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Ottawa Sun letters to the editor, March 6

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Re “Differential in time-of-use pricing may change: Chiarelli” (Antonella Artuso, March 4): When will Chiarelli, Wynne, Naqvi and the rest of the Ontario Liberals get it through their thick skulls that time of use becomes more and more irrelevant as time goes by? My last monthly bill was $169, only $74 of which was actual electricity. The rest is fees, taxes and taxes on taxes. On-peak electricity usage on that bill was $18.88 — I suppose I could save two or three dollars OUT OF $169 if I do more cooking in the middle of the night. Chiarelli’s doing his constituents no favours — his riding has the largest concentration of seniors in all of Canada, many of them on fixed incomes. What has he done for them? Oh yeah — the Ontario Clean Energy Benefit that saves them 10% — easy to give 10% back when you charge 200% more! Listen to your bosses for once, Bob — we don’t believe you anymore. A paradox, I know — Ontarians keep electing you birds. May as well keep it up — eventually we’ll all give up electricity as nobody will be able to afford it anymore.

Michael Mason

Beckwith Township

(What’s really shocking is that they keep trying to sell time-of-use as a cost saver)

overdue sentence

Kudos to our Prime Minister for introducing legislation that will keep people who have committed heinous and unspeakable crimes off the streets and booked into the crowbar hotel for the rest of their miserable lives. Like his anti-terror bill, the PM has struck a chord with the common person who has wanted something passed like this for many years. Yes, the mealy mouthed opposition ranks as well as the usual lefties will scream in horror, but this action is long overdue. Protecting the folks, that sounds a whole lot better than clobbering them with a draconian carbon tax.

Stephen T. Flanagan


(If you do the crime, do the time)

lack of support

Harper and the Conservative Government want to implement a new bill, that individuals convicted of heinous first-degree murder will receive life sentences with no parole. Currently, first-degree murderers face an automatic sentence of life in prison with no chance of any parole until they have served 25 years. Opposition by the Liberals and the NDP to this proposed new bill on tougher sentencing, has shown once again their inability to support or agree on important issues for Canadians. Trudeau and Mulcair seem to shy away from any new legislation that makes sense with the federal election around the corner. They seem to take a softer and safer position on any tough- on-crime legislation. Votes in the upcoming election seem to be more important to the opposition parties than rocking the boat with agreeing on important new proposed legislation by the Conservatives. Playing the human rights and Canadian charter of rights trump card by the opposition, is getting old and stale to the majority of Canadians who want horrific murderers off our streets. Why is it social activists are more inclined to defend the rights of murderers and terrorists, rather than the safety and greater protection of our citizens. Canadians need strong leadership from all political parties not just one.

John Marcinov

(Any chance for opposition leaders to go against Harper ... even if it makes all kinds of sense)

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