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Letters to the Editor, Ottawa Sun, Oct. 24

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Well, I have heard it all now. The Ontario Liberals gave the three teachers unions $2.5 million to compensate them for the long bargaining process. Do the Liberals not know how much money the teaches unions are worth? This province is far past broke and all of us will be left in the poorhouse by the time we get a chance to kick the Liberals out of the province. Why would the unions want settle with the taxpayers putting them up in hotels and feeding them. Why does the union even collect union dues? The Liberals sure know how to put the squeeze on during negotiations. Maybe the union is using the money to pay their share of Babcocks $50 million contract

K.Graham, Kanata

(Funding the Leafs would be one way to waste even more money.)


City-goers need to be more polite to minimum wage workers if they want to receive the service they believe themselves to be entitled to. As a minimum wage worker, I can tell you that being rude and impatient will not make me serve you quicker or more effectively. I am not a dog and you the master! We are equals, no matter how much you patronize me. I am a cashier, I don’t set the prices, I don’t stock the shelves and I certainly am not the one who added too much salt to your name brand crackers. You, a frowning customer, approaches me, and criticizes me for not smiling? I fail to see the sense in that. All anyone is asking for is a little respect. Here’s a tip Ottawa, you give some, you get some.

Leah Proulx, Ottawa

(So much for ‘The customer’s always right.’)


So obviously Uber has taken a lot of heat and stirred up a lot of controversy lately, but for what? They’re not licensed or insured but that sure doesn’t show in their service. All the drivers I’ve ever had are super friendly and very careful drivers. Some people argue Uber is unsafe. What most people don’t know is Uber drivers are hired employees and when you call a cab, it tells you who is picking you up with a picture and also what type of car they’re driving. Finally Uber is so much cheaper than cabs. I understand that normal cabbies have to pay outrageous amounts for their licence but people are going to go with the cheaper option. Uber is giving a cheaper, more practical taxi option and is also bringing some much needed competition for traditional taxis. This competition is healthy and upping the standard for taxi drivers everywhere.

Chris Puttick, Ottawa

(Uber is immensely popular. But the secret of its success seems to hinge on undercutting taxi fare rates.)


It is quite worrisome to see that Justin Trudeau has decided to withdraw our F-35’s from the bombing mission against the barbaric army ISIS. This demonstrates to our allies that Canada does not have the stomach to take this evil force head on. Heaven help us if we in this country become victim of a massive terrorist attack, because frankly I believe our new leader will just turn the other cheek and blame it on climate change.

Stephen Flanagan, Ottawa

(It is worrisome, but the new PM has a mandate, so we’ll see what comes of it.) 

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