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Understanding the identity of rape culture on Ottawa campuses

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Just a few weeks ago, it was a term almost unheard of. Now it permeates dinner tables and water coolers coast-to-coast.

Rape culture.

The term has made headlines across the country after a string of incidents at the University of Ottawa came to light in recent weeks.

First, a Facebook conversation between five male students, four of whom were elected student representatives. In the conversation, which was intended to remain private, sexually derogatory comments were made about Student Federation President Anne-Marie Roy.

Then, just a day after the conversations caused waves in local media, the university announced the suspension of its men’s hockey program pending an investigation into an alleged group sexual assault in Thunder Bay in early February.

Now, a third incident has come to light. Paula Frawus, a second-year law student at the University of Ottawa, went to local media on March 18, unhappy with the university taking three days to respond to a complaint of sexually explicit lyrics sung on a school trip.

Frawus alleges three buses of students went on a day trip March 14 and sang along to a vulgar song that offended some on the bus, including at least one male.

But the University of Ottawa isn’t the only school suffering from an apparent rape culture. Vulgar chants about underaged sex and “no consent” during frosh week at both the University of British Columbia and St. Mary’s University in Halifax generated attention across the country in the fall of 2013. Around the same time, news surfaced of Algonquin College’s student association president Eli El-Chantiry being relieved of his duties after rape allegations.

These incidents have left the city, and even the country, wondering if rape culture is present on our campuses.

But what does rape culture even mean?

In an unofficial poll by the Ottawa Sun, 100 Ottawa-area students were anonymously asked for their thoughts on rape culture.

When asked to define the term, six admitted they did not know the definition while eight chose to skip the question. Thirteen of the respondents said the term has become over-used, sensationalized and as a result, has lost any valuable meaning.

The term was actually coined in the ’70s, but hasn’t been used much since, until recently.

Julie Lalonde, director at Hollaback! Ottawa defines it as “a culture that teaches women not to get raped instead of teaching men not to rape in the first place. It’s a culture that claims to be opposed to sexual violence and yet actively condones it.”

In the case of the Facebook chats at the University of Ottawa, Lalonde says the excuse of the conversation being a private one not to be taken seriously just further shows the presence of such a culture on campuses.

“The defence that this is just how guys talk proves that rape culture exists,” Lalonde told the Sun.

“There’s no better argument for the existence of rape culture than when you threaten a woman with sexual assault and then don’t even deny saying it, but say this is just how guys talk. You’re proving a point about how normalized this behaviour is.”

Taylor Lewis, a 20-year-old student at the University of Ottawa, disagrees with Lalonde. He says while certain conversations may be crude, it doesn’t mean anyone is condoning sexual assault in any way.

“If you really break it down, it’s just a conversation between friends, and unfortunately it got publicized,” said Lewis.

“I actually feel some sort of sympathy toward them because their names are forever tainted now,” he said. “Their names are going to be associated with rape and rape culture for a long time, and it’s for a conversation that many people — guys or girls — have had. Their conversations are just not publicized.”

Lewis, who is in his third year at the university, says he doesn’t believe the University of Ottawa has a rape culture presence. He says these incidents are the first of their kind he has heard of on the campus.

While it may seem Lewis’ opinion is one of a kind, it’s not. Of the students polled, 40% said they didn’t believe Ottawa-area campuses had a rape culture problem, a number significant enough with the topic being the flavour of the week. The sentiment is also shared by a professor at the university.

Janice Fiamengo, a professor with the English department, is a former-feminist-turned-men’s-rights activist. She is currently working on a speech in light of the recent events, to be given at the end of the month at both Queen’s University, and the University of Ottawa.

“I believe that rape sometimes occurs on campus and in our society and that’s always to be condemned,” said Fiamengo.

“I don’t even know exactly what that term means, rape culture — but if it means that we have created an environment on campus or in society in general in which rape is normalized, rape is considered acceptable, that no one notices it, that it is even laughed about or approved, if that’s what rape culture means then there’s no way we live in a rape culture.”

Fiamengo says the public outcry following the incidents at the University of Ottawa is proof that this is a mentality Ottawa doesn’t suffer from.

“The very fact that everybody on campus, from the president on down, has come out against the things that have happened and have said that sexual assault is completely unacceptable proves that we do not. We don’t live in a rape culture.

“There are some cultures where women are actually considered at fault when they are raped,” she added. “You can call that a rape culture. But to say that we live in one is completely nonsensical.”

Carrolyn Johnston, co-ordinator of sexual assault services and equity advisor at Carleton University, says whether sexual violence itself is accepted or not, the behaviours of society are a major problem.

“The real issue is that the language, the victim-blaming that’s part of it, the social media, the media, all of this tends to normalize sexual violence and it somehow makes it seem that it’s acceptable on some level,” she told the Sun.

“The ultimate impact of that is that it silences people who have experienced sexual assault because they’re afraid to come forward and have their experiences minimized or find themselves being blamed for what they experienced.”

When students were polled about what behaviours contribute to rape culture, 72% said Hollywood and pop culture glamourizing sexual assault through media was a problem. Another 71% felt jokes about sexual violence were contributing factors. And 64% believed telling women how not to get raped, and using derogatory words such as “slut” and “whore” were also issues.

Andrea Forrester is very familiar with these behaviours. Forrester is a 22-year-old Loyalist College student who attended the University of Ottawa in the past and is now in the process of applying to Carleton University to complete her degree. But it’s not her time on campuses that make her familiar with what she considers to be rape culture, it’s her four years spent as a bartender.

Forrester, who is passionate about sexual violence awareness and advocacy, believes the negative stigma associated with speaking out about rape culture is a big problem.

“I feel as though women — and/or anyone else — we’re just supposed to giggle along with the jokes and think they’re funny,” said Forrester. “Once somebody says ‘Hey, that’s actually not appropriate to joke about’ there’s this immediate criticism that the individual is humourless, or that they’re uptight, or they’re not fun.

“We shouldn’t be joking about sexual assault in any regard.”

A 26-year-old Algonquin College student, Brandon Gillet, says his biggest concern with the term ‘rape culture’ is that people will begin using it as a defense for sexual violence. He doesn’t believe our society condones sexual assault, nor that campuses have a problem with rape culture.

“I think they have a problem with immaturity.”

“That’s just a few nasty guys. There’s a good majority of guys that don’t think of things like that,” Gillet said about the the University of Ottawa Facebook chats. “I think our society, as it always has, views rape as wrong.”

“People that rape women should not be helped so that they don’t want to rape women. They should be punished for it, because it’s bad. It’s immoral, it’s wrong, and there’s no way that it should be classified at all. It’s almost like a cop-out to me.”

CBC Radio One spoke with the University of Ottawa president Allan Rock on March 6.

“I know the culture of the university, I know its DNA. And these events of the last couple of weeks, the Facebook conversations and the allegations involving the hockey team, don’t reflect the University of Ottawa that I know,” Rock said during the interview.

A psychology professor at Wagner College in New York believes issues are surfacing more now because of social media, instead of an actual incline.

Miles Groth, who is also the editor of the New Male Studies journal, believes we are hearing of more incidents because of a “private-gone-public” world.

“All of this is so new, given Facebook and Twitter and all of that sort of thing, that maybe we’re just hearing and seeing these private conversations that are more about just casual, vulgar chat which doesn’t really mean anything to an adult, but might mean a lot to a 17-, 18-, 19-year-old who wants to be perceived a certain way among his peers.”

Groth does not condone such conversations as the ones had at the University of Ottawa, but also thinks they are more reflective of our society and the post-secondary age group.

“Our culture is saturated with sexuality,” he said. He isn’t surprised young men feel compelled to speak a certain way.

While officials at Algonquin College haven’t spoken out much about rape culture, students in the journalism program have taken a stand against it with their latest editorial in the March 20 edition of the Algonquin Times.

“Silence is not an option. Victims and advocates against sexual violence need to speak up. This dialogue is what will start change. We have been desensitized to the issue,” wrote managing editor Arielle Follett.

“We have to remember what rape is. It is not just an assault. It is a robbery of somebody’s dignity and basic human rights.”

While experts and students may not all agree on a clear definition of rape culture or whether or not it exists on our campuses, one thing is agreed on by most. Continuing an honest and open discussion about sexual violence is crucial to creating a society where victims are comfortable speaking up.

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