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Ottawa Sun letters to the editor: Dec. 7

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Re: 'Obama's a hypocrite" (Letters to the Editor, Nov. 24).

The editor asks: "What did Obama do to deserve that Nobel Prize anyway?" There was a documentary recently on TV about the Nobel Prize committee's decision to give Obama the Peace Prize.

Their reasoning was that they figured that it would help him in his presidency and they were very shocked that it did nothing to help him at all. I think they sullied the Nobel Peace Prize by giving it to someone without a thought and without any contribution to society at all.

Jeff Shupenia


(It was the equivalent of awarding Obama the Heisman Trophy for watching a college football game)


Building safer, stronger communities for all is something our government is focused on every day and something we know involves transforming our correctional system to finally break the cycle of re-offending.

For us, this transformation must centre around improved staff and inmate safety, increased access to rehabilitation programs, enhanced mental health supports, and community-based reintegration partnerships.

It must be done by working with our correctional staff and partners, civil liberty and mental health experts, the judiciary, and our community partners in these key areas. That work has already started here at the Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre (OCDC) and across the province.

We have hired and trained 571 new correctional officers since 2013, 20 at OCDC alone, including six new officers hired just this week, and are working with our labour partners to hire even more. In addition we have added 13 mental health nurses to facilities across the province, including one at OCDC, and a comprehensive review of our segregation policy is underway.

Capacity is an issue in jails across Canada. In Ontario, 60% of people in jails are being held in custody awaiting trial, not yet sentenced. It is clear that we cannot punish our way to a safer community. We cannot break the cycle by simply building more jails. We can only build safer communities by working together.

Better rehabilitation, mental health supports, and reintegration programs is about one thing - being smart on crime, reducing the number of people in our jails, and building safer communities for all.

I recognize that this will not happen overnight and it will not be easy, but the stakes are too high, and the opportunity to help so many Ontarians to transform their lives is too great to overlook.

Together, we will get it done.

Hon. Yasir Naqvi

Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services

(One thing we agree on. We want safer communities.)


Although I maintain a general awareness of free speech issues, I was completely unaware of Bill 52, the Protection of Public Participation Act. The idea of enabling anybody to speak out without fear of "strategic lawsuits" -- also known as lawfare -- being used to cripple them financially, is a welcome change from the past. I consider it illogical and profoundly anti-democratic for the courts to have to decide who is right and who is wrong simply on the basis of who has the most money available to present evidence and bring witnesses.

The lack of established precedent will still make it expensive for the first defendants to utilize this new legislation. So, as the underlying concern here is to strengthen and protect the public interest, perhaps public funds could be set aside for those who must pioneer its usage, should they be successful. But as Alan Shanoff says, "A better solution would be to require prior judicial approval to be obtained, before these lawsuits are even allowed to be commenced."

Jeff Goodall


(Shanoff's always logical about these issues)

No Wynne twin

Re: 'If Trudeau acts like Wynne, watch out,' Anthony Furey, Dec. 6.

Once again Anthony Furey demonstrates his perceptiveness on the Canadian political scene. From basically letting Queen Kathleen run his campaign, now King Justin the first is about to implement Her Highness's draconian tax policies under the guise of promoting the environment. It looks like the folks will be paying dearly for years to come, especially if they reside in Ontario. I guess the old saying is true "tax me I'm Canadian"."

Stephen Flanagan

Via E-mail

(Good Gofd, like we need another like her)

Not America's fault

Re. Dewar editorial cartoon Dec 4/15

Dewar's Dec. 4 cartoon pictured a Christmas tree decked out as an American flag. The "presents" under the tree are shown as a pile of assault weapons. I assume this is a knee-jerk reaction in response to the murders in San Bernadino Calif. -- murders that we now know are islamic jihadist murders.

Are gun control laws going to stop jihadis? Were these murders America's fault as your cartoon implies? Like many in the left wing media, you rushed to judgment about this tragic event. Your cartoon should have featured those weapons piled under an islamic crescent.

George Morgan

Via E-mail

(Too many guns floating around down there)

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