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SAM Canada says no to legal pot

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The current push to legalize marijuana is wrong-headed and dangerous, says a Canadian group that calls it a "human rights issue."

SAM Canada, the Canadian chapter of Smart Approaches to Marijuana, is looking to push back on the pro-marijuana crowd, founder Pamela McColl told the Sun.

McColl said the legalization, currently in talks, would be normalizing the use of marijuana instead of "dampening" its consumption.

"We consider it to be a public health risk, especially to children ... This is a human rights issue."

She added there hasn't been enough conversation between Canadians on marijuana use. It would have negative effects on productivity, educational system and health, McColl added.

SAM Canada wants to reduce interest and demand by educating the public on harms and risks, McColl said.

McColl said the scientific evidence hasn't been assessed enough in the marijuana debate, and argued that calling marijuana "safe" is a "propaganda."

"Canadians just don't have the information to make the adult-informed decision it impacts driving, pregnancy ... depression."

McColl also said medical marijuana remains an "experimental drug."

"I don't believe in using humans for experimental drugs," she said.

When asked about tobacco and alcohol, McColl said tobacco should have been discussed during the election campaign.

The support for legalizing pot is similar to people's attitude towards tobacco in the past, before they realized it was harmful, McColl said.

"Look where tobacco has taken us ... That's still legal in Canada," she said.

"Marijuana is not a soft drug."

SAM Canada is currently planning on delivering books filled with marijuana info to Parliament.

Decisions, decisions

In deciding how best to legalize marijuana use, Canadian lawmakers could choose from several exisiting models:

The Colorado Model

The so-called “Green Rush” into American districts that have legalized recreational marijuana has seen massive commercialization of cannabis. Tax revenues are plentiful, but so are the concerns, especially when it comes to edible forms of the drug, which come in all forms — from candy to chocolate bars to THC-infused soda.

Opponents often cite the aggressive marketing of edibles, and the health risks involved if children accidentally consume them.

Proponents, including the Drug Policy Alliance, cite a decrease in Colorado’s violent crime, burglaries and property crime, and say that traffic fatalities actually decreased over the first year of legal marijuana in 2014. The state reaped more than $40 million in tax revenue that year, with a significant portion earmarked for youth prevention, mental health and community-based programs.

The B.C. model

Pot dispensaries are commonplace in the “wild west,” where Canada’s Prince of Pot, Marc Emery, is one of the most outspoken champions of the free market marijuana trade. Customers are supposed to have a Health Canada-approved licence to purchase pot, but the rule is rarely enforced. But while police tend to turn a blind eye, there have been several recent busts, including one chain of dispensaries believed to be linked to the Hells Angels.

Opponents decry the abundance of dispensaries — estimates have about 100 such shops in Vancouver alone — and the link to organized crime.

Proponents say the government is missing out on an opportunity to divert those dollars from criminal organizations and into public coffers.

The LCBO model

The approach most oft-cited by proponents as the ideal model for marijuana distribution: treat it the same as alcohol. Shops can only sell cannabis products from a regulated producer — with government oversight on quality and THC content already in place thanks to a decade of experience with medicinal marijuana — and a strict age limit, including stiff penalties for those found in violation.

A portion of proceeds would also be devoted to awareness campaigns — similar to alcohol — on the dangers of impaired driving, health impacts and the effects of cannabis on the developing brain.

Like alcohol and tobacco, consumption of cannabis would likely be severely restricted in public places

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