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Ottawa Sun letters to the editor, Oct. 12

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Another tragedy

Re: the latest crash on Hwy 17. How many more are going to have to get killed before someone comes up with the bright idea of installing traffic lights at those intersections?

During the day they are not bad, but when commuters are heading into, and out of, Ottawa, and a lot do work in Ottawa, it can be a nightmare for those trying to cross 17.

That is when people get frustrated and impatient and things like this happen.

There is no excuse for what happened.

I am sure the investigation will determine who was at fault, but that will not bring the rider back.

I am also sure the Civic driver will now have a horrifying event to live with for the rest of his/her life.

That is a bad stretch of highway and something needs to be done.

Mike Blow, Via

(Too many fatal accidents happen on that stretch of highway)

Go to the polls

Anyone who votes for the Liberals or for that fact the NDP (which has kept the Liberals in power) shows that they don’t know what is going on in Ontario. Or they just don’t give a crap about Ontario.

Time to wake up people and read the news or at least take a IQ test.

Austin Langdon, Via

(We’re ready for an election)

Tax Dollars

So, according to the Sun’s Jon Willing, Ottawa council’s planning committee is recommending a $454,000 grant to the French theatre La Nouvelle Scene — and never asked one question of the theatre group as to what it would be used for.

Last year, the same group was gifted by the city for 20 percent of the operating “revenue” and $5.4 million was provided for their expansion plan by a Canada-Ontario grant.

These folks ask for handouts without identifying fully how they will be used — or indicate what funds they have raised themselves.

This is sheer madness folks!

At a time when we cannot manage to allocate scarce funds such as this on citywide legitimate and valuable needs such as additional beds for hospice respite care or drug addiction treatment, our beloved elected people throw our tax dollars at French theatre.

Enough of this foolishness. Full council must vote down this recommendation when it comes up for support on October 23rd.

Larry K. Stewart, Via E-mail

(That’s your council. You have a chance to vote them out of office in 2014)

Returning Home

So the dynamic duo of Greyson and Loubani will be heading home to no doubt a heroes welcome by their elitist confreres and other Israel bashing groups.

They had no business entering that country in the first place, the sad thing about all this is that there are many Canadians languishing in prisons all over the world for alleged crimes they did not even commit.

I thank Sun writers Ezra Levant and Michael Coren for exposing these phonies.

Stephen T. Flanagan, Via E-mail

(There are still more questions to this story)

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