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Ottawa Sun letters to the editor Sept. 14

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Bad Ads

Although I am a firm believer in free speech, the 9/11 truther ads displayed on the OC Transpo buses is absolutely disgraceful besides being completely absurd.

People have the right to say what they think, but the city also has the right to refuse to post their inane propaganda.

Mayor Jim Watson and the transit commission let down the victims and their families of this terrorist attack which included many Canadians by not blocking these advertisements. How sad.

Stephen T. Flanagan

Via e-mail

(The ads are disrespectful, but it’s not hate speech)

Common Sense

“Ontario Energy Minister Bob Chiarelli argues it’s better to pay wind developers not to produce electricity than to pay them to produce electricity we don’t need.’’

Mr. Chiarelli, really, where is the common sense and logic in this? If that is the case, then we should all offer our services to the government and then say we won’t provide the service. Just pay me cash, in advance.

No wonder Ontario is bankrupt. The incompetence shown by this Liberal government is mind-boggling. Let’s hope come next election we get rid of them.

Albert O’Connell


(Can we get that deal, too? And then we’ll boot them out)

Quebec Politics

Dear Editor,

I’m shocked that what’s going on in Quebec still hasn’t been put to rest. To be completely honest, originally I thought that Premier Pauline Marois just brought up this legislation to spur up some controversy. But it seems like she’s serious.

We have rational pundits backing her up as well. In fact, many pundits feel that covering one’s face is an enormous obstacle in building a strong relationship with others because it takes away from reading facial expressions.

They argue that banning religious headgear will result in equality between men and women because currently it suppresses Muslim females. I totally disagree.

I think that the equality comes in when women have a choice to wear head coverings or not. Banning religious head wear takes away rights from practising Muslim women — that’s inequality.

Jari Qudrat


(That’s Quebec for you, but the electorate will have the final sa y in their next election)

Wake up, people

Poll shows three parties in virtual dead heat. The Ottawa Sun

When will Ontarians wake up that the Wynne Liberals, and its aider and abetter, the Horwath NDP, has this province on the path to financial ruin.

Both these parties are playing fast and loose with public sector and other unions to win their financial support while costing taxpayers billions.

This was evident when Wynne handed out $500 millions to teachers, after the teachers’ union poured $10k into her campaign to become Liberal leader. If we want to end up like Detroit, then keeping these two parties in control is a sure way to do just that.

Larry Comeau


(Welcome to the motor province is our new motto)

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