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Ottawa Sun Letters to the Editor, June 18

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Re: "Check on street checks" (Ottawa Sun, June 17). The police have done this to me a couple of times. I just inform them that unless they have cause to stop me, they will just get the sight of my back as I walk away. If they push the issue, I then inform them if they touch me that is assault and I will respond to that (it also helps when you remind them that the Supreme Court of Canada ruled years ago that it is your right to resist an unlawful arrest). It helps as well that police know that in this day and age someone is most likely recording what is happening. People have to start to realize that the police have to follow the rules/laws (though from past and present action of police you would think they believe they are above the law) like everyone else. It is sad that it seems the rotten apples are now outnumbering the good apples in the basket.



(Being overly polite to police sometimes works too, but we agree, being stopped for no reason can be inconvenient if not annoying)


Regarding the news that the ETFO want an additional $3.2 billion of our taxpayer money,

here's what ETFO means to me: Every Teacher Fails Ontarians.

I cannot believe the greed of the unions and the teachers. Every single one of them should be fired and this union busted up. There are more than enough out-of-work teachers who would love to work for a fair and honest wage.

It has never been more evident that the teachers do not care about the students, they do not care about the state of Ontario's economy -- they only care about their own selfish and greedy agenda.



(It's safe to say many parents of school age children -- or workers in the private sector struggling to make ends meet -- have little sympathy for teachers these days)


When are those elected to Parliament and other levels of government going to come clean with all the crap of drunk driving?

Since there have been cars on the road, tickets and jail sentences have been given to drivers under the influence with little or no impact. The governments in all their purity are on one hand the suppliers of alcohol and on the other hand fine and imprison some of us for drinking. This is nothing more than the usual political two-faced hypocrisy we have unfortunately become accustomed to.

All they have to do is order the automotive industry to start installing a sensing device to detect alcohol, work and family-related stress and other medical problems that will affect a person's driving ability.

Problem solved!

Dangerous drivers are off the road.

If the courts can order one of these to be installed in a person's vehicle after being charged with driving under the influence, why not have them in all vehicles?

And if the owner of a vehicle removes the unit, have that person jailed.



(It sounds drastic to us, but you're the third letter writer in a week to suggest it)

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