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'It haunts me every day'

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EDITOR'S NOTE: Names in the following story have been changed to protect the identities of the victims.

Marcia remembers the clicking.

She's haunted by it. She can't move past it and everything it represents.

At the age of 16, she was kidnapped by the Ace Crew gang, and thrown into a storage closet.

Her captors lined the walls with garbage bags so when the time came to kill her, her blood wouldn't splatter on the walls.

Bound, blindfolded and gagged with a sock, she thought the clicking she kept hearing was the sound of scissors, opening and closing.

It was years later that she realized the sound came from a curling iron.

It was that same curling iron that her kidnappers would use to rape her female cousin, as they beat and tortured others all within earshot of the captive teen.

"I know there's stuff I was just unaware about," she said.

"I know that (my cousin) was screaming. Obviously she screamed. But I was just zoned out.

"It was so hot in that little closet. I really needed air. When they did open the door from time to time, it stunk, it stunk so bad I remember thinking I'd pass out. And I was sucking on the dirt from the dirty sock.

"I was so hot. I was so scared. It was all too much for my brain."

• • •

After 20 years, Marcia has broken her silence and spoken for the first time to the Sun about one of the most heinous crimes in this city's history -- the Ace Crew kidnapping and torture of a group of friends that culminated with the murder of her cousin, 17-year-old Sylvain Leduc.

It was one of those rare crimes that chips away at the innocence of a city. Shocking for its random, inexplicable viciousness, it offered for the first time a glimpse at the ugliness of the city's emerging gang culture.

On the 20th anniversary of Leduc's death, the Sun revisits the crimes committed by Ottawa's original bad-ass gang in a special multi-part series, beginning today and continuing tomorrow.

• • •

For 20 years, Marcia -- now 36 -- has been trying to put behind her the horrific memories of the night her cousin died.

She's been struggling -- with some successes, but more setbacks -- to put her life together.

There's really nothing that explains why members of Ace Crew, a gang just emerging on the streets of Ottawa, decided to kidnap four young Vanier teens that October weekend in 1995.

And certainly, there's nothing at all that would help any rational person understand not just why the victims were kidnapped -- but why Ace Crew was so intent on torturing them in incredibly sadistic ways -- random violence this city had rarely experienced before or since.

Marcia was one of two female cousins who were living with Leduc, his brother and their mother, Carole Maheux.

On the night of Oct. 25, 1995, she was the first brought to a Banner Rd. apartment.

Marcia had received a phone call from an Ace Crew member, saying they had her boyfriend's money.

She'd let it be known to the gang members she wanted her boyfriend's money -- $400 he'd given them to keep safe, but then the gang wouldn't give back.

The boyfriend, six years older than her, was not involved in Ace Crew.

Marcia had confided in her cousin Heather that the gang owed money to her boyfriend and said she wanted to get it back. In turn, her cousin talked to Ace Crew about the money.

Some close to the investigation say the Ace Crew members worried they were being set up over the money dispute.

Marcia said she found the call that night strange, but, anxious to get the cash, she went to meet them at a street corner.

"They threw me in the car, threw a jacket over my head and told me to shut up," Marcia said.

"'Terrified' isn't the word. I was there just in my pyjamas, bare feet. I had guys on either side of me.

"They asked me why I was setting up their boy."

She said she still doesn't really understand what they were talking about.

"My whole life, I've been trying to figure out why. I don't know," she said.

As the car headed toward Nepean, Ace Crew member Keith Edwards unleashed the first taunts.

"You don't know who I am," he told the terrified girl. "I could shoot you and bury you and no one would ever know."

For Marcia, the drive seemed to go on, and on.

Inside the Banner Rd. building, she was taken to the master bedroom, where, seated on a low coffee table, she was quizzed about why she wanted the money. Richardson warned her that if she was lying they would "strip her naked and burn her with a curling iron."

She was then led to a storage room. With her hands tied behind her back with electrical cords, her eyes blindfolded and her mouth gagged with a foul-smelling sock, she was put inside.

"I remember 'K' saying to put the (garbage) bags everywhere so when they blow my brains out, the blood doesn't go everywhere," she testified at their trial.

Their first victim safely stowed away, Edwards, then 28, John Richardson, then 26, and Mark Williams, then 21, headed back to Vanier to see whether the girl's cousin Heather would confirm the story about the $400.

She was left behind in the apartment with a girl clicking the curling iron and saying she wanted to "play with this one."

"I thought she was clicking scissors. I couldn't see, but that's what I thought the sound was," she said. "But much later, I was using a curling iron, heard it click and then knew right away that's what she had in her hand."

Apartment building at 33 Banner Road in the west end of Ottawa where Sylvain Leduc was tortured and murdered in 1995. Friday October 30, 2015. Errol McGihon/Ottawa Sun/Postmedia Network

• • •

Heather had recently moved in with Marcia, Sylvain and his family, hoping to cut all ties with Ace Crew.

As Marcia tells it, she was the one who had introduced Heather to a male friend who later went on to be one of the Ace Crew member convicted in the kidnapping, torture and death of Sylvain Leduc. Because he was a young offender at the time, he cannot be identified.

Marcia had known the boy for years; he seemed to come from a good family. He lived in a nice house; his mother was a professional.

"He was a good friend of mine. I knew him way before he was involved in Ace Crew, he was just a very good guy," Marcia said.

After being out of touch with Heather for a period of time, when they re-connected, Marcia said she was shocked to see an 'A' burned onto her cousin's hand -- she had been branded by the gang with a disposable lighter to show she was Ace Crew property.

"We used to be like sisters, best friends. And when I saw the A burned on her hand, well, I was the one who'd introduced her to (the young offender). If I hadn't, maybe she wouldn't have gotten involved in all of this s---," she said.

The gang members had told Heather she'd have to have her branded hand cut off before she could be free.

• • •

The trial heard it was around 12:45 a.m. when the phone rang yet again in the Ethel St. townhouse where the cousins lived. When Sylvain answered, the caller ordered him to put Heather on the phone.

Sylvain responded by yelling to his sleeping cousin: "It's one of your n------ on the phone."

It was the second time in four days he had used the racial slur within the caller's earshot.

That is the only explanation we have for what would happen next.

Leduc went back to watching a movie with his best friend Derick while Heather agreed to go outside to meet the caller.

She was ordered into a GMC Jimmy.

Then Edwards, Richardson and Williams, armed with at least one weapon and possibly wearing masks, burst into the townhouse and kidnapped Sylvain and Derick.

One of the intruders went upstairs to Sylvain's younger brother's bedroom, but when he saw the boy's dog nearby he backed away, shut the door, and rejoined the others.

Back in the GMC Jimmy, the assailants discussed going back into the house, shooting the dog and taking the boy. It was Richardson who noted that "three murders are better than four."

Threats and beatings continued through much of the 20-minute drive to Nepean as Sylvain, Heather Derick lay cowering under a tarp in the cargo area.

Edwards told them he "didn't care how much time he did for murder."

A terrified Sylvain whispered to his cousin: "I don't want to die."

• • •

As they came into the apartment, the storage room door was ajar.

Marcia caught a glimpse of Derick entering the apartment.

Later, Marcia said, each time the door to the storage closet was opened she could smell something burnt.

It was the smell of burning flesh.

While she had no way of knowing at the time, her cousin Heather was being raped with a hot curling iron -- the same one that had been clicked right by her ear.

"I was just rocking myself in the closet. They did throw me on the ground a couple of times, but really nothing. I'm thankful for that. I'm very lucky, very lucky.

Though segregated from the rest, she couldn't escape the sounds of the torture as Ace Crew beat Sylvain to death.

"I know my cousin's voice. I knew it was Sylvain. You could tell that he was in pain," Marcia told the court.

"Someone said: 'He's screaming too loud. Turn up the music, the cops will come.'"

Even as the volume was turned up, she could still hear Leduc's screams over the music.

"(Then) it stopped -- the screaming. And then the music went down."

• • •

At trial, Heather -- who was tied up and gagged and was lying close to Sylvain on the floor in the master bedroom -- testified his breathing became raspy and laboured.

Deep bruising on his back suggests someone jumped up and down on his body.

It's believed the beatings and torture lasted no more than 15 minutes.

It was more than enough to kill him.

A pathologist lists suffocation as the cause of death, but testified the boy might have otherwise died from blows to his head.

At the same time, Heather was experiencing her own hell: Her jeans were removed and, later, her underwear. She was brutally raped and blacked out.

When she came to, a 17-year-old girl was trying to hit Sylvain. Someone said: "He's already dead, leave him. There's still two more left."

Then someone yelled "Six!" -- slang for "police."

• • •

Brian Holdsworth hadn't been in bed long when he heard a vehicle pull up outside -- just below his second-floor apartment on Banner Rd. He looked at his clock and saw it was 1:10 a.m. He heard someone outside say: "Get them out of there."

Holdsworth slid out of bed, crept to his window and nervously peeked out from a small gap between his curtain and bedroom wall.

What he saw was a GMC Jimmy, people stationed at each corner of the vehicle and what looked like two young men being led out.

"One had a jacket over his head," he told the court.

"Then the second person was brought out. A scarf was used as a blindfold. He was told not to try anything funny."

As the vehicle sped away from the back door, Holdsworth called the apartment building's superintendent to say they might be in for more trouble linked to some gunshots that had been heard earlier that night. Then he telephoned police.

"He saved lives," lead detective Pat Lowell said later of Holdsworth. "He and the patrol officers who arrived on the scene are the real heroes in this. If not for them, I strongly believe we would have had four bodies."

For Marica, Holdsworth is another reason for talking to the Sun now.

She tried for years to reach the man who unwittingly, but absolutely, saved her life, and those of Heather and Derick. She's never forgotten what he did.

"I thought my life was going to be over. I thank this guy from the bottom of my heart for saving my life. Please, please, can you write that? I think about him all the time. There's not a lot of people out there who would have done the same. Seems people are always just minding their own business. But he took it upon himself to call the police. I want to thank him so much. I tried to find him, but I didn't know how. So please, can you give him a big thank you. I owe my life to him."

Once Holdsworth made the call, things happened quickly.

Marcia remembers hearing people in the hallway, knocking on doors. But she had no idea if the gang members were still in the apartment, so she remained silent.

"I was trying to stretch the sock. I could have yelled, but I didn't want to because I didn't know if they were still there. I was praying, praying. When they came, I opened the door and I stumbled out of the closet," Marcia told the Sun, sobbing as she spoke.

• • •

John 'JC' Richardson 24 is escorted through Ottawa's MacDonald -Cartier Airport as he was being transported back to Ottawa from Winnipeg where he was brought into custody Tuesday Jan. 2 1996.He will be charged in the beating death of Sylvain Leduc 17 of Vanier. Credit: John Major/Postmedia Network

Acting Sgt. Damien Coakeley was the first in the apartment.

"The smell was probably one of the most horrific I've ever smelled. It was the smell of burning flesh. Feces. And abject fear," he testified.

Only moments earlier he had been discreetly motioned away from the four people he was questioning in the apartment lobby. A tenant in the building explained that a girl with gruesome burns had staggered into her apartment on the fourth floor.

When Coakeley raced up to the girl, she told him she had been sexually assaulted with a curling iron and there were "two or three other persons in grave danger."

Coakeley and other officers headed for Apt. 310.

The first thing he saw inside the apartment was Marcia, who was crying as she stumbled out of a storage room.

Then officers found two teen boys lying prone on the parquet floor in the master bedroom.

Two policewomen tried to revive Sylvain, but they never got a pulse. His friend was leaning against a nearby wall.

"He was just there, lying on the floor. They were trying to resuscitate him. And they were trying to wake up Derick," Marcia told the Sun.

It would be several hours before she would learn Sylvain had been murdered.

"I was the only one not as badly hurt, so I was brought to the police station. I was there for hours," Marcia said.

"Then they brought me to the hospital. I kept asking about Sylvain, but they wouldn't tell me. My mom was there, Carole was there. They brought me in a room with a doctor. It didn't feel real. I remember passing out. It just wasn't real. All a dream. I'll never forget it.

"There were police officers and a doctor there. They told me Sylvain had died from what had happened, and that Heather was raped."

• • •

Nothing has been the same since.

Soon after, Marcia was placed in the witness protection program, as was Heather.

"I never even got to go to the wake. They'd drop me off in different cities, I was in three different women's shelters for abused women."

She eventually made her way back to Ottawa.

"When they (police) have no more use for you, they treat you like a piece of junk," she said.

She knows she's never really recovered from what happened, and 20 years later she's still trying to get her life together.

"I'm waiting for a bed to get into treatment, I'm addicted to pain killers, addicted to crack. I need help. I've never dealt with the trauma. I need to deal with the core of my addiction.

"It's all the little things, little things will remind me of Sylvain and I catch myself thinking about it. I have to stop myself. It's been 20 years, but I'm still trying to get high, I try to bury it. But it's just so hard. I'll be watching TV, and see a rope or someone tied up and boom, it brings me right back to it.

"And I can't clean storage areas. I can't do it."

One of her motivations for getting clean is her 15-year-old daughter, whom she doesn't have custody of.

"She needs her mom, you know. I did have her at one point. I was good for awhile, but her father would beat me. I left him and put her with my grandmother. I got her back for a couple of years, then I went into rehab.

"It's been such a long road, I don't have anybody.

"It's like nothing ever happened. Nobody gets it. I never met my dad. I get in stupid relationships with bad guys, it's crazy. I did graduate from college," she says, the first time you can hear any pride in her voice.

"I want to get the help I need, I want to get my daughter.

"You're catching me in the worst time of my life. This is the worst part of my life. Right now."

• • •

The memory of Sylvain lingers. How could it not?

"It haunts me every day. It's so hard. I miss my cousin Sylvain; we were very close," Marcia said. "We used to go camping all the time when we were kids. I don't have any brothers or sisters. He was like a big brother to me. He was very protective.

"He was awesome. And he was funny. He was always trying to help us, like he tried to help our cousin. He wanted to show he could be tough, that he'd help us.

"I miss him all the time."

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