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Burris citizenship snafu 'shocking, disgusting'

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Apparently, you can't rubber stamp your way to Canadian citizenship by playing 15 years in the CFL, paying the taxes that come with that, putting in hours and hours of charity work, being a model citizen and wanting to adopt a country you've grown to love as your home.

Apparently, being a good guy, having a smile glued to your face, counts for sweet dip all.

Oh, yes, the Canadian citizenship and immigration folks were doing their best verbal dancing/damage control spin on Easter Sunday, but the fact that Ottawa RedBlacks quarterback Henry Burris has for three years been getting the cold shoulder as he tries to take the necessary steps to become a Canadian citizen is shocking and disgusting, all rolled into one.

Part of the beauty of this great country is its inclusiveness.

We open our arms and give a big Canadian group hug to a wonderful mosaic of different faiths, nationalities and colours. We don't discriminate on sex or sexual orientation. New citizens become our brothers and sisters. We work and play alongside them, encourage them to do what Canadians do -- say eh a lot and drink Tim Hortons coffee; we're one big happy nation.

But the soon-to-be-40-year-old Burris has been stonewalled by the Canadian government in his attempts to secure permanent residence status, a step toward the Canadian citizenship he covets.

Seems our feds have had more drops on this than the 2014 RedBlacks receivers. What does our government tell Burris? Get a full-time job.

Yep, apparently playing a season that goes from June until November and earns Burris more than $400,000 isn't a full-time job.

I guess none of the citizenship and immigration folks have bothered to research the fact that football players are on a near-year-round workout routine that adds hundreds and hundreds of hours to that June to November gig.

Burris has been asked to take a basic English test and prove what he does for six months when he's not wearing a helmet and shoulder pads.

Huh? True story.

Burris figures he's spent $7,000 on an immigration lawyer who's been trying to decipher exactly why the quarterback would be considered a part-time worker.

Burris has been told if he were to go out and get a "full-time" job, well, that might qualify him.

So after he told CFRA's Rick Gibbons about his issues and there were some subsequent media follows, Burris was trending on Twitter, with people scratching their heads as to why a guy who wants to live in Canada, who wants to be Canadian ... is being told he can't be Canadian, he doesn't qualify.

Maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't get it.

We've got a guy from Oklahoma who's wants to be part of this great country. He's already a hockey dad -- his kids Armand and Barron are signed up.

"I'm not really a snow-and-ice guy yet, but the kids are truly Canadian," said Burris, who with his wife Nicole has blended so well into Ottawa since the RedBlacks signed him 14 months ago.

It wouldn't be fair to generalize and say that in our current system we allow too many miscreants within our borders.

But in this case, it's not about who we are letting in, but who we aren't.

At least the citizenship and immigration folks appear to be waking up and smelling the Timmies.

It's about time. Henry Burris and his family deserve better treatment.

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