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Ottawa Sun Letters to the Editor, Aug. 28

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After the events involving the journalist and her cameraman in Virginia on Wednesday, imagine my complete and utter shock to see a horrendous picture on the cover of your newspaper of the moment Alison Parker was about to die. To stoop to such levels is a disgrace to her and her cameraman Adam Ward. They should be remembered as two individuals who love the field of journalism and chose it as their career. By choosing that cover, the Ottawa Sun chose to honour the individual who took that career and also ended their lives, from them. While other reporting agencies and media outlets were asking for the videos not to be shown in order to show them and their families some respect, the Ottawa Sun chose to do the exact opposite and post a horrifying picture of someone who was about to die in complete disrespect. Shame on you, Ottawa Sun.



(Thank you for sharing your concerns. No one is looking to honour the shooter. What the cover did, we think, is illustrate the unique circumstances of a horrific shooting)


Re: "Make taxes an election issue" (Editorial, Aug. 27)

Canadians currently pay more in a variety of taxes than buying food or running their households. Thus, when we hear NDP Leader Smiling Tom Mulcair saying he will balance the federal budget by raising taxes on corporations, Canadians should be alarmed, as this would then be passed on to them. Whatever province that has experimented with socialism/ NDP governments, escalating taxes on everything has resulted. Manitoba is currently discovering this. With polls today showing Canada may well end up with Prime Minister Mulcair, Canadians better ask themselves how much more in taxes they can afford when casting their votes.



(We think most people would say they can't afford any more taxes)


For nine months we do it. We hope, some pray, our child is born healthy. If that happens, we get on with life. We purchase school supplies, new shoes, sign them up for swimming, drive to school dances, friends come over for dinner, there are sleep overs etc. etc. until one day they move out. That's the way it should be or, as Billy Preston sang, "That's the way God planned it."

But, what would you do if, when the little one turns three, you are informed your child is autistic? If, finding a caregiver, with the skills required, is above your pay grade, you will have no choice but to quit your job. With your child's future in mind, if Behavioural Intervention is the recommendation, at a cost of $5,070 a month, you will have little or no choice but to sell your home, your car and anything else of monetary value including the silverware.

So, even though you did everything right during those nine months of pregnancy, ate the right food, exercised and got your eight hours of sleep, and contrary to what you have been led to believe about the millions spent on it, the costs of caring for your child with a disease that isn't life threatening end up in your lap and become yours alone to bear.

"There, but for the grace of God go I", is why all Canadians must pay the price for children and adults with autism.



(It takes a village)

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