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Ottawa Sun letters to the editor Sept. 18

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Religious Freedom

Jerry Agar asks four questions including “Do you believe people should be able to practise their religion as they see fit, so long as it does no harm to others? If you answered no, I’m afraid you don’t believe in freedom.”

Nonsense! I and many Canadians believe in religious freedom but see nothing wrong in banning any article that covers one’s face in public sector jobs and institutions.

Why? Because in a open, just and publicly funded society the general public have the right to see and recognize who they are dealing with. The judge, the jury, the policeman, the testimony, the civil servant, boarding a plane, a person with a drivers licence etc., have a duty to show who they are or the society we live in will not work.

People may practise their religion as they see fit, but when these practises impact the rest of society or the individual against their own choice then they should not be allowed as it effects the freedom of the public or the individual’s freedom.

Religious freedom works both ways — respect for the individual and respect for the general public as well.

Kevin Sullivan

Via E-mail

(Sorry, we don’t see how wearing a crucifix should impact the public)

Cop Education

To all the people who are giving opinions on whether the Ottawa cop used excessive force in the market incident. Go to college and take police foundations for two years or go to University of Ottawa and take criminology. Then go to police college and study the Ontario use-of-force model for three months. Then get in your Delorean and go back in time to witness the incident in its totality. Now you have the right to make an informed opinion on whether It was excessive or not.

Clay Lambourne


(It’s tougher than people think)

Market Incident

Good job Paul Tracey (Monday, Sept 17, 2013) in your comments and concerns regarding the market and the policing. I, too, worked the market as a manager at a bar, and let me tell you as a woman walking alone to her car at 2 or 3 am., it was scary.

Whenever I saw a uniformed police officer, I took a deep breath of relief. The market employs so many and it is a fun place to go, but it needs the police. Alcohol turns people into monsters, and as I am quite sure with all your years, you have seen it all. Being a police officer truly is a thankless job most of the time. No one ever calls them to say thank you. They just complain and ridicule them. So thank you for standing up to our men and women in Blue.

Diana Cashman


(We echo that thank you)


RE: “Mass shootings actually in decline in U.S., despite perception” (Sept 17)

I believe that the root cause of many of these mass shootings is the shooter, (usually some loser) trying to become world or nationally famous.

It may be time for the media to not mention their names at all. They can be referred to as John Doe, It may not prevent all of them, but it may prevent some.

Mike Shurtliff

Via E-mail

(The problem is not with the media)

Media Reporting

Concerning yesterday’s killings at the Washington Navy Yard, Simon Kent admonishes those who would, “…pick up a firearm and seek to set the world… to rights by murdering the innocent.” Kent was notably silent after a U.S. Army Sergeant recently entered an Afghan village and casually gunned down sixteen civilians. This traumatized soldier was sentenced to life in prison while the people who sent him on three grueling combat tours enjoy impunity. One of those notables, Colin Powell; once said that Iraqi civilian casualties were,”…not a matter of concern to him.”


While we will soon know all details of the U.S. Navy dead; do we ever learn the identities of dead Afghans or Iraqis on our local news? The civilian victims of Western military action in Iraq and Afghanistan remain conveniently anonymous while we know the life story of every poor soul murdered on our own soil. As Kent writes: why?


Were Western media to publish the names and faces of collateral Middle East dead; there might be a public rejection of foreign military intervention. However, certain interests can’t permit such pacifism so co-operative media outlets filter reality to ensure that our foreign military adventures remain sanitized. The public relations lessons of Vietnam have not been forgotten.


Morgan Duchesney

Via E-mail

(Mr. Duchesney, you see media conspiracies where there are none)

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