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Your letters for Saturday

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For the second time in a row I’m pleased with how Sun columnists structure the points they are making. On Jan. 7, John Snobelen did so with his story on the lessons of Vietnam. On Jan. 12, it was the turn of Mark Bonokoski with his religion is good for the soul but hell for humanity column.

Rather than hyperpartisan cheap shots, historical context was provided in both instances, strengthening their case. I hope the trend continues.

John Kruithof


(We’re happy you’re happy!)


Can we please have a moratorium on Hollywood hotshots like “Jane the Pain” Fonda telling us how to eat, how to heat and basically how to live.

Enough already, elitists such as this former Hanoi cheerleader are continually scolding the ignorant know nothing rabble and as always the case head back to their massive carbon footprint palatial digs. Stay home and count your money.

Stephen Flanagan


(But how will we know what to think if the elites don’t tell us!?)


Replying to Garth Dixon letter, I am surprised there is not more outrage from Canadians about not knowing that their prime minister disappeared over Christmas. Maybe he does have the right to some privacy as he escapes to some rich guy’s island in the sunny south.

My question is why would he? Why would he even consider it? After all, isn’t he the self-proclaimed Captain Canada? Justin should be embracing the Great White North while plunking his children down on Santa’s lap during the celebratory season.

I wonder what his carbon footprint is for all this jet setting he does?

From a disgruntled NDPer.

William Dedrick


(Trudeau can’t get the luxury he wants away from a private island, we suppose.)



The proposed changes to Elgin Street are a dream that our anti-car City Council will lap up. Our councillors never saw a car they didn’t hate. They are systematically destroying major arteries, like Main Street, with “traffic calming” measures which, I can pretty much guarantee, have not calmed a single motorist.

This latest proposal widens sidewalks, drops lanes, puts sharrows in the middle of the remaining lanes and lowers the speed limit. The politically correct think this is all wonderful, but, try and drive a car at 30 km/h and see how that feels.

This council has wasted money on killer bicycle lanes and encourages cyclists to ride, at their extreme peril, in the winter. This same council can’t afford to properly maintain roads in the winter, no salt and no plows except in the worst possible conditions.

Snow removal is a basic service we all pay taxes for, but, it goes unfunded as council pursues their politically correct agenda.

Jim Stevens


(The other question is what it’s going to mean for all the small businesses that operate along Elgin Street.)


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