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Pembroke native Phil Sheppard narrowly escapes with life, gets straight to work

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When Pembroke native physiotherapist Phil Sheppard left Kathmandu two weeks ago to trek the mountains of Nepal, he thought he was going to enjoy the breathtaking scenery after a month-long stint volunteering at a paediatric hospital and school for disabled children.

What he didn't expect is to barely escape with his life and go on to be one of only a handful of foreign contact points for international aid organizations trying to get supplies and medical aid to rural areas of the country following one of the worst earthquakes in living memory.

Having just returned from a short trek around the tiny mountain village of Jhinu Danda, Sheppard was in his room at a local tea house when the quake struck on April 25.

"I heard the people next to me run downstairs," he told the Daily Observer in a phone interview from Pokhara, Nepal, "so I ran after them, and less than 30 seconds later the roof of the tea house collapsed onto our rooms. The shock lasted for around two minutes, and then there were continuous aftershocks after that."

The aftershocks just kept coming, and you could hear landslides happening all around us. The place where I was, the foundation of the building was just made of piled rocks, so the whole thing was shaking, and the whole village is nothing but tea houses, so there was nowhere to go."

After collecting his thoughts, and his belongings from the rubble of the tea house, Sheppard's thoughts immediately turned to Pokhara, Nepal's second-largest city and the place he had been using as a base camp during his travels, which was roughly 80 km west of the quake's epicentre.

Despite rumours of widespread destruction in Pokhara, Sheppard was relieved on his return to find that the city was largely intact, with only a couple of deaths and a dozen or so injuries as a result of the quake.

Despite his near-death experience, his overall goal was to get as close to the most damaged areas of the country as he could.

"After it happened, initially there was obviously fear, especially being in a very dangerous spot. But after the initial fear was over, I just had this feeling like I needed to get back and help, because I have skills that I could use to help, so I knew I needed to do it. And when I got back obviously I was happy that everyone was safe in Pokhara, but then my immediate reaction was 'get to Kathmandu'. I bought a bunch of food to last me a week, loaded up on water and was trying my best to get to Kathmandu, but all the flights and buses were cancelled."

After spending some time triaging patients arriving by ambulance and air from the devastated capital region, he then went to Gandacki Medical College to offer what assistance he could to the chaotic scene confronting local medical professionals.

"It was madness," he says. "It was insane. They weren't prepared for it at all. They would come, the loads of people, 20-30 at a time, and there were probably 20 doctors in the room already, and then they called in medical students, probably 20 more of them."

Thanks to the constant threat of serious aftershocks, nobody in the region could find many creature comforts to help relieve the stress of the day.

"There were still aftershocks that day and the day after, so I slept outside for a few nights, just on the grass."

One of the chief difficulties with disaster response in Nepal is that, beyond the geographic challenges of an extremely mountainous region, so much of the country is focuses intensely on Kathmandu. The sole international airport is in the capital, as are virtually all offices and bases for international non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The only group that has unfettered access to transportation to and from rural areas is the military, with the Indian Army leading efforts, but bureaucracy and red tape have made accessing some of that transport difficult.

"All of the aid organizations were in Kathmandu," explains Sheppard, "and they had no-one here. The only contact they had was me, and there was one guy from Doctors Without Borders who just happened to be travelling through. They kept saying 'we want to send a mobile hospital in, and we have all these doctors waiting and a whole team waiting to go into these villages, but we don't know what the need is. We need someone to go in and assess what's happening.

"So a lot of the last few days has been working on trying to get on a helicopter to get there and see what's happening so these aid organizations can go in and set up. But without someone going in and getting them information, they can't do it. Even the guy from Doctors Without Borders was denied, and that really put a halt on things."

Without the aid of organizations like the Red Cross or Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontiers - MSF)

local casualties, and especially for those from near Kathmandu being brought further afield due to the chaos and destruction of the capital, are in the hands of local clinics and hospitals, some of which are understaffed, especially for situations like this.

"Two of the hospitals have physiotherapy services, and one doesn't, so we got a team of 14 medical students and we taught them how to do basic mobility, teach people how to use crutches, canes and that kind of stuff, and assess them for safe discharge from the hospital. What that does is first, it helps people to be mobile, and it helps free up beds in the hospital for people coming in."

For Sheppard, physiotherapists and other allied health professionals can provide three main valuable service in disaster zones.

"The big thing that physiotherapists and rehabilitation professionals can do in disaster relief is first decrease disability through proper handling. And then we can help free up beds by doing proper assessments and teaching people to be mobile on their own and independent. The third thing is to decease disability, long-term. And that's the huge thing that I've been working on over the last couple of days. I've made contact with a really good rehabilitation centre here called Green Pastures Hospital. They have this amazing facility, and they're trying to increase the number of beds they have to get more people in who have been injure in the earthquake. So those are the three things that physiotherapists can do during a disaster and shortly after."

After a brief time when he thought he was going to be required to leave the country, Sheppard is now setting his sights on a more lasting effort to help the country with its longer-term recovery from the disaster.

"What we're trying to do now is set up a long-term rehabilitation facility for people who have been injured," he explains. "After an earthquake, as you can imagine, there's going to be a huge spike in spinal cord injuries, and those people are going to need a place to go. So we're trying to establish a solid place for them to go where care is going to be provided by Nepali physiotherapists, with support likely from physiotherapists from different NGOs providing support and education that they need, and funding."

Ultimately, Sheppard wants to see the rehabilitation services get to the point where they are self-sufficient so that the need for foreign aid and support is minimized.

"The key is to have long-term physiotherapy in these locations [outside the main centre of Kathmandu] by Nepalis and developing a program that way, and keeping it sustainable. So we're in the middle of getting that started. We're hoping that likely we will have maybe a year or two of rehabilitation services set up where we're supporting just as much as they need, but the whole thing is to employ Nepalis to treat these people."

For more information about Sheppard and his efforts in Nepal and the broader global health community, visit

Twitter: @PRyanPaulsen.

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