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Ottawa Sun letters to the editor, Dec. 27

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Hydro shock

I turned on the radio on Boxing Day just in time to hear Premier Lose take a time out from bankrupting Ontario to shamelessly try to take credit for our hard working hydro crews trying to restore power to many homes and businesses. It almost brought tears to my eyes. Premier Lose, what a leader!

Mike Shurtliff


(She’ll take credit wherever she can)

A debt owed

Re: Premier owes people to judge (Dec. 24)

I could not agree more with Mr. Epp that having never received a mandate from Ontarians, Premier Wynne needs to let voters decide if she is fit to continue governing by calling an election. That being said, there is no guarantee fickle voters are ready to throw the bums out, according to polls. Even if we have a change from the Liberals’ 10 years of reckless spending, whoever wins has a Herculean task in trying to turn Ontario around. With 20-year multi-billion dollar contracts with Samsung and land owners to supply green energy, getting the cost of hydro down, a main stumbling block in turning the economy around, will be very difficult. When we add in outrageous salaries to teachers and public servants, also on long term contracts, the future outlook for digging out of our deep fiscal hole is not good. One thing is for sure, no government can be half as bad as what we have now.

Larry Comeau


(An election now costs far too much. Let the electoral system play itself out in time)

Snow job

Those who believe that Edward Snowden is a patriot or hero have had quite the “snow job” imposed upon them. If this man was sincerely concerned about the espionage policies of America he would have quit his job and voiced his displeasure to the media without spilling national secrets. This traitorous individual took an oath and subsequently disregarded it for his own selfish gain and 15 minutes of fame. Who knows how many lives he has put in danger with his reckless actions. You can be sure that Russia and China have garnered all the information they need to further impair the security of the U.S and the rest of the free world. The man should be charged with treason, he is nothing but a thuggish sell out.

Stephen T. Flanagan

Via email

(America is doing all it can to do just that to him)

Double standard

In light of the recent legalization of prostitution in Canada, I’d like to point out an interesting juxtaposition between this and the laws in Quebec prohibiting women from donning the hijab in the public work sector. As a proud Canadian Ahmadi Muslim, I find it ironic and a bit short of the true Canadian ideal, that Canada now seems to be a country that pays women to be naked and fines them for covering up.

Tayyab Pirzada

(You couldn’t be more right)


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