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Nativitiy scenes mean tradition, history

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It has been eight years and I was curious to find out if they were found. The wise king. The angel.

In December of 2006 they were stolen from the nativity scene in front of St. Patrick's Basilica. Taken by a thief, or thieves, who brought wire-cutters to snip the padlock protecting the display case. A crime with some thought behind it.

The recent Sun story about the nativity scene at the General Campus of the Ottawa Hospital -- and the temporary decision by the hospital not to erect the nativity scene, until it backed down under an onslaught of complaints -- reminded me there are other public nativity scenes in Ottawa that are just as beloved.

The nativity scene in front of St. Patrick's Basilica has been on display for nearly 60 years. At a wonderful location. The corner of Kent and Nepean streets. Heart of downtown Ottawa.

Generations have walked by this nativity scene and paused for a second to marvel at its beauty. The finely wrought porcelain figurines handcrafted in Italy. The carefully applied paint. The barnyard animals that still make small children stand on their tiptoes to get a better look.

The nativity scene was a gift to St. Patrick's back in 1958, from parishioners Alex and Diane White, who thought it a shame Ottawa's grand basilica, did not have a proper nativity scene.

"It cost my grandparents $750 back then," says Victoria White.

"A lot of money for the times, but I doubt if they would have thought about the cost at all. Their faith was so strong, and the nativity scene is so beautiful. It just would have seemed like a proper gift." White, who is a principal at a Catholic elementary school in west-end Ottawa, says it remains a family tradition, making the trek downtown to see the gift her grandparents gave to St. Patrick's.

The Whites come from all over the city now, and not just on the day Alex and Diane used to bundle up their seven children and head to Christmas mass.

"There are so many of us now," laughs White.

"Every family makes the visit. I was down there just last week. I couldn't imagine a Christmas without seeing grandma and grandpa's gift."

When White made her annual visit a mass was just finishing at St. Patrick's. Virtually every parishioner stopped and joined her to look at the nativity scene. Several thanked her, once they learned she was a granddaughter of the couple that had given it to the church. They also visited every year.

And I think that's the part the Ottawa Hospital never considered -- or didn't consider properly -- when it made its ill-fated decision not to erect a nativity scene.

The tradition it was ending. The history it was ignoring.

We may believe we live in a world so fast-paced we can invent it anew any day we like -- just one last click on the rewind button and we're there but we don't. People have memories. Those memories matter.

I'd like to believe there are other institutions out there who have paid attention to what just happened to the Ottawa Hospital.

Anyway, the two stolen figurines. I always get asked about them at this time of year, were they ever found? Did the police ever catch the thieves? Here is an update:

The police spent more time than would be normal, on a theft-under-$5,000 crime in downtown Ottawa, but they never arrested anyone.

A reward was offered the second Christmas after the crime but nothing came of this either.

The White family scoured the Internet and local thrift stores, looking for replacements but the exceptional quality of the gift made it an almost impossible task.

The original company was no longer in business. No other company seemed to have ever made anything quite as exquisite.

Then two years ago the family got lucky.

In the basement of Canadian Martyrs Church on Main Street a perfect match was found for the missing king. After years of searching, something had finally paid off.

The family went about searching that church from basement to steeple looking for the one, last missing piece but they never found it.

"We still don't have the angel," says another member of the extended White family, Carolann White.

"After finding the (wise king) we are somewhat optimistic an angel will turn up one day. "

I am too. Maybe there is even one out there right now, who can make it happen.

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