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Stop being afraid to offend people and just say, Merry Christmas!

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We live in a country full of brave men and women — proud Canadians who have stood side by side in skirmishes, battles and world wars throughout history.

We live in a country that is thoughtful, warm, forgiving and welcoming.

We live in a wonderful mosaic of cultures, colours, races and religions — brothers and sisters bonded by citizenship and a red maple leaf that sits in a flag.

But somewhere smack dab in the middle of our kindness, in the centre of our empathy, we have become afraid to offend others who don’t share our religious beliefs, petrified to say two simple words, Merry Christmas, words that are so much of who and what we are.

Two Ottawa men from very different backgrounds — one originally from Sudbury, the other from Lebanon — can’t understand how a country has lost its way, kowtowing to weak-kneed apologists.

Russ Salo grew up in Sudbury, where Christmas was all about a huge family feast, where the kids sat around wide-eyed and watched Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, then on Christmas Day took their new Krazy Karpets to the toboggan hill.

“I remember waking up at 4:30 in the morning to see if presents were under the tree, then going back to bed,” said Salo. “It takes me back to that time when I was 10 years old. The snow would be falling, the family would be together. It was perfect.”

Ozzy Wehbe, moved to Canada on Feb. 19, 1991, at the age of 19. From a big family, he came here to visit, found it to be peaceful, a nice place to live. He opened Ozzy Food Market on Kilborn, then moved his wonderful store to Albion Rd., early in 2010. He doesn’t celebrate the birth of Christ, but has a big sign in his front window that flashes Merry Christmas. And he has no problem saying the words.

“Some people tell me it’s a religious thing,” he said. “They ask why I put up the sign. They ask why don’t I say, ‘Happy Holidays instead?’ I say, what’s the difference, Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays? No matter who we are, where we come from, we’re all human beings. We’re the same.”

Guys like Salo and Wehbe have cut through the political correctness B.S.

“Last year, for the second time in a row at my children’s school (Pleasant Park Public School), they had a gathering in the gymnasium in the timeslot where you would expect to see a Christmas concert,” said Salo. “They had something instead called Arts in the Park. The closest thing to a Christmas carol I think was something called Sammy Snowflake. My son’s class did precision basketball bouncing. I said to myself, ‘What does this have to with a Christmas concert?’

“It’s become neutralized and sanitized. With all due respect to the people at the school, I’m saddened by the fact the tradition I grew up with seems to be evaporating.”

So Salo, a Shriner clown and business owner who has two children, set up a website, and did a bit of investigating.

He wondered whether other religions were offended. He got spiritual leader Rabbi Bulka on board.

“People say Merry Christmas is not inclusive,” Rabbi Bulka said in a video on Salo’s website. “The thing that bothers me more than anything else is we are denying a significant portion of the population the right to celebrate their holiday. If I’m about to celebrate Passover, I don’t want them saying Happy Birthday. It’s not my birthday. It’s a sign of disrespect.”

“The overwhelming majority of our country celebrates Christmas,” said Salo. “They have a tree, presents, pictures of Santa Claus, they possibly go to church on Christmas Eve. I’m not really a religious person. The idea of the website is not religious. It’s more of preserving the simple tradition of a school Christmas concert or use of the term Merry Christmas.

“(The website) is not a place for anger or hate. I had some people who e-mailed and said, ‘Good for you, we have to stick it to those immigrants.’ I made a point of getting back to them and said, ‘That’s not what this is about. And by the way, the immigrants or other cultures in our society are not the ones driving this. It’s coming from inside guilt. It’s us thinking, ‘Oh we’re probably doing something wrong’ and we sanitize it.”

Salo hopes retailers will stop worrying about “offending” anyone.

“I’m not angry. I’m disappointed, it saddens me,” said Salo. “There is a silly misconception that people are offended. If I’m in a store and somebody on the cash says ‘Happy Holidays,’ I smile and say, don’t you mean Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas matters to Canadians.”

Salo still gets choked up when he hears Karen Carpenter singing There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays. He takes his kids to Place d’Orléans to have their picture taken with Santa. On Christmas Eve, the family lights a fire and watches Miracle on 34th Street and It’s a Wonderful Life before sending the kids off to bed with a reading of ’Twas the Night Before Christmas.

As Dec. 25 draws near, as Santa Claus and his elves and reindeer make all their last-minute preparations, it’s time to take back Christmas.

“Part of what I discovered is if you’re having a conversation near Christmastime, if you’re talking to anybody, it doesn’t matter what skin colour or background, I think you’d find 99% of those people will smile and wish you Merry Christmas,” said Salo.

Bring back Merry Christmas? Yes, indeed. None of this Happy Holidays crap. Merry Christmas everyone!

Twitter: @timcbaines


Do you celebrate Christmas?

  1. Yes - 95%
  2. No - 5%

With whom do you plan to spend Christmas?

  1. Family - 60%
  2. Family and friends - 34%
  3. Alone - 2%
  4. Friends - 2%
  5. Other / Don't Celebrate - 2%

How much do you plan to spend on Christmas gifts, compared to previous years?

  1. About the same - 52%
  2. Less - 29%
  3. More - 13%
  4. I don't buy gifts - 6%

Where will you be celebrating Christmas?

  1. Home - 90%
  2. Other / Don't Celebrate - 5%
  3. Church - 4%
  4. Somewhere hot - 1%
  5. Work - 0%

Do you send Christmas cards or greetings?

  1. Via snail mail - 49%
  2. Don't send greetings - 39%
  3. ECards or Emails -12%


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