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It may be destiny, but RedBlacks GM Marcel Desjardins has paid his dues and is ready to build a winner

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Maybe it was destiny that brought Marcel Desjardins to Ottawa as the general manager and architect of the expansion RedBlacks -- the same kind of destiny that connected him to Michelle McIntyre on train tracks in Burlington.

Flash back to a bit more than 30 years ago: Desjardins is a swing manager at a McDonald's, on Plains Rd. in Burlington. He had just been named employee of the month.

"(If you were employee of the month), they'd take a portrait and put it up in the store," says the 48-year-old Desjardins. "They were so far behind that they said, 'We're going to do your picture, but we're not going to put it up.' So I wore a (former Ottawa Rough Rider) Skip Walker jersey for the photo.

"When I did a Carleton Ravens dinner last May, as part of my speech, I said, 'This is just to show you my allegiance is to Ottawa,' I put that picture up as me as a 16- or 17-year- old, wearing a white turtleneck and a black Skip Walker jersey. It got a good chuckle."

At that McDonald's, he worked with Michelle, who he's been married to for 18 years. But more on that later. They went to different schools -- she was at Aldershot, he was at Georges P Vanier.

"I'll admit it, I had a crush on him," says Michelle. "At the time, he was going out with somebody else. He was really shy."

Flash ahead 10 years. Marcel was working at the CFL office in Toronto; she was also working in Toronto. They happened to run into each other getting onto the GO Train at the Burlington station.

"I had one foot on the step and my hand on the rail to pull myself up onto the train and happened to look back on the platform," says Desjardins. "There she was. I said, 'Are you Michelle McIntyre?' "

"We sat together on the train," says Michelle. "And it started to become a routine."

They'd sit and chat for the hour-long trip each day. This is where the destiny part kicks in.

"The big moment came one day when I won $1,500 on Pro Line," says Desjardins. "She basically blurted out there, asking if I needed help spending it."

"Our first date was a golf tournament," says Michelle. "I kind of remember, at the restaurant, there was touching of the leg."

Man and woman meet, and they meet again. Man and woman fall in love. Man and woman get married. It was all that kind of sappy stuff, and more. The latest chapter of their lives -- which earlier touched down in Montreal and Hamilton -- has brought them to Ottawa.

It's a good match. There's plenty of football planning to keep Marcel busy, so it's important to share a sense of humour. Laugh, laugh, laugh.

"You have to have fun, whether it's at home or at work, otherwise it doesn't work as well," says Desjardins. "There are times to be serious. But if you can have fun through your process, you have to."

"It can be tough and challenging," says Michelle. "But you learn to live with it. It's his bread and butter. It's his career. That's why we moved to Montreal, why we moved to Hamilton, why we moved to Ottawa. I know he's good at what he does. So you grin and bear it. He can be very silly. He makes me laugh. When I get laughing very hard, I vibrate. That makes him laugh, just seeing me vibrate."

They used to spend a lot of time watching Seinfeld.

"We get on little sayings," says Michelle. "There was one character that says 'sorry,' but he says it like 'saawwwwry.' So we got on that kick."

They like traveling together. It's a time to put football aside and focus on each other.

"We've gone to Europe in 2009 and 2011," says Desjardins. "We were gone for about three weeks each time. We make a point of going to London on the front and back end of the trip. The first time through, we did Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, I want to say Vienna ...the last time through we did Rome, Malta, Prague, we do Normandy every time. It's important to get away. It's catch-up time for us."

Desjardins pays close attention to the British Premier League soccer. Arsenal is his favourite. Sitting on the couch on a Saturday morning watching soccer is a welcome break from his football routine.

Desjardins who did an internship with the Canada Games Council while at Laurentian University, got hired by the CFL in April of 1994.

"They used to black out games on TV all the time," says Desjardins. "My brother and I were really the only ones of our friends who watched CFL football. I made a point of going to Ivor Wynne to see the Rough Riders and, on occasion, the Alouettes. So I was a fan. By the time I got to the league office in the communications department, I knew everything there was to know about the CFL. Did I take a job there thinking it would lead to this? No. I enjoyed sports. I enjoyed the CFL. So I just thought, let's just see where this goes."

After a year with the communications department, he spent four years working in football operations. Then came his big break.'

"(Montreal Alouettes GM) Jim Popp always seemed to be a little tardy in getting his paperwork in," says Desjardins. "I threw out there one day that if he ever needed help, let me know. At some point, he took me up on it. We were able to work it out. Michelle had a job in Toronto, so going to Montreal was going to be a sacrifice on her part. She doesn't speak French, so she was giving up her career. It was a great 12 1/2 years."

In 2006, he was hired to be the Ticats GM. What seemed to be the perfect script for a story -- local boy returns home -- turned into a nightmare that ended in the second season.

"I wasn't looking to leave Montreal, (the Ticats) came to me," he says. "So it was a no-brainer. All of our family is in southern Ontario. Without getting into too much detail, it was the wrong place at the wrong time. If I had known then what I knew soon after, I would have never taken the job. The guy who was the interim GM before me had not worked in the CFL before and had been told to spend whatever he needed to spend to get a winning team. The year I came in was the year of the cap. Just the transition from what they were paying to what I had to pay and getting rid of a bunch of players, it was a mess."

The way he found out he was being dumped by Hamilton still leaves him with a bitter taste.

"I'll never forget the last home game," says Michelle. "Marcel invited his family, they were all there, Unbeknownst to us, he was told five minutes before the kickoff that he wasn't coming back.

"I called my brother on his cellphone and he came up to the pressbox," says Desjardins. "I went and got (Michelle) and told her at halftime. We just all left. I went to my office, got my laptop and cellphone and walked out."

He had a job back in Montreal the next day.

"You learn not only the business, but who they want in the environment," he says. "Having gone through that experience made me a lot more diligent leaving Montreal before coming to Ottawa, what the facts were here versus what I thought the facts were."

He worked alongside Popp from 2008-12 before the RedBlacks became reality. Desjardins reached out to Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group president of sports Jeff Hunt to indicate he would like to throw his name into the hat for the job as GM. The interest was mutual.

"After the first meeting, I didn't think there was any way in hell I was going to get this job," says Desjardins. "Jeff had mentioned that the opinions on me from other people in the league were from one extreme to the next. But I knew what the source of the one extreme was, the bad extreme, and I assumed the other extreme was everyone else other than that one person."

He got the call sitting in the bleachers watching a practice for the East-West Shrine Game St. Petersburg, Fla. He was told he had been hired by the RedBlacks.

"I was excited," says Desjardins. "I had grown up a huge fan of the Rough Riders. I was intrigued by the fact there was nothing else here, having to develop a whole plan."

There was another connection to the Ottawa area. His dad Philippe and his mom Therese Langlois were born in Pembroke.

It was a relief to Michelle, too. It was a place they could call home.

"I can put all of my shoes under one roof," says Michelle. "I'm his No. 1 fan. I have always said to him, 'Wherever you go, I go.' It doesn't matter whether it was Saskatchewan or Winnipeg, I would be there with him."

Their 12-year-old German shepherd mix Molson died 14 months ago.

"Basically, one night I had to carry her down the stairs, I took her to the vet and that was it," says Desjardins.

They got Stella, a German shepherd, from a local breeder last August.

"When Marcel opens the door, (Stella's) tail is just pounding. She's right down there (to greet him)," says Michelle.

Before the team had played a down, there was a lot of legwork to be done -- finding the right people, putting together a roster that could be competitive.

"The hardest part is getting the people you want," says Desjardins. "I can't say I got everybody I initially had on my wish list. But I got 95% of them. Most of these people had good jobs, it's not like they had to come here. So they believed in me and my vision and what the group was going to be able to do here.

"The challenges of building a roster from scratch are substantial. The limitations relative to an expansion team, there are a lot of things that could have been better thought out by the people who put the expansion plan together. I tried to make some changes, but for the most part, everything was turned down.

"I just wish the expansion draft was structured better than it was. Everybody says it's the greatest thing. All the free agents that teams allowed to become free, were they really free? It's things like that."

The idea is to build a team that can contend and win out of the gate.

"We wanted to make sure we had guys who know what it takes to win," says Desjardins. "The other teams have a head start on us. You want to win now, but you're not going to mortgage the future to do it. Our expectation is to come out and be competitive. We signed Henry Burris, who's 38, because we wanted to have that position as strong as possible. That kind of goes against the grain of building it for the long term. We would want to be competitive enough to play in a Grey Cup prior to (2017)."

Finding a balance between the football guy and the husband is important. There is always somebody tugging at his time from the football side, always phone calls to answer.

"He doesn't really bring it home," says Michelle. "If he has to be in his office and doing work, he's got stuff to look after. This is sort of his sanctuary. I'm a worrier. I don't read Twitter, I don't want to know negative things. I think he sort of protects me in a way.

"He's still the same guy. He's decent to people. He's fair. He makes me laugh."

He's got three Grey Cup rings from Montreal; and he's got his dream job, one that he hopes can someday soon add another ring to his collection. It's all about destiny.

Twitter: @timcbaines

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