freaking out. A long period of overbuilding, especially by condo developers, is easing up but overall things are really worrying. A similar report for Ottawa is much more serene, but we’re a fraction of the real-estate market Toronto is in the provincewide picture. Other analysts have put the overvaluation in Ontario’s housing market, led by Toronto, at between 10 and 20 per cent.

The provincial government has been happily creaming money off the Toronto boom.

It collects a land-transfer tax on all real-estate sales. Throughout the 2000s, that revenue bumped up and down between about $1 billion and $1.5 billion a year; in the last few years, it’s risen to $2.5 billion. The province collects sales tax on new homes, and on fees attached to buying property like real-estate agents’ commissions. And it collects taxes on a lot of the things people buy when they move, from new furniture to truck rentals. Construction employs people who pay income taxes and supports companies that pay corporate taxes.

If those gushers dry up, that’s bad news. We saw exactly this in the late 2000s, when the American housing bubble popped and then detonated banks across the United States.

The FAO’s best forecast is that that won’t happen — that Toronto’s real estate prices will level off as people come to their senses and eventually the fundamentals will catch up to the nutty prices. Not great for anyone who’s flipping houses for profit or relying on home-equity loans, but not a catastrophe. This is also what the provincial government’s own forecasts expect, too. But that depends on interest rates’ staying freakishly low and guesswork about what large numbers of people will do based on incomplete information about what other large numbers of people will do. It’s an expectation, not a certainty.

“This expectation of moderating prices could lead to actual declines in prices,” the FAO’s new report says, because some homeowners might decide to sell now in anticipation of future declines and potential buyers might decide to wait in the hope of getting better deals later. A lot of economic growth is based on confidence in the future, so just a mild spooking can turn into a big problem.

So they worked up three scenarios, from mildly-worse-than-expected to really bad.

Even in the “low-impact” version, in which real-estate prices fall 10 per cent, the provincial government’s revenues are out by $1.1 billion a year by 2020. In the high-impact version, the gap is $2.2 billion.

“(A) housing market correction could also have an impact on Ontario government spending,” the report says. “For example, a housing market correction which lowers labour income could place increased pressure on social assistance programs. Conversely, the decline in revenues as a result of a housing market correction could force the government to further restrain spending to achieve its fiscal balance targets.”

Then in 2020, a second whammy hits, when real estate gets reassessed for property-tax purposes and the results affect the portion of property taxes that goes to education. The FAO economists note that that’s worrying but wouldn’t put a number on the consequences.

All of this would be tricky for a government that’s promised a balanced budget, and underlines what a delicate line the government’s walking to get to one.

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