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Presto transfer delay annoys OC Transpo customer from Westboro

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OC Transpo boss John Manconi said this week every call from customers is a chance to learn and improve the Presto smart card system.

That's great, because Gary Kerr has some tips.

For one, if Presto says it will transfer money to a new Presto card within 24 hours, just get it done.

Kerr, 58, put the call into Presto Tuesday to transfer his monthly pass to a new card after his old one split in his wallet.

Late Friday afternoon, his card still didn't work.

When he paid $6 for a new Presto card, he was told it would only take a day to get the pass transferred over.

Imagine Kerr's frustration when he boarded the bus Wednesday afternoon to see the red screen appear on the Presto reader when he tapped his card.

Same thing Thursday.

And again Friday.

Kerr is a loyal Transpo passenger. He lives in Westboro and takes a couple buses to his overnight job at a retirement home in the New Edinburgh area.

When Presto launched earlier this year, "I was a little hesitant because it had a lot of glitches, but I thought what the hell," Kerr said.

Over the past three days, Kerr has been kicked off buses for having an empty Presto card, but there have been drivers who let him ride. He admits getting kicked off one bus for swearing after anger got the best of him.

Kerr called Presto and Transpo multiple times. Transpo directed his call to Presto and Presto told him the card will start working, just wait a bit longer.

He asked to speak to a supervisor. Someone would call, Presto told him.

No one called.

Kerr has shelled out $98.75 for his monthly pass and can't afford to pay cash for each ride on top of that. He steps on the bus and hopes to meet an understanding operator.

"I've just been going on the good graces," Kerr said. "The heroes in this are the drivers."

Kerr's Presto card might end up in the garbage.

"Come Nov. 1 I'm going back to the paper pass and a picture. I don't want to go through this again," he said.

Transpo is making a big push to improve Presto customer service in 2014.

Kerr just wants someone to listen.

And he wants a working bus pass.

"Maybe, just maybe, someone will have the guts to bitch about it like me and someone will fix it," he said.

Twitter: @JonathanWilling

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