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Ottawa Sun letters to the editor, Nov. 25

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Photo opportunity

Regarding Ezra Levant’s column on the Order of Canada which he likens to a snooty club of elites.

Apparently, the City of Ottawa has created its own Order. My first thought when I read about its creation, was that it is just one more opportunity for Mayor Watson to get his smiling face in front of a camera.

Greig Birchfield, via e-mai

(The mayor certainly seems to love the camera)

Not digging the digs

It’s time to face up to the fact that 24 Sussex Drive is a disaster (the building not those in it). Everybody knows that it would cost more to bring the building up to standards than it would cost to tear it down and put up a new structure of which we can be proud.

Why don’t we have a contest among Canada’s best architects to design a new building? The building should reflect Canada in the 21st century. Once the contest was over, a panel could be selected to select the winner.

While the current disaster is being torn down and a new building constructed, the prime minister can live in Stornoway. The leader of the opposition can move into the Chateau Laurier. Once the new building is constructed, everybody moves back.

If we can spend $50 million in Muskoka, surely we can find the money to give us a Canadian prime minister’s residence of which we can be proud.

Terry Taller, via e-mail

(One way or another taxpayers are going to have to pay for it)

Politicians gone wild

What the hell is going on in this country?

The mayor of Toronto has admitted to crack use and drinking and driving, still in office. The mayor of London is committed to trial for fraud, still in office. A fourth Mayor of Laval within a year and several other mayors in Quebec under investigation for criminal activities.

Several senators have been exposed as fraudsters, with incredible back room politics involving the PMO and even tainting our prime minister.

Harper is either incredibly naive or lying to us about what he knew.

Justin Trudeau boasts about his pot use and opens his mouth without engaging his brain on topics like carbon tax and China.

The only leader who seems to have any integrity is Mulcair (the NDP leader), but I wish he would spend more time on our country’s problems than petty bickering.

I just want these politicians to step aside to clear their names or go to jail, and for the police (RCMP, OPP or local police) to get with it and charge corrupt politicians, expedite on going charges and reveal more information on nefarious activities. Let’s clean up this country of graft, corruption and political greed. I think all of us are sick and tired of the whole mess.

Dennis Barchet, via e-mail

(For as long as there has been politicians, there’s been corruption)

Paying for the games

Re “Wynne’s Pan Am costs keep climbing” (Nov. 24) Does anyone, other than the athletes and their families, even care about the Pan Am games? I think not.

Mike Shurtliff, via e-mail

(The real games are the ones played with our tax dollars)

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