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Quarter-century in blink of an eye for the Ottawa Sun

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Can it really be 25 years?

How can that possibly be true?

But calendars don't lie, so as hard as it is to believe, the Sun has been in Ottawa for a quarter of century.

In the blink of an eye, the paper is now older than most of the journalists on hand for the start up!

And as one of a handful of Day Oners left at the paper, I've been part of it from the beginning.

It was back in the summer of 1988 when the Toronto Sun bought the Ottawa Sunday Herald.

(The Herald was a five-year-old weekly co-founded by Marc Charlebois, Ken Lehmann and CFRA's Lowell Green.)

Rumours of the purchase had been going on for months, heating up, then always dying down. For those of us who toiled away at the weekly on Catherine St., the rumours always fueled hope -- but little else.

That is, until one summer August day in 1988. The first I knew something was up was an early morning phone call waking my slumber.

It was Tim Naumetz from the Canadian Press, asking what I could tell him about the Sun buying the Herald.

That was easy, I knew nothing.

But it turned out, this time the rumours were actually based on fact -- with a grandiose news conference at a downtown hotel featuring none other than legendary journalism giant Doug Creighton on hand to make the announcement.

Hard to describe how the staffers at the tiny weekly felt. It was a life-changing moment -- a chance to have an actual career in journalism working for a daily newspaper.

At the time, the future of the Sunday Herald appeared shaky at best.

Reporters worried about being able to pay the bills. I gave up my apartment, moved back home -- and started looking for a new place to work. With my news clippings in hand, I made a trek to Toronto, hoping for a job at that city's cheeky Sun tabloid.

So the news the Sun was buying the beleaguered weekly seemed too good to be true.

We were being given a chance for a future in journalism, a future which included some incredibly renowned journalists -- Creighton, Peter Worthington, Hartley Steward, Les Payette to name just a few.

Along with that of course, was a marked increase in what was expected of us.

For sure, there were a few bumps along the road as we went from a small weekly to a daily.

And there were days when I wasn't sure I'd make the cut.

Frankly, Sun management clearly had those same concerns!

Back then, the days were long, we'd start in the morning and work at least a dozen hours before any of us would even consider leaving. The was no schedule. and no one cared. We worked seven days a week, and didn't think anything of it.

Back then, it appeared to be a small price to pay for the opportunity we were being offered -- a chance to make history -- an opportunity so few journalists are afforded -- to be part of the making a new daily newspaper

The first Sunday edition of the Ottawa Sun was published on Sept. 4, 1988 and the first daily edition appeared on Nov. 7, 1988.

The Sun always liked to party - and the night the first daily went to the presses was no exception.

There to celebrate was Creighton himself -- and frankly -- I always felt a bit nervous even being around him -- with a persona larger than life -- I feared what nonsense might come out of my mouth.

But Creighton, demonstrating why he was so loved, asked if I had a byline in the first paper, a real newsman with a loved of the printed word knew how important that would be.

Cheers, and happy birthday.

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