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Ottawa cops renew john sweeps for first time since key sex trade laws overturned

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Since three key prostitution laws were overturned nearly a year ago, Ottawa police have struggled with how to respond to neighbourhood complaints about prostitution.

This past week, they got back to sweeping into trouble spots and addressing the problem. It's the first time they've conducted a sweep since since Dec. 14, 2013.

"Businesses are screaming at us," says Insp. Mike Laviolette of the public pressure to move sex workers and trolling johns away from neighbourhoods in Vanier, Carlington, the Byward Market and Centretown.

It's not just curb appeal forcing the hand of police, Laviolette says he wants to stay in touch with the women and the johns in an effort to keep an eye out for human trafficking -- something which has been a problem across the river in Gatineau where a recent a major operation found the average age of sex slaves there was 18 years old.

Gatineau was one of only two Quebec forces of the 30 involved across Canada in the early-October initiative called Operation Northern Spotlight.

In Ottawa this past week, three undercover bait officers hit the street with about 20 cops in their cover teams ­-- watching at all times, ready to pounce. Such sweeps tend to temporarily thin out the herd of johns, Laviolette says. In their absence, in the words of one officer, it has become a "s--- show."

One female officer went out on a recon trip to Vanier in August. She sat on a set of concrete stairs near the intersection of Lafontaine and Montreal Rd.

"I was groped," she says.

One after another, men in vehicles stopped to see if she was selling sex.

"It was like shooting fish in a barrel," Laviolette says. "She was propositioned left, right and centre."

Wednesday night, that same officer was on duty to watch as another female officer posed as a prostitute.

The officer wears tight jeans which hug her curvy frame and she's perfected a sort-of seductive yet baddass waddle which makes it obvious to the many rubberneckers that she's not just out for some evening air.

She does this as children and teens walk past, heading home with their backpacks and headphones.

Her first collar comes just as the sun sets -- a cabbie. Once she gives the signal, officers descend. Within seconds, three unmarked cruisers surround the taxi and the driver is placed in handcuffs.

"Why did you stop me?" he asks, being led away.

This man, like many, will be offered a ticket to john school -- a pre-charge diversion program where the men attend and learn about the the dark and dangerous aspects of prostitution.

This game of cat-and-mouse used to be easier for police. Since the Supreme Court of Canada struck down laws that made brothels, communicating for the purpose of prostitution and living off the avails of prositution illegal, police can no longer arrest prostitutes in sweeps.

"We weren't certain how to proceed," says Laviolette.

After extensive consultation with its own experts and Crown prosecutors, Ottawa police have devised a way to continue the sweeps. There are still two charges which haven't been struck down -- impeding traffic for the purpose of prostitution and stop vehicle for the purpose of prostitution. Both just minor, summary offences -- but just enough to keep the sweeps going.

And Laviolette plans to do just that.

"It's a law that's low on the scale of criminality, but brings about other undesirable elements for the community like drugs and violence -- particularly violence directed towards the women themselves," he says.

The government has until December to come up with new legislation. Bill C-36 is currently before the Senate.

Twitter: @DougHempstead


John sweeps

Oct. 29 and 30, 2014:

  • 16 men arrested
  • 13 of them sent to john school
  • 3 charged

Dec. 7 and 14, 2013:

  • 6 men arrested
  • 4 of them sent to john school
  • 2 charged

All of 2013:

  • 10 sweeps
  • 117 men arrested
  • 73 of them sent to john school
  • 44 charged



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