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The House reopens for business Monday. Here's what may (or may not) happen when it does.

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After spending just over a month ensconced in their respective ridings, MPs will be back in the chamber on Monday, which means that it’s time — nearly past time, in fact — to put together a quick and dirty rundown on just how the opening of the new sitting might unfold.

First, though, the standard disclaimer: No matter how carefully one might scrutinize the fine print on the House order paper, it is virtually impossible to predict the parliamentary agenda beyond the first few days — a week, maybe two, tops — with any real hope of accuracy. Like forecasting the weather, there are just too many variables and unknown elements at play. (Not that it stops us from trying, mind you.)

With that caveat out of the way, here are a few items of business that are likely to be at or near the top of the to-do list when MPs descend upon the chamber:

1. Tying off legislative loose ends

OK, this is, admittedly, a bit of a cheat, as it’s not immediately obvious which of the 19 government bills currently listed on the order paper are a particularly high priority for Team Trudeau — there are, for instance, no looming court-imposed deadlines as was the case with the changes to the physician-assisted dying laws, nor any time-sensitive tweaks to the tax code.


There are just two bills waiting at report stage: the proposal to set up a national security oversight committee, which is likely to undergo rigorous review in the Upper House, as it would include senators along with MPs, as well as changes to the Rouge Urban Park, which might get a markedly easier ride if its relatively friction-free progress through the House thus far is any indication.

At the other end of the status list are two bills that were introduced just before MPs broke for the holiday, which can — but doesn’t necessarily — hint at eventual promotion to the fast track: C-36, which would “strengthen the independence” of Statistics Canada by, among other things, boosting the autonomy of the chief statistician; and C-37, which would ease some of the more rigid restrictions on safe injection sites and other harm reduction strategies imposed by the previous government.

In both cases, the respective ministers tabled the initiatives with no small amount of fanfare, which would seem to bolster the possibility that they’ll be bumped to the top of the priority list. Indeed, as of right now, those proposed changes to Statistics Canada are slated to be the first government bill called for debate on Monday.

2. Heading back to battle stations on electoral reform

While the Liberals may, as noted above, be currently free from any legal deadlines for legislative action, one that is entirely of the prime minister’s own making is rapidly approaching: namely, his pledge to bring in a proposal to make the 2015 election the last to be held under the first-past-the-post vote system this spring.

Thanks to Trudeau’s decision to rearrange his cabinet ministers earlier this month, that task now falls to newly minted Democratic Institutions Minister Karina Gould, who has already been on the receiving end of at least one offer to “co-draft” such a bill, courtesy of New Democrat Nathan Cullen.

Gould can also expect to be asked for an update on her government’s much-self-touted consultation efforts — virtually all of which took place under her predecessor, Maryam Monsef — including, but not limited to, the results of the online survey, which were released last week.

If that’s not a sufficiently daunting task list for the rookie Ontario MP, she’ll also have to keep an eye on the government’s bid to restore full voting rights to Canadians living abroad, which was introduced under Monsef in November, and which also rolls back some of the more contentious changes brought in under the Conservatives’ Fair Elections Act.

And according to a hot-off-the-wire report from The Globe and Mail, she’ll also be tasked with coming up with legislation to effectively ban those cosy, closed-door “cash-for-access” fundraisers for which the Liberals have been coming under sustained fire since the fall.

As for the doorstopper all-party committee report that caused the previous minister such consternation, while it’s not currently in parliamentary play, the government is obliged to table a “comprehensive response” to its recommendations by the end of March. Until then, the opposition can’t force a vote to concur in the findings.

3. A new batch of replies to written questions — and a new batch of written questions to be answered

Under House rules, the government must respond to written questions on the order paper within 45 days — calendar, not sitting — and over the course of an extended recess, those due dates start to pile up, which is why there’s a flurry of replies tabled within the first day or two of a new sitting.

A quick scan of the last available list of pending queries suggests we may soon have new data on everything from the Phoenix pay fiasco to police surveillance of anti-pipeline protests to the enforcement of the prime minister’s ethical guidelines for cabinet members, although there’s no guarantee that those replies will be particularly revealing.

We’ll also get to see what new written questions have been or soon will be filed during the leadup to the new sitting, at least a few of which will almost certainly relate to current policies and practices related to the use of private aircraft. (Call it a hunch.)

In no way would lodging such an inquiry preclude an opposition member from pursuing precisely the same line of inquiry when they get the chance to question the prime minister in person in the House, of course, but it does allow them to focus on the fine print as well as the headlines.

4. Trump’s refugee ban

The NDP has served notice that it intends to propose an emergency debate on the Trump refugee ban. It will be up to House Speaker Geoff Regan to decide whether to grant the request, which could, in theory, be held as early as Monday afternoon.

The government could also consult with the other parties on holding a take-note debate on the subject, which would likely take place later in the week.


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