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Ottawa Sun letters to the editor, Dec 27

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With regards to the Sun's "Forget the refugee numbers game"editorial, particularly the part referring to the concern many Canadians have about refugees successfully integrating into our society, let me just say, that ship already left and it was Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who pushed it out to sea with an immigrant from Pakistan on board.

So, don't even get me started on 50,000 from the worst part of the world fitting in with Canada's culture. Refugees won't be required to fit in with the Canadian culture any more than the immigrant from Pakistan.

And finally, if every Canadian wants to believe this mass immigration from the Middle East wasn't in the works decades ago, that is their right. Just don't expect me to believe it also.



(True, many refugees have struggled to fit in with Canadian culture in the past, but many have sucessfully adapted as well)


I agree with Steve Duke's comments about Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays is a stupid comment as it does not refer to the whole time around Christmas. The whole time before Christmas is referred to as Advent. It has a twofold nature: It prepares us for Christmas when we recall Christ's first coming among us, and it is also a time when we look forward to his second coming at the end of the ages. Advent is a season of joyful expectation. It is not a holiday season in the sense the author of the comment is using it. Once again, I suspect we will be referring to the Christmas tree as the Holiday tree.



(There is nothing wrong with saying either Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays. But Happy Holidays could also include  New Year's )


Hear hear to Joe Obermeyer and his letter to Justin Trudeau and the other "legacy-leavers in his group of generous, benevolent wastrels" in their complete omission of helping our own. Our poor, our sick, our homeless, our hungry.

Sorry! There just aren't enough votes in helping our own. They just don't count.

Where did dignity go? Has it been lost, superseded with greed, the greed of election and re-election, the vast riches being in power allows control of, with little to no supervision or consequence.



(Ideally, there would be enough money to help everyone in need, or at least help them help themselves)


Re "Trudeau will Rob Peter to pay Paul" (Editorial, Dec. 5): Would someone please tell Justin Trudeau that there really are people in Canada whose income is less than $45,000? Really, Justin, we would not lie to you. I know that you have never met these people, they are not in your league. They are the seniors who worked all their lives to make Canada this great country that we live in.

Check it out and see if you can find it in your heart to give them a tax break.

Kevin McLean


(Trudeau would argue other aspects of his legislative agenda will help seniors)

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