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A look inside the life and times of Senators superstar Bobby Ryan

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“Who we are cannot be separated from where we're from.”

— Malcolm Gladwell, Outliers: The Story of Success

To fully understand Senators winger Bobby Ryan, to get who he is and what he is about, you'd need to have walked in his shoes -- know what it feels like to live in the shadows.

Instead of going to a classroom from Grades 6-9, each day you'd need to go to the hockey rink where your mom works. You'd need to pick up the curriculum from the school, find the motivation to study on your own for three hours each morning, then put on skates and spend the afternoon on the ice -- a place where everything seems to make sense, where you can dream that dream, that one day you'll play in the National Hockey League.

As a 12-year-old, you'd be awakened by the ruckus created when U.S. marshals arrest your dad after breaking down the door of your family's apartment.

You'd need to figure out why your last name was suddenly changed.

You'd need to understand why coaches yelled at you, why they found the negatives, why they couldn't understand that within you, there is a sensitivity to go along with a creativity.

Bobby Ryan is bright, articulate and personable -- a good guy. He's a wonderful hockey player, already a four-time 30-goal scorer. He's just 26.

Along his journey, at a young age, the boy had to become a man. His is a story of perseverance, of resilience. Its hockey chapters would have been cut far too short if not for the intervention of a sports psychologist.


To understand Bobby Ryan, you need the history. His early years were spent in Cherry Hill, N.J., a stone's throw from Philadelphia. On Oct. 29, 1997, Ryan's dad Bob Stevenson Sr., an ex-boxer, beat up his wife Melody. She was left with a fractured skull and broken ribs. The elder Stevenson was charged with attempted murder and aggravated assault. Melody didn't want her husband to go to jail, but the prosecutor went ahead with the charges. Two months later, Stevenson skipped out on the $75,000 bail and fled to El Segundo, Calif. His wife and son soon followed, establishing a new life and new identity.

Insurance broker Stevenson became professional gambler Shane Ryan. Bobby Stevenson became Bobby Ryan.

The secret lasted more than two years, until U.S. marshals busted down the door of the family apartment in February of 2000. The fugitive pleaded guilty to bail jumping and aggravated assault and spent four years in prison.

Ryan prefers not to talk about it anymore. He's said his piece and made his peace.

"Does (Bobby) have scars? Probably," the father told the Star-Ledger, a New Jersey newspaper, three years ago. "But he's a good kid. He's honest. He's forthright. He's genuinely good to other people. He took the right path."


The Senators traded for Ryan on July 5. Rocked by the departure of captain Daniel Alfredsson and after missing out on free-agent winger David Clarkson, Senators GM Bryan Murray pulled the trigger on a deal with the Anaheim Ducks, acquiring Ryan in exchange for wingers Jakob Silfverberg and Stefan Noesen along with a 2014 first-round draft choice.

“I was sitting at a local watering hole,” says Ryan. “My phone rang and it was my friend, Ger McNamee, who owns Gongshow Gear. “We were still talking and a 613 number came up on my phone. It was Mr. Murray and some other guys welcoming me to the team. It was a whirlwind after that, for sure.”

“I got a text that the trade had happened,” says McNamee. “I assumed he already knew. I asked if he was happy and Bobby asked me what I was talking about. I said, 'I guess I'm the guy telling you that you got traded ... welcome to Ottawa.'

“He was shocked, like a deer in the headlights.”

There was so much spinning through Ryan's mind. What about his girlfriend of five years, Danielle? Would she leave her job? Could she? Would she want to move to Ottawa?

“You're asking a California girl to leave Southern California, Newport Beach, and come to Ottawa,” says Ryan. “She thought it was north of Detroit, a suburb, when we first talked about it. But she was on board right away. She's embracing it so far. She's been great. She gave up her job. She had a good gig there. She took a big risk moving here with me. I think it will all work out for the best.”

The excitement of the Senators acquiring a big-time scoring talent spread quickly through Sens Nation.

“He had sent a bunch of packages up here through UPS. I went to pick them up for him and when I got there, the UPS workers all came out. They thought it was Bobby,” says McNamee. “I had a laugh with Bobby. I told him, 'I hope you're ready to come to a hockey market because when I went to pick up the boxes, they were waiting for you.' ”

McNamee says Ottawa's hockey fans will love Ryan.

“He's so easygoing,” says McNamee. “With the things that have happened in his past, he's come out of it such a great guy and that says a lot. I've heard him say if somebody had told him years ago that this would be the life he'd be living, he wouldn't have believed them. He's had his ups and downs, but you can see how hard he's worked.”

Ryan and his girlfriend are settled into a semi-detached townhome in Ottawa's Westboro area.

“It seems like all those homes are really tight and really high,” says Ryan. “We've used the kitchen, living room and bedroom, that's about it. It's perfect for what we need.

“We're both very much minimalists. Everything we have was already there when we got there. The TVs and everything were part of the package so it was the perfect fit for us. I'm loving it. It's been an easy transition for me. It feels like home. It's very comfortable.”

It's expected that Jason Spezza will centre Milan Michalek and Ryan on the Senators' top line.

“(Bobby's) confident,” says Spezza. “He's fit in with with the group off the ice and on the ice, he's grasping what we want to do here. There's no doubting his skill and his touch around the net.”


After a lockout had wiped out the 2004-05 season, a lottery determined the NHL draft order. After the Pittsburgh Penguins selected Sidney Crosby with the first pick at the draft — July 30, 2005 at Ottawa's Westin Hotel — the Ducks chose Ryan, whose straight-forward no-B.S. answers blew away then-Ducks GM Brian Burke in a pre-draft interview. Ryan not only talked the talk, he walked the walk. He had put up big numbers with the OHL's Owen Sound Attack — 37 goals and 52 assists.

Once he got to the NHL in 2008, Ryan was there to stay. He rang up seasons of 31, 35, 34 and 31 goals, before finding the net just 11 times in a lockout-shortened 2013 season. Expectations will be ratcheted up in Ottawa. This is Hockey Country.

“There will be more pressure,” says Ryan, who will be paid $5,562,500 each of the next two seasons. “In Anaheim, if you have a bad game, the team knows about it and that's about it. Aside from the fans that write on the message boards, there's not a whole lot of a peanut gallery. I'm looking forward to embracing that. I think it'll be nice to be held accountable for my actions day in and day out. It's going to push me. I don't think I need to change and do anything differently.

“There are days when you get up and don't want to get up and tie your skates because you're exhausted. But as hockey players, we're blessed. We get to play a game for a living. You're around 25 guys who grew doing the same thing and have the same goals. There's one common goal in the room and that's the (Stanley) Cup at the end of the year.


Always Dream Awake. The words were tattooed onto Ryan's right arm two years ago.

"It was just a personal motto," says Ryan. "Somebody said it to me once and it kind of resonated. I went home and wrote it down. I just thought it was something I wanted to have close to me.

"It's all about waking up every morning and whatever you're chasing down, do it between the hours of 9-5. Make it a workday. Dream about those things when you're awake and conscious.

"In training camp, the days are long, your body is breaking down. There are plenty of days when I remind myself of the saying."

Ryan, a left-hander in everything except golf and hockey, reads -- a lot, cultivating his mental muscle.

Malcolm Gladwell is his favourite author. Outliers: The Story of Success and Mind Gym: An Athlete's Guide to Inner Excellence are among his favourite books.

"I had always had an enthusiasm for knowledge and enthusiasm for reading. I just wanted to be better at everything than I was," says Ryan. "I'm all over the map. Lately, it's self-help books. I enjoy the books that make you think a bit.

"I see things a little differently. I've always wanted to figure out everything on my own. If I can't, behind closed doors I'll go back and read it three or four times until I figure it out."

His curiosity and his quest for wisdom were nurtured many years ago in the halls of a Los Angeles-area arena, where he was, for the most part, his own teacher.

"It was easy to stay focused because everybody else was at school from 9-3," says Ryan. "The amount of alone time helped. You learn to do things for yourself. My mom worked hard, paying the bills. I was alone quite a bit and learned a lot about getting things done and not procrastinating. I'd reward myself with hockey in the afternoon. I loved it. You can ask any hockey player, there's nothing better than a bucket of pucks, a blank sheet of ice by yourself -- semi-dark in an arena -- it's perfect.

"All my interaction came around hockey. That's why I've always been comfortable around adults. That's who I conversed with all day."

Later in life, bored playing junior hockey, he learned how to play guitar.

He's influenced by the music of Eric Clapton and likes Imagine Dragons, but his favourite is Ray LaMontagne.

"I think I've got every CD of his three or four times," says Ryan. "He's got a different demeanour, his voice is a bit different and he's off the radar." 


Eight years ago, Ryan started seeing sports psychologist Dana Sinclair. She was a shrink who shared a common bond -- she also played hockey. Her words made so much sense. Ryan was drifting and she brought him back.

"She saved my career," says Ryan. "When I started seeing her, I was 18, it was post draft. I wasn't really excited about the game for awhile. I wanted to quit. I had a lot more going on than most 18-year-olds should ever have to deal with.

"I was worried about other 18- and 19-year-olds that I thought I was better than stepping into the NHL. I was worried about dealing with being the No. 2 pick. I just hated that season of hockey, I had been left off the world junior team even though the points were there and I did everything I thought I should to go.

"Our team in Owen Sound was OK, but not great. The coach drove me insane. I came home from the rink four out of five days and thought, 'I may not go back tomorrow.' I always did -- I always felt like I had an obligation to. It just felt like much more of a hassle going to the rink that year. I started meeting with (Sinclair) that year. She just always has a way to push my buttons and make me want to respond positively.

"(With Sinclair) there was no judgement, just answers. I told her there were days when I do not want to play hockey. She helped me deal with that. She said everybody has those feelings from time to time.

"It sounds weird, but getting a pat on the back that you've done well, was big for me. It was reassurance. It's not a motivational thing. My first couple of coaches would sit down and talk to you, push you, make you want to play for them. I didn't have that in Owen Sound and it's been well documented I didn't feel that in Anaheim until Bruce (Boudreau) came in. (Dana) has no problem saying, 'Get your butt in gear,' but she says it in the right way."


Ryan and his girlfriend spend their summers in Victor, Idaho -- population nearly 2,000.

It's in the middle of nowhere, a mountain town.

"I wanted to be off the grid," says Ryan, who likes privacy. "We had a friend that lived in the area, showed us the area after the (2010) Winter Olympics. We went out on a Friday and I bought the place on a Monday.

"There are no people. It's exactly what I need in the summer. It's a complete restart. You just separate yourself from hockey and being in the same routine every day. I don't have to talk hockey there, or worry about whatever I say getting back to coach or to the organization. It's just a place I can go and be myself.

"I will miss the anonymity. I like to separate my life at the rink from my life at home."

Through mind-numbing adversity, through a journey that's given him a new identity, Ryan still finds solace wearing skates and clutching a hockey stick. It's where everything makes sense, where there are no secrets.

"Being a little older, more mature, having a much better sense of self, now I can say (the hockey rink) is home, my comfort zone," says Ryan. "Through all of this, hockey has become a sanctuary for me."

Twitter: @timcbaines


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