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Concussions changing how kids play and how we coach them

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It’s been nine months, and Taylor McCullough still doesn’t feel right — still doesn’t feel like herself.

“It’s frustrating not having a definite time line,” she explains. “It’s been a long recovery and I’m still recovering.”

It was a moment last December that turned the 18-year-old’s life upside-down.

She was playing ringette — a sport she’s played since she was four. Ringette’s like hockey, played on ice, with skates. Players manoeuvre a rubber ring with a straight stick.

It’s meant to be non-contact.

“I went to intercept a pass over the blueline,” she said. “And another girl came up behind me and bulldozed me over.”

Right away, McCullough knew she had a concussion. This was her second. She suffered the first in 2010, also while playing ringette.

One of the signs that she recognized right away was a headache that felt like “someone is hammering your head.”

McCullough decided to sit out the rest of the tournament and had her parents drive her back home to Ottawa. She said she was coherent, and remembers everything clearly — they even grabbed a bite on the way.

She slept on and off through the next three days — a period she has no memory of now.

“I lost those three days ... I knew something was seriously wrong,” said McCullough, “When I woke up, I didn’t even know what day it was.”

She went to her family doctor, who sent her to CHEO’s Concussion Clinic, and it was confirmed she had a concussion.

• • •

Awareness of concussions has dramatically increased in recent years. There have been the incidents of pro athletes struggling — the Sidney Crosbys — and there have been the more tragic, local stories — such as that of Rowan Stringer, a Barrhaven teen who died after suffering a concussion while playing rugby.

Concussions are a form of brain injury, which can cause physical, emotional and cognitive damage.

There are an estimated 300,000 sports-related concusions in Canada each year, according to the Heads Up Institute of the University of Winnipeg. The highest rates of concussions in Ontario are among those under 18 years of age; and when it comes to concussions, younger people are more susceptible to severe consequences.

This weekend, Rowan’s parents will host an event with local MPP Lisa MacLeod as they continue to push for Rowan’s Law, which would govern all school and non-school youth in an effort to prevent similar tragedies from concussions. Rowan’s father, Gordon, shares his story on Page 6 of today’s Sun.

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For the first three months after her concussion, McCullough wore sunglasses and a baseball cap in school to block off the florescent light as she was light-sensitive.

She suffered from severe headaches, which had moved to her forehead area from the temple area.

She said her school friends didn’t seem to understand the severity of her concussion.

“They just didn’t understand that I just didn’t want to hang out with them,” McCullough said. “It wasn’t like I was mad at them. They just didn’t get it.”

She still visits CHEO for checkups where they monitor her concentration, sleeping habits, cognitive abilities and moods. She takes vitamins as well as anti-depressants — and she has no idea when she’ll recover completely.

McCullough moved to Cornwall to start her studies at St. Lawrence College this week. She worries the lack of concentration and forgetfulness, also due to her concussion, might affect her studies.

Moreover, it’s hard for her to make any plans in advance, since she doesn’t know when her headache will act up or when she’ll be in the “low spot” of her depression.

McCullough can get frustrated, but she said she’s on better terms with her school friends, as they are more aware of how her head injuries affect her both physically and emotionally.

• • •

Dr. Kristian Goulet, a physician with CHEO’s Concussion Clinic and the Pediatric Sports Medicine Clinic of Ottawa, sees about four new concussed patients and eight followups every Friday at CHEO.

While it’s not easy to track the exact numbers of sports-related concussions, Goulet said he believes 75% to 80% of his patients’ concussions are sports-related.

“Brain is always changing and developing,” he said. “Kids are more likely to get a concussion and it’s more likely to last.”

He added there’s also a big psychological element to the post-concussion syndrome.

For example, concussions cause headaches, trouble sleeping and difficulties concentrating, which are all related. The headache can be caused by stress and pressure of coping with concussion, in addition to the actual concussion itself.

Goulet said by educating kids and youths on what to expect during the recovery and informing them of stress management on missing school and/or sports team, they’re less likely to get post-concussion symptoms.

It’s also been proven that girls are more likely to get concussions at a more severe level, he said.

The possible reasons, including hormonal levels, are up for a debate, but it may be that that girls are more honest when it comes to describing their symptoms to a physician.

While head injuries can be serious, Goulet said, it shouldn’t keep people away from enjoying active lifestyle.

“You can’t pull kids out of hockey (just because of fear of concussions) ... you just have to respect it and treat it appropriately the first time,” he said.

“A concussion is like the ocean — you have to respect the ocean. You get lost at the sea if you don’t respect the ocean ... it’s the same with concussions.”

• • •

The top three sports related to concussion, from what Goulet has seen, are football, rugby and hockey.

There are also a significant number of concussions from playing soccer and basketball, according to Goulet. He added cheerleading is another activity that can lead to injuries that cause a long-term brain injury.

McCullough knows she can never play ringette again, but she remains positive and still plans to stay active by getting into cross-country running.

“It was hard for me to sit out the games and watch my teammates have fun, but it’s worth it,” she said. “This is a brain we’re talking about ... it’s not like you can get a new brain.”


Symptoms of concussion may or may not include:

  • Headache
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Visual disturbances
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Amnesia
  • Loss of balance or poor coordination
  • Decreased playing ability
  • Irritability
  • Sadness
  • Anxiety
  • Inappropriate emotions
  • Slowed reaction times
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulty remembering
  • Confusion
  • Drowsiness
  • Trouble falling asleep
  • Sleeping more than usual
  • Sleeping less than usual

Facts about concussions

  • Annual incidence of sports-related concussion in Canada is estimated at 300,000.
  • The likelihood of an athlete in a contact sport experiencing a concussion may be as high as 19% per season.
  • Traumatic brain injury occurs 500 out of 100,000 individuals annually in Canada, with 18,000 alone in Ontario.
  • One in 5 sport related injuries are head injuries (concussions).
  • Every year in Canada, more than 11,000 people die as a result of a traumatic brain injury.
  • More than 6,000 become permanently disabled after a traumatic brain injury each year.
  • Acquired brain injury is the leading cause of death and disability for Canadians under the age 35.
  • Within the next hour, 6 Canadians will suffer brain injuries.
  • Brain injury is the greatest killer under the age of 45, the greatest disabler under the age 44 and kills more children under the age 20 than any other causes combined.

— Source: Brain Injury Association of Waterloo-Wellington & the University of Winnipeg’s Heads Up Concussion Institute


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