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Letters to the editor, Ottawa Sun, Sept. 19, 2015

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The Mountie charged with crimes against his son, certainly the most horrific to grace the news in recent years, is free to drive alone to Montreal because of a “medical emergency”? Why isn’t he in custody? Did I miss a bail hearing? Is this cops being nice to cops? Would I be treated the same way if I stood accused as the Mountie? Someone needs to ask the questions.


(The accused is out on bail. Of course, that makes the story no less odd.)



After all the build up to the” Great Debate” in Calgary last night, I felt the Globe and Mail failed miserably. Globe moderator David Walmsley let the debate turn into a yelling match from the get go. Trudeau constantly interjected, yelling like a high school debater at both Harper and Mulcair as they were trying to answer questions. Pointed questions about the costing for carbon pricing schemes (tax) were never given by Mulcair, after being asked twice by the moderator. Both Trudeau and Mulcair constantly deflected questions and instead read off their scripted mumble-jumble party platforms, which had nothing to do with the question. They are both in left field with their socialistic idealisms, lack of economic common sense, and push for bigger government intrusion into our daily lives. If the debt to GDP ratio is so low, Mr. Trudeau, who do you think is responsible? It’s because of conservative economic policies! I give the Globe and this debate a failing grade.


(There have been many complaints about the debate. It was imperfect. Better to have it than not, though.)



Mr. Furey, no big surprise, doesn’t seem to comprehend the absolute cluelessness of Trudeau fils’ performance in last night’s debate. Mr. Trudeau hectored “Mr. Harper” for only running surpluses in election years. PM Harper has posted three actual surpluses, in 2006, 2007 and 2014, none of them election years. (The 2006 federal election was during the 2005 fiscal year.) To the extent there is a grain of truth in what he said, he seems to be conceding that the projected surplus for 2015 will be realized, even though it has been his party’s position that 2015 will show a deficit. Has he changed his mind about this, as he changed his mind about balancing the budget? Mr. Trudeau invoked Liberal shill David Dodge’s support of his infrastructure program, who he hilariously identified as the ex-chair of the Bank of Canada. The US Fed has a chair, Janet Yellen, the Bank of Canada has a governor. Someone who doesn’t know that doesn’t deserve to be a federal MP, let alone leader of Canada’s third party.


(Polls are so tight right now, every debate misstep could matter.)



If Colin Greening really wants to resurrect his hockey career, he should watch the way Mark Borowiecki plays. Greening doesn’t necessarily have to fight as much as Borocop, but he has all the tools to play with determined physicality every shift.


(Hockey season is so very close. That’s a bit of good news we can all appreciate.)

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