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Ottawa Sun letters to the editor, Feb. 5

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Riddle me this: Which is more dangerous, or can even be deadly when it gets into a school full of children? A peanut butter sandwich? An unvaccinated child?

The nanny state people get their knickers into a twist over content of kids’ school lunches, Halloween costumes, Christmas concerts, playing ball games in the schoolyard, and tobogganing in local parks, yet they don’t worry about the unvaccinated time bomb in little Dick or Jane’s classroom.

Having lived before vaccines, having seen the “quarantine” notices on homes where there was scarlet fever or whooping cough, and having experienced all the childhood diseases myself, I was overjoyed when vaccines for measles, mumps etc. became available and my children could enjoy the protection they afforded. I don’t understand how parents today could decide not to vaccinate their kids because some celebrity who has neither scientific nor medical training says vaccines are bad.

Final word: If you, like me, had chickenpox when you were a kid, get the shingles vaccine. Believe me, you don’t want to experience this one! On the other hand, if you don’t believe in the efficacy of vaccines, maybe you deserve it!

Eleanor Dunn


(Thankfully under Ontario’s Immunization of School Pupils Act, students are required to provide vaccination records to attend school)


Re “RCMP cracks open local terror ‘network’” (Feb. 4, Aedan Helmer): The Conservative government wants to protect Canadians and our nation by implementing new legislation on terrorism. As shown in past polls, the majority of Canadians are in support of this new bill. If this bill will make Canadians safer from any extremistsm, why not support the bill. NDP Leader Tom Mulcair and the now invisible Justin Trudeau, leader of the Liberals are still waffling on this new legislation.

Prime Minister Harper and the Conservative government are the only backbone in the House of Commons against terrorism in Canada and abroad. I challenge the opposing parties to once and for all stand united and finally accept the fact these ISIS terrorists and other radicals are a threat to our country. They are living amongst us. We as Canadians need strong leadership by all our elected party leaders. Now more than ever, Canada needs political unity in this fight. Put aside the looming Federal election and pass this bill as quickly as possible.

John Marcinov

(No matter what side of the political spectrum you fall, terrorism has no place in Canada)


Kudos to the RCMP and their relentless investigation which has led to another terror-related arrest. If not for the diligent and tireless work by the men and women in law enforcement we would be far less safe and perhaps reeling from another vicious attack like the one at the National War Memorial last October. The new anti-terrorist bill will provide these agencies with the necessary tools to try and thwart further individuals and groups from carrying out their heinous acts.

Stephen T. Flanagan


(We agree)

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