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Pesticide OK for school, but not lawn?

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There's just something totally upside down in this town when we can't use pesticides to kill the weeds on our lawns, but going into a school full of children and blasting cockroaches with pesticides is somehow OK.

Yes, aside from the problem of using pesticides, apparently cockroaches sometimes curl up and get cozy inside our schools.


But not to worry.

At a hastily called news conference on Wednesday by the Ottawa Public Health department, officials were quick to tell reporters the ill effects being felt by staff and students at the Adult High School and Charles H. Hulse weren't really from the pesticide itself, but the solvents mixed with the pesticide.

And the symptoms, while irritating, aren't long lasting.

Well ... tell that to the parent whose child has been suffering.

"I don't believe I said we're not concerned about pesticides. We are concerned to always investigate when we get reports of illness, so we have taken it seriously to make sure we find out more about those symptoms and we've done health assessments," said Dr. Vera Etches with OPH.

"What we've found is that those health symptoms that are occurring are not consistent with the toxic effect of pesticide use. What we want to do is to make sure that people don't have any health impact so what we're looking at doing is making sure that if there's a solvent there and it's creating an odour and that's causing irritation and sore throats and headaches, that that is also removed. So we continue to want to address the problem."

So the solvent, not the pesticide, is the problem?


And that of course is why the OPH doesn't see any need to ban this particular pesticide for use in schools.

Raise your hand if you're a parent -- make that a parent who loves children -- and you feel OK about this toxic solution being used at their school.

No one?

But the OPH insists a ban isn't required as health hazards aren't created by their appropriate, short-term and limited use to control specific infestations of this type."‹

The whole story just seems wrong from top to bottom. (Or maybe that's bottom to top, this whole thing is just so mixed up.)

Things weren't any clearer at a news conference earlier in the day at the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, a board which includes Charles H. Hulse Public School, the Adult High School and Rideau High School -- three schools that have been identified as having the pesticide used in recent months. Rideau was back in September 2014, and the school board pointed out they had't received any complaints following the use of the pesticide.

Well, that's great, except of course, until parents knew about the use of pesticides, they had no way of correlating their child's symptoms to the use of pesticides.

It would well be children at Rideau were affected, but never thought to question safety at the school.

Who knows?

At this point, we likely will never know for sure.

And speaking of not knowing, turns out the board couldn't readily put its hands on a list of schools under its jurisdiction that had the pesticide used at its schools.

But they're working on it!

So incredibly frustrating.

But back to the weeds.

Would the cockroach-killing pesticide end the blight of weeds on our lawns and soccer fields?

Apparently, Ottawa Health just isn't sure.

Well, would it be legal to use?

No response.

Too bad.

If it's as safe inside as they're telling us, how bad could it be in the great outdoors?

Don't put any money on that one.

Twitter: @susansherring

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