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Everything's possible to blind athlete Kevin Frost

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As Ottawa's Kevin Frost, both blind and deaf, glides at speeds of up to 46.5 km around the speed skating oval, he's in his own little slice of heaven.

The 48-year-old, who has Usher Syndrome Type 2, has just 3.5% of his vision in each eye and 9% of his hearing.

Somehow, some way, he's among the world's best Masters speed skaters -- not just among those with disabilities, competing against everybody.

"I believe in turning negative to positive," said Frost.

"Did I have tough times? Of course. But you have to rebound with what you have. I talk to schools and businesses about karma. It's all about positive attitude. To this day, I am still adapting. That's part of the secret to success in the disability world.

"What I see, it's like looking through a straw. Everything is in tunnel vision. In the hearing and deaf world, where we communicate, it's the lips. So I have to feel and find."

Frost, who has three children -- Madison, Montana and Mitchell.-- had little hearing at a young age and his vision started disappearing when he was 30.

"When I was about 11, my math teacher said, 'You're not responding when I'm in standing behind you, but when I'm in front of you, you choose to communicate.' He told me I should get my hearing checked. The audiologist put two and two together and figured out I had been able to lip read. I thought that was just the norm of being a kid."

"I had suspected, but we'd had him tested many times," said Frost's mother Phyllis, who lives in Blackburn Hamlet with her husband Dale.

"Education is my field and I was brought up to look at the child first, don't look at the disability. Kevin was very determined from the time he was born. He always wanted to do everything the best he could and he always wanted to be first."

"Around age 25, my night vision started to get worse," said Frost.

"Then I couldn't see at all in the dark. I lived in Embrun and I would drive down that yellow line on Hwy 417.

"My goal was to be an NHL linesman. I refereed 20,000 hockey games and went to two NHL camps. I was fine until my last game after I was diagnosed. There were 11 goals and I only saw two go in. I was 33. They told me I was at about 18%. Legally blind is under 20%. A funny story: I ran into a couple of hockey players after I stopped refereeing. They said, "Wait, you have a guide dog?' I said, 'Yeah.' They laughed and said, 'We always knew you were blind.'"

Employed by Loeb for 17 years with a landscaping company job on the side and refereeing about 20 games a week, he had to find a new focus while going on long-term disability.

He turned to sports, ready to conquer any obstacles put in his way.

"Being a workaholic, I didn't want to sit around doing nothing," he said.

"Do I walk into doors? Yes. Do I trip over weights? Yes. Do I fall down the stairs? Yes. I learn to adapt. You can't stop living because you have an issue."

When Frost, who's also on the developmental team for the Paracycling tandem team (with pilot J.S. Perron), competes, he focuses on the first orange block and feels for the starter's gun. He can hear his coach through an FM system that communicates with his hearing aid.

"Mentally I know where everything is, but I can't always see it," he said.

"An able-bodied person can rely on the numbers, they can rely on the bell. I don't have that. The fastest skater in the world came up to me and said if he was in my shoes, he wouldn't even want to go around the corner."

Four or five years ago in Calgary, an able-bodied athlete turned to an interviewer and said: 'Holy sh--, I just got beat by the blind guy.'"

Competing in Scotland two years ago at the Impaired Skating Championships, in the 1,500 metres, Frost was at his best, ripping through intervals in amazing times.

"The classifiers called my coach over and said, 'What's with this? He skated every lap the same. You're supposed to get tired.' My coach said, 'You know what, in my view what's wrong with the Paralympic world is some coaches teach the athletes like they're Paralympic athletes. I train Kevin like an able-bodied athlete.' They said, 'If we do our calculation, (Kevin's) actually faster than able-bodied people.' It doesn't work that way. But if they do the classification system, I'm faster than Jeremy Wotherspoon. It's not fair to say I'm faster than him. But that's what blew them away."

Frost is an amazing story: An athlete who deals with what's possible, not what's not.

In the able-bodied Masters circuit, he was 13th at the world championships in Calgary.

"From the time he got on board with me, he's still getting very close to (personal bests)," said Frost's coach Mike Rivet.

"He's eight years older, he's got a lot less vision. Yet he's still improved. That's a big message when you can move up the ramp with an age factor and vision and hearing impairments working against you."

"Is it do-able, probably not, but I would have liked to compete at the able-bodied Olympics," said Frost.

"The standard is just a tad too high for me. But you can't change life.

"When I'm racing, I feel like I'm driving a car again. There's no fear, it always feels like a rush of job and freedom. Even if I lose all my vision, I'll find a way to beat that barrier. Life is all about beating barriers, no matter what you face."

Twitter: @timcbaines


When Mike Rivet started coaching deaf-blind athlete Kevin Frost, he decided he wasn't going train him much differently than the high-performance athletes he was pushing to achieve more and more.

"I don't treat him like he's visually impaired," said Rivet.

"I'm pretty hard on him. There are challenges. Some things are more visual, they're hard to explain to the athletes. Some things you can't make him do; it would be a safety risk."

The coach said Frost has an extremely strong work ethic and desire to get better.

"When he's racing against an able-bodied field, a lot of them look at him and say, 'Holy jumping, I'd better start working harder,' " said Rivet.

"The thing with Kevin is he realizes he has an impairment. But he's not going to let that stop him. He's not worried about the challenges he has."


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