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Wife-beating dad popped pills, hid money woes, he tells court

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The truth stuck in his throat.

So Christopher Hoare picked up a baseball bat.

"I hit (my wife) on the side of the head," he told his attempted murder trial Wednesday.

"She instantaneously drops to her knees. Drops like a stone."

Eight years of lies came to a head on April 2, 2014 when Hoare bludgeoned ever-loving wife Kirsten Cote with his son's aluminum bat.

"Why are you doing this to me?" she asked weakly, lying bleeding on the garage floor with Hoare "draped" on top of her.

"I've ruined us," he said. "We have nothing left."


The die was cast in 2008.

It was a rough year for realtors like Hoare, the 45-year-old father of five testified. The market plunged, they had another child on the way and he'd decided to change jobs.

Income taxes were the last thing on his mind.

"I simply didn't do them," he said.

He meant to catch up but Christmases, birthdays and vacations to Disney got in the way.

"Life -- it runs on money," Hoare said.

By 2011 they were back on their feet but then Cote confronted Hoare with an ominous beige envelope from the tax man.

"I flat out lied to her," Hoare said. "I was completely ambushed."

Cote also turned out to be unexpectedly pregnant and the taxes again went on a back burner, Hoare said.

"Life just got in the way."


By 2012 Hoare was run ragged from the pressures of work and the responsibilities of home, he said.

Admired by his boss for his commitment to his family -- he seldom worked weekends and was always home for dinner -- the early mornings and late nights had begun to take their toll.

An acquaintance tipped a few speed capsules into his hand.

"It was bloody brilliant," he said.

The drug became a daily ritual but it only heightened his anxiety about his lies so his nurse supplier gave him OxyCodone, a powerful prescription narcotic, to take the edge off.

"I was able to do everything I needed to do," Hoare raved. "My marriage was better because of these. My children were better.

"I was Superman."

But in November 2013 he got a tax bill for $40,000 and learned his earnings were to be 100% garnisheed.

"Now I was really freaked out," he said.


April 2, 2014 began like any other day, except that Hoare was now desperately short of funds and clinging to a fiction that a real estate cheque was due to come through.

In his mind, the day he confessed was the day his marriage would be over.

"I had no doubt in my mind," he said. "I just wasn't ready to not be married to my wife."

He drove his kids to school then lingered in his car in front of the building.

He popped an Oxy and drove home to find his chipper wife preparing to go shopping.

"I open my mouth to tell her," he said "And no words are coming out."

"It would be great if she got knocked out," he thought. "Take her out to the garage. Get a piece of wood. Hit her over the head with it. Tell her something fell."

He told her he had a surprise.

The blow -- he hit her with less than half his strength, he said -- failed to produce the desired effect. Nor did the second.

"She's got her hands up and she's looking up at me. She has this look of complete horror on her face."

He tried to muffle her screams with a dishrag and then a shoe. He let her off the ground and she fled to the driveway, "stumbling like a drunk," he said.

She screamed for help and a neighbour called police.

Hoare was taken away in handcuffs.

"I would do anything for her," he said.

Anything, it seems, except tell her the truth.


  • Christopher Hoare, 45, has pleaded not guilty to attempted murder, aggravated assault and choking in an April 2, 2014 attack on wife Kirsten Cote.
  • At the beginning of the trial he pleaded guilty to assaulting her with a baseball bat.
  • He had been lying to her for years about his rocky relationship with the tax man and when the money seemed to be running out for good -- the Canada Revenue Agency had started taking all his earnings -- he says he struck Cote twice with a bat to keep her from going shopping and learning the truth about their finances.
  • He began testifying in his own defence Wednesday; his cross-examination continues Thursday morning.

Notable Quotes:

On wife Kirsten Cote: "My wife is my best friend. She's practically my only friend. I just was not ready to not be married to my wife. I didn't want this to happen until I was ready."

On beating her bloody: "It's kind of like a cartoon. I have this little voice on my shoulder saying, 'What are you doing, don't be stupid, put (the bat) down.'"

A second voice said: "Just go ahead, just do it."

"I took the bat," Hoare said.

"Where is your wife?" defence lawyer Eric Granger asked.

"Exactly where I put her," Hoare said. "And then I hit her."

On the attempted murder charge: "I certainly didn't hit her full force. Hard enough. Harder than you'd want to be hit with a bat. ... less than half my strength."

"I did not try to kill my wife that day ... I never wanted my wife dead."

On his relationship with his wife: "Our relationship only got better as time went on."

"Our relationship was extremely good. It was fantastic."

On his kids: "My kids are fantastic."

On speed: "I wound up buying an awful lot of it ... They were absolutely fantastic."

His wife's reaction, as Hoare recalled it: "You don't love me. I can never trust you again. You are going to jail. You're a f---ing a--hole."

Hoare's response: "I didn't have anything to say to that."

On regret: "It made complete sense at the time. It's the stupidest thing I've ever done. ... I was panicking about losing my wife. I've lost everything in my life. I've got nothing."

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