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Safer Ottawa advocates shoot down plans for safe injection site in Ottawa

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Chris and Lisa Grinham: Chris and Lisa Grinham are founding members of Safer Ottawa, a non-profit organization that promotes drug treatment, education and prevention.

Guest Columnists

We at Safer Ottawa are dismayed with comments made by proponents of a supervised injection site in the nation’s capital.

First, the comments by Sean LeBlanc, chairman of the Drug Users Advocacy League, who suggested that addicts are being forced to use dirty equipment for injections, and that only a supervised injection site would correct this.

This is simply not true.

The truth is, there are many locations in Ottawa where clean drug use equipment is readily provided and easily obtained.

These sites include: Health centres, outreach programs and homeless shelters. There are also several vans that tour the areas where drug use is known to be rampant. There is literally no reason that an addict would need to share or use a dirty needle.

Then the comments by Wendy Muckle, of Ottawa Inner City Health, in which she asked why the chief of police would need to be consulted on a health issue and then goes on to suggest that these decisions should be made by health professionals looking solely at the health side of things.

This is a very dangerous attitude to take, especially in light of the broad scope of safety issues faced by surrounding businesses and property owners; security, crime, the already underfunded and overwhelmed social system.

If we were to take Muckle’s suggestion and only look at the medical side of things, we would be forced to support ideas like eugenics because from a strict medical perspective it makes sense, but from a moral and social standpoint it is wrong and unacceptable.

Any decision made for our community must consider all aspects, be looked at from all sides, we cannot afford to blindly accept the opinions of one small group on any issue.

Muckle then says that no one in this city cares about the addicts dying on the streets.

This is insulting on many levels, not only to us, personally, who have worked for six years on the issues of street-level drug use and addiction, but to all of the professionals, shelter workers, social workers, outreach workers, volunteers and Ottawa police who work tirelessly every day with very little funds and even less resources to combat the issues of addiction and homelessness.

The head of infectious diseases at Ottawa Hospital, Dr. Mark Tyndall, then refers to the concerns of the community, police and politicians as “red tape” and the opinions of anyone opposed to his views as fear-mongering. It certainly goes to show how little respect and regard he has for our community, the safety of our residents and our children. We find his bullying tactics to be shameful. It is obvious that he is not interested in any form of consultation regarding supervised injection site, hence he held his mock supervised injection site at a time when most people have to work and then shut down the microphone when opposing opinions were voiced.


Finally, criminologist and victims’ rights advocate Irvin Waller suggests that the concerns by residents are unfounded, that a supervised injection site will not increase crime or problems associated with it, that everything will be wonderful. We have heard from experts in criminal activity that this is simply not the case. If a site is opened and a four-block No-Go Zone is created for legal drug use and possession the reality is addicts will flock to this area from all over Ottawa and surrounding cities and with them come dealers and all the associated crimes to support addiction. The area will become a veritable wasteland.

The reality is addicts need help.

They need treatment and aftercare, they need services like San Patrignano in Italy who boasts a 72% success rate in abstinence based treatment, they need housing, support, compassion and services to help them get off drugs, off the streets, not a place to inject the very poison that is killing them.

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