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Ottawa Sun letters to the editor, Sept. 26

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Just Say No

As a former Ottawa Chief of Police and with over 20 years as an RCMP officer, I take issue with those who want to build a drug injection site in Ottawa.

Building to what amounts to an illegal drugs hangout centre is detrimental to public safety. It will do nothing but maintain addicts’ needs, breed drug dealers, and foster criminal behaviour.

Treatment and education are the best options for addicts, not providing a haven for drug dealers to deal their illegal drugs to the vulnerable addict, as we have seen in east Vancouver.

The mayor has said he is against this proposal, as is the current Ottawa police chief, and I can’t imagine residents of Sandy Hill or the rest of downtown are thrilled with the prospect of creating a hangout for addicts and drug dealers in their backyards.

The sponsors are being disingenuous by trying to fast-track their proposal to get ahead of our government’s legislation that would force those who want to build these sites to consult with community leaders and law enforcement.

We want all of those affected by these decisions to be included in an open dialogue and discussion, not just the loudest.

Residents deserve a say when addicts and dealers want to move in next to their kids’ schools.

Senator Vernon White, Via e-mail

(We couldn’t have said it better, Senator)

Games Day

As a child raised by my grandmother in the 70’s, I remember being made ‘fun’ of by the other children for making Mother’s day cards to my grandmother and Father’s day cards to my uncle.

Now that non-traditional families are becoming more and more common, I can attest as an adult that was raised in one at a time when they were very uncommon, in my view, a family is whoever is around you that cares and loves you.

A family is there to help teach you the lessons you need to learn to become a productive member of society.

More importantly, whatever you wish to call the day does not matter as much as the spirit behind it.

Kristina Daye, Via e-mail

(These aren’t even official holidays. Not sure why the teachers union is even involved)

Trudeau Paranoia

The Ottawa Sun is getting stranger and stranger when it comes to Justin Trudeau.

Now we have (Sun News columnist) Anthony Furey going on and on about Trudeau. Furey should have spent more time studying political science instead of philosophy.

First, Trudeau has been leader for only five months.

He is the leader of the third party in the House of Commons with only 34 seats while the NDP hold 100.

The NDP, in case Furey and the Sun have forgotten, is the Official Opposition.

To help Mr. Furey understand, it is the Official Opposition which is supposed to be the government-in-waiting.

The more one reads the Sun, it appears that the Sun Media is almost paranoid when it comes to Justin Trudeau.

What gives?

Terry Taller, Via

(We just don’t like his politics. No big secret)


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