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We must battle intolerance

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Two weeks ago in this space I wrote about the Satanic Verses. About the courage it took for Viking Books to publish the controversial book by Salman Rushdie. Then to stand behind that decision in the face of threats, fatwas and terrorist attacks.

I wrote that column to contrast the Satanic Verses with the Seth Rogen movie The Interview. To contrast corporate bravery (Viking) with corporate cowardice (Sony.)

I didn't know I'd be returning to the subject within a fort-night. Again to contrast bravery with cowardice.

The cold-blooded murder of 12 people in Paris Wednesday is a reminder that the battle Viking waged more than 25 years ago is not finished.

It may never be finished. Sadly, we live in a world where intolerance is now seen as a virtue. For some, it has even become a religious calling.

It takes courage to confront such madness. And let's be clear: any human doctrine, philosophy, religion or belief system that has as its ultimate conclusion and tenet a thing that is anti-human -- I must kill a person -- is madness.

No animal would ever do it, by the way. Kill for a belief. That one is all ours.

It takes a special madness and cowardice to believe yourself so far superior to others -- so better connected to God -- that you have the right to take a person's life.

It also takes a special courage and bravery to stand up to madness like that. To call it out for what it is -- self-absorbed, intolerant, pompous, humourless, anti-human madness.

From what I am reading today, the people who worked at Charlie Hebdo had that sort of courage. That sort of bravery.

I have never read an issue of Charlie Hebdo, but knowing just the title and premise of their October, 2011, issue I stand in awe. Of the courage. The wit. That issue was called "Charia Hebdo," a reference to Sharia Law. The guest editor was Mohammed.

A tweet sent out just this week mocked Islamic State Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Imagine that. Someone finally pointing out that the great Caliph is a humourless nutbar.

As a good satirical magazine should, Charlie Hebdo doesn't play favourites. Their most recent issue pokes fun at Michel Houellebecq, a popular French author who predicts France will soon become a conservative Islamic State.

The stories in Charlie Hebdo seem audacious. Disturbing. Vaguely dangerous.

Which shows you how far we have gone in the wrong direction. Now that we have to stop and wonder if we are doing something wrong when we want to laugh at a dysfunctional clown like Caliph Baghdadi.

Remember when the Clash wrote Rock the Kasbah? Seems like centuries ago, doesn't it?

So it took some courage for Charlie Hebdo to keep on publishing, given the tenor of the times, and a dozen people paid the ultimate price. Some of them were called out by name. The editor. The star cartoonists.

Hunted and then killed. It is an almost unimaginable assault on the greatest of human achievements -- free thought.

The right to speak freely, to laugh at the ridiculous and the preening, to say without fear of reprisal or execution that you know what -- I think you're foolish.

In the days and weeks to come, I am sure we will be flooded with ideas and suggestions on how to avoid a tragedy like this from happening again.

But there is no way. The intolerant and judgmental are gaining strength in this world. There will be more attacks.

You cannot legislate away that reality. You cannot isolate it, arrest it or hope that by finding root causes freaks like Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi will go away.

All you can do -- the only choice ever given to the brave -- is to confront it. Battle intolerance today. Battle intolerance tomorrow.

The people who died in Paris deserve that much from us.

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