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Pot stocks soar following Justin Trudeau, Liberal win

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Pot plants aren't the only thing thriving under Bruce Linton's watchful gaze.

The CEO of Canopy Growth Corp. -- the Smiths Falls-based enterprise formerly known as Tweed, North America's first federally approved and publicly listed medical marijuana facility -- is watching his company's stock skyrocket.

That the markets reacted so dramatically on the morning after Canadians elected a Liberal majority government, with leader Justin Trudeau campaigning on a promise to reform the country's pot laws, is no coincidence.

"We're excited about where we're sitting, because we are the biggest production platform in Canada, and probably in the world for legally available (marijuana)," said Linton, who operates three licensed growing facilities in Smiths Falls, Toronto and the Niagara region, an operation featuring 7 acres of growing space.

"We have 500,000 square feet of production facility, which is, by any account an awful lot. And so we feel kind of like the next race is starting, and all this effort and building and acquisition and construction -- it's a race and that puts us in the pole position." While the legalization or decriminalization of marijuana has been a hot-button issue for decades in this country, discourse on the topic was curiously muted during the 78-day election campaign.

Outgoing prime minister Stephen Harper spent more time talking about Trudeau's pot policies than Trudeau did promoting them, with attack ads mocking the Liberal leader's priorities, followed by the Tories' late-stage unsubstantiated claim that the scourge of marijuana is "infinitely worse" than tobacco.

But when cornered on the issue, as he was during a late September campaign stop in B.C.'s Lower Mainland, Trudeau blasted Harper's "failed approach on marijuana." When asked when a Liberal government might set about reforming laws that prohibit the recreational use of marijuana, he responded: "We're going to get started on right away." Linton believes that's possible, thanks in part to an unlikely ally.

"The Conservative government did a very good job taking the original system for access to (medical) marijuana and then re-looked at it and turned it into a large platform of production, with all kinds of controls on what's in it, what's not in it, the quality control, the distribution system, the registration system," said Linton. "So we have a very orderly method for medicinal marijuana, and I think that same platform will be asked to deliver more bulk volumes to however it's going to be retailed.

"The only question is how will it be distributed? What's it going to look like?"

Eugene Oscapella is a University of Ottawa professor who is a advocate for the reform of marijuana laws in Canada. Tony Caldwell/Ottawa Sun


Eugene Oscapella, University of Ottawa law professor and longtime advocate for "sensible drug policy," has an idea of what shape legal weed might take in Canada.

"It can all be done responsibly. And the object should not be to promote cannabis -- it's not about developing a market, it should be about developing policies that minimize the harms and maximize the benefits," said Oscapella, who envisions a model for marijuana distribution similar to the one the LCBO employs for alcohol.

"You have to start out with a fairly strict regime. Ban consumption in public places, the same as it's done for alcohol. Some people are going to be personally offended by people smoking pot, so let's be respectful of those people until such time as society adjusts to this new dynamic," he said.

"So where can it be consumed? What will the age limit be?" Oscapella warns against the model adopted in Colorado, where the so-called Green Rush has seen "massive commercial enterprise" fiercely competing for their share of the marijuana market since the first retail pot shops opened their doors on Jan. 1, 2014.

"The Colorado model of very strong commercialization is not something I would think (the government) would want to move towards. They would want to look more at a public health-based model, similar to what we do with tobacco -- how do we allow consumption and yet discourage it? How to we minimize consumption by young people who are not in a strong position to make a mature decision about whether they want to use it?

"There are some who say cannabis affects the developing brain, but I suspect that's also true of alcohol." Oscapella said opponents to marijuana law reforms are already lining up, with the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police one of the most significant voices opposing legalization.

"Their tool is criminal law," said Oscapella, "and (police) are not comfortable with other tools being used to deal with this social phenomenon." Ottawa Police Chief Charles Bordeleau stands with his fellow police executives, though he has long supported the idea of decriminalization.

"Right now, we seize it, destroy it, and there's no consequence to the person," Bordeleau recently told the Sun. "It costs the system too much money to send these people to court." Oscapella believes legalization will reduce the burden on the courts and allow police to divert enforcement resources to other worthwhile endeavours.

Last year, Oscapella said there were just over 100,000 police-reported drug incidents in Canada. Half of those were for cannabis, and the majority of cannabis violations were for simple possession.

"That's a significant number of people in the courts," he said, citing a 2002 Senate report on illegal drugs that estimated 600,000 Canadians are currently living with a criminal record for simple possession of cannabis.

"Grant a general pardon. Let's get rid of the criminal stigma and the impediment to these people's lives," Oscapella said.

"There will be opposition to it, there's no doubt about it, but Trudeau has a majority, and probably a significant majority of the Canadian public onside. The only issue is what shape the legal regime would take.

"And there are people looking at building a regulatory framework that is going to accept the reality that people are going to use (recreational cannabis) while minimizing the harm that's associated."

Ronan Levy (left) and Joseph del Moral, directors of the first Canadian Cannabis Clinic in Niagara that opened on King St. in St. Catharines in 2014. Julie Jocsak/Postmedia Network


Ronan Levy, director and general counsel of Canadian Cannabis Clinics, hopes the medical community remains involved once the medicinal marijuana industry expands to embrace recreational marijuana users.

"All of us in the industry are standing here on the precipice looking at the landscape and saying, 'We don't know where things go from here.' All of us are speculating about what this next step looks like, and it can take many possible courses," said Levy.

"The most likely in our mind is something similar to what's happening in Colorado, where medical cannabis and recreational cannabis are treated very differently, with recreational cannabis taxed very heavily while medical cannabis is not.

"And what happened in Colorado when recreational use of cannabis was authorized was that medicinal market actually tripled in size. Because even though we see attitudes changing (among both the public and the medical community) there is still a very distinct stigma attached to people using cannabis as medicine.

"People always make the presumption that if you're using medical cannabis, you're just a pothead looking to get a legal high.

"That's very much not the case, but that insidious perception still exists." In part to dispel that perception -- the lack of conclusive scientific evidence is often cited by opponents -- Canadian Cannabis Clinics is launching a comprehensive study to the efficacy of marijuana as medicine, tracking 1,000 patients over a three-year period.

He will have no shortage of volunteers to choose from.

Two new clinics will open in November, bringing to nine the number of clinics operating in Ontario, with 15 doctors on staff to provide prescriptions (though no marijuana is kept onsite). Levy said the Ottawa location alone is seeing about 100 new patients every month.

Levy expects the current distribution model -- where Health Canada-approved marijuana can only be shipped directly to patients through a courier -- will quickly be abandoned in favour of the dispensary model.

"The word on the street is that within 90 days (of legislation being passed) you'll see dispensaries being allowed to sell cannabis in stores, so the whole truck/courier system will go out the door," said Levy.

"You'll still need, in theory, a prescription to access the cannabis through a dispensary, but you will be able to buy it in person.

"Our concern is that most dispensaries don't have a very strict threshold in terms of who they're going to sell to. With patients who come through our system, it's a much more rigorous process to ensure they're actually good candidates for cannabis." Levy said dispensaries in B.C., and the ones cropping up around the GTA these days "are operating in a grey zone -- they don't have any regulation.

"The concern with that model is that our clinics will no longer be necessary -- people with a diagnosis (of a condition where medical cannabis can be prescribed) won't bother going through the hassle of seeing a doctor, they'll just go straight to a dispensary. And that has health risks."


For his part, Oscapella believes it's simply a matter of time before public acceptance welcomes marijuana into the same position in society as alcohol.

"Forty years ago when I moved to Ottawa there were no outdoor beer gardens. You couldn't drink on a Sunday," he said. "So we've relaxed liquor laws over time in areas where we felt we could do it without causing significant harm, I can envision the same scenario coming to pass with cannabis."

Twitter: @ottsunhelmer


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